lock_sga引起的ksvcreate :process(m000) creation failed


process m000 died

ksvcreate :process(m000) creation failed

数据库版本为10.2.0.4 运行在64位的linux上.在metalink上查找相关的资料很少.之后用sysdba连进去操作的时候,发现已经不能正常操作,在征得同意的情况下,决定重启数据库.正常的shutdown immediate无法关闭,只有采用abort的方式(因为日志都在).在startup的时候报错:

ora-27102: out of memory linux-x86_64 error:12:cannot allocate memory


[oracle@pmiscs ~]$ ulimit -a | grep memory
max locked memory       (kbytes, -l) 64
max memory size         (kbytes, -m) unlimited
virtual memory          (kbytes, -v) unlimited

发现locked memory有限制,暂时用 ulimit -l unlimited,然后startup数据库能正常打开


在metalink上,有很多介绍这个的,如[ID 401077.1],[ID 577898.1]等,造成的原因是:

SGA_MAX_TARGET and SGA_TARGET cannot be used when LOCK_SGA is enabled or with huge pages on Linux.

The LOCK_SGA parameter, when set to TRUE, locks the entire SGA into physical memory. Therefore, this parameter cannot be used in conjunction with Automatic Memory Management or Automatic Shared Memory Management.

The "ulimit -l" parameter is not set to allow the amount of memory (sga size) being requested to be locked.


alter system set SGA_TARGET=0 scope=spfile;

You must then set values for the various SGA components manually :
Database buffer cache (default pool) : DB_CACHE_SIZE
Shared pool : SHARED_POOL_SIZE
Large pool : LARGE_POOL_SIZE
Java pool : JAVA_POOL_SIZE
Streams pool : STREAMS_POOL_SIZE


SQL> select * from v$sgainfo;

NAME                                  BYTES RES
-------------------------------- ---------- ---
Fixed SGA Size                      1266996 No
Redo Buffers                       15507456 No
Buffer Cache Size                 385875968 Yes
Shared Pool Size                  637534208 Yes
Large Pool Size                    33554432 Yes
Java Pool Size                     16777216 Yes
Streams Pool Size                         0 Yes
Granule Size                       16777216 No
Maximum SGA Size                 1090519040 No
Startup overhead in Shared Pool    67108864 No
Free SGA Memory Available                 0

11 rows selected.

而m000进程应该是awr的一个后台进程,估计是lock_sga锁定了内存之后,无法给m000这个分配内存了,所以报process(m000) creation failed.


posted @ 2012-09-06 14:27  纳兹波蛋  阅读(1363)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报