Custom Field Type Deployment

这两天在开发自定义的字段。在字段部署的时候,遇到了几个问题。后来在SharePoint SDK中找到十分简单扼要的Custom Field 的部署方法,先记录下来。

Custom field types are deployed at the server farm-level, using the Windows SharePoint Services Solution Deployment functionality.

The various pieces of a custom field type solution must be deployed to the following locations:

  • The field type class must be deployed as a strong-named assembly to the global assembly cache.
  • The field type definition XML file must be deployed to the same location as fldtypes.xml, the XML file that defines the base Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 field types:  

\program files\...\web server extensions\12\template\xml\

Each field type definition must be included in a file named fldtypes*.xml. For example, if you have a field type definition for a field type that defines a Social Security Number, you might name the XML file fldtypes_ssn.xml.

  • If you have specified a custom field editor user control for the field type, it must be deployed to the following location:

\program files\...\web server extensions\12\template\controltemplates\

在开发Custom Field Type的时候,Reflector是一个很好的工具,可以很方便的获得Assembly Information参数。

posted @ 2009-02-23 16:27  navyliu  阅读(234)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报