【译】x86程序员手册37-第10章 初始化

Chapter 10 Initialization

10章 初始化


After a signal on the RESET pin, certain registers of the 80386 are set to predefined values. These values are adequate to enable execution of a bootstrap program, but additional initialization must be performed by software before all the features of the processor can be utilized.


10.1 Processor State After Reset 



The contents of EAX depend upon the results of the power-up self test. The self-test may be requested externally by assertion of BUSY# at the end of RESET. The EAX register holds zero if the 80386 passed the test. A nonzero value in EAX after self-test indicates that the particular 80386 unit is faulty. If the self-test is not requested, the contents of EAX after RESET is undefined.


DX holds a component identifier and revision number after RESET as Figure 10-1 illustrates. DH contains 3, which indicates an 80386 component. DL contains a unique identifier of the revision level.



Control register zero (CR0) contains the values shown in Figure 10-2 . The ET bit of CR0 is set if an 80387 is present in the configuration (according to the state of the ERROR# pin after RESET). If ET is reset, the configuration either contains an 80287 or does not contain a coprocessor. A software test is required to distinguish between these latter two possibilities.



The remaining registers and flags are set as follows:


   EFLAGS             =00000002H

   IP                 =0000FFF0H // 这里是BIOS开始的地方

   CS selector        =000H

   DS selector        =0000H

   ES selector        =0000H

   SS selector        =0000H

   FS selector        =0000H

   GS selector        =0000H


              base    =0

              limit   =03FFH 

All registers not mentioned above are undefined.


These settings imply that the processor begins in real-address mode with interrupts disabled.


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