
class db{

public $table=null;
public $pdo;
public $where=null; //where 条件
public $field=null; //要查询的条件

public function __construct()
$this->pdo=new PDO("mysql:host=;dbname=1611b","root","root");

public function fetch(){
return $this->pdo->query("select * from $this->table $this->where")->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);


public function table($table){
return $this;

public function where($where){
$str="where ";
foreach ($where as $k=>$v){
$str.=$k."="."'".$v."'". " and " ;
$this->where=rtrim($str," and ");
return $this;

public function insert($data){
foreach ($data as $key=>$value){
return $this->pdo->exec("insert into $this->table ($k) values ($str)");


public function delect($id){
foreach ($id as $k=>$v){
foreach ($v as $kk=>$vv){


$ids='where '.$str.' in '.'('.$str2.')';
return $this->pdo->exec("delete from $this->table $ids");

function update($res){
foreach ($res as $k=>$v){
return $this->pdo->exec("update $this->table set $str $this->where");

posted @ 2019-07-16 10:08  php毛宏历的博客  阅读(597)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报