
struct BinFile{
    BYTE signature[7];     // = { 'B', '0', '0', '0', 'F', 'F', '\a' }
    DWORD   ImageStart
    DWORD   ImageLength
    Record  ImageRecords[RecordNum]

struct Record{
    DWORD address;
    DWORD length;
    DWORD chksum;

Offset   -----------
  0x00    | ImageStart   
  0x40    | Rom Signature { 0x43454345 }
  0x44    | Pointer to the ROMHDR for this Region
  0x???? | ROMHDR{
             | };

Chain file

    LPVOID  pvAddr;                 // address of the XIP
    DWORD   dwLength;               // the size of the XIP
    DWORD   dwMaxLength;            // the biggest it can grow to
    USHORT  usOrder;                // where to put into ROMChain_t
    USHORT  usFlags;                // flags/status of XIP
    DWORD   dwVersion;              // version info
    CHAR    szName[XIP_NAMELEN];    // Name of XIP, typically the bin file's name, w/o .bin
    DWORD   dwAlgoFlags;            // algorithm to use for signature verification
    DWORD   dwKeyLen;               // length of key in byPublicKey
    BYTE    byPublicKey[596];       // public key data

  Offset   --------------------------
  0x00    | DWORD Count;
  0x04    | XIPCHAIN_ENTRY[1]{
             | };
             | XIPCHAIN_ENTRY[2]{
             | };
             | ...

posted @ 2004-11-11 17:44  nasiry  阅读(4555)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报