
I'm broke.
May I borrow ten dollars? (能借给我10美元吗?)
Sorry, I'm broke. (对不起,我现在身无分文。)
I have no money.
I'm out of money.
I'm flat broke. (* 强调的说法。)

I have a lot of money on me now.
I brought a lot of money with me. (我带来了许多现金。)
I'm rich now. (我现在很有钱。)
I'm rolling in it.
I have lots of cash on me.

I can't afford to be lazy. (*afford“有钱,有时间,有力量”、“有富余”。)
I can't afford to be idle.
I don't have time to be lazy.
Are you free this weekend? (*free“有空,空闲”。)
Are you free this weekend? (这个周末你有空吗?)
Yes, I am. (嗯,有空。)
*回答no时,用“No, I have plans.”(不,我有安排。)
“No, I'm going skiing.” (不,我要去滑雪。)

Sorry, I'm tied up. [*be tied up“受(时间的)约束”]
Sorry, I have plans.
Sorry, I'm busy. (对不起,我很忙。)
I'm sorry, but I have other plans.
How about a rain check? [*rain check指“(比赛、活动等)因雨天改期再赛时作为入场券的原票票根”。由因雨天中止或延期比赛而发给观众“rain check”引申为被邀请者因故不能接受邀请,而邀请继续有效的意思,“以后方便的时间”、“下次还有机会”。]
Let's do it another time. (再找时间吧。)
Could we plan it for another day? (能找其他时间吧?)
Some other time. (再找其他时间吧。)

You decide when.
I'll leave it up to you. (全交给你了。)
It's your decision. (你定吧。)

It's a date. (*这句用于确认约会的日期和时间。)
It's a date. (就那天吧。)
Okay, see you then. (行,到时候见。)
Let's meet tomorrow at 7∶30. (明天7∶30见吧。)
It's a date. (那,到时候见吧。)
posted @ 2007-08-10 09:26  陋室  阅读(217)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报