ZOJ Problem Set–2201 No Brainer

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Zombies love to eat brains. Yum.


The first line contains a single integer n indicating the number of data sets.

The following n lines each represent a data set. Each data set will be formatted according to the following description:

A single data set consists of a line "X Y", where X is the number of brains the zombie eats and Y is the number of brains the zombie requires to stay alive.


For each data set, there will be exactly one line of output. This line will be "MMM BRAINS" if the number of brains the zombie eats is greater than or equal to the number of brains the zombie requires to stay alive. Otherwise, the line will be "NO BRAINS".

Sample Input

4 5
3 3
4 3

Sample Output


Source: South Central USA 2004

  1: #include<iostream>
  2: using namespace std;
  4: int main(void)
  5: {
  6:   int cases;cin>>cases;
  7:   while(cases--)
  8:   {
  9:     int X, Y;cin>>X>>Y;
 10:     if(X >= Y)
 11:       cout<<"MMM BRAINS"<<endl;
 12:     else
 13:       cout<<"NO BRAINS"<<endl;
 14:   }
 15:   return 0;
 16: }
posted @ 2012-05-17 10:00  Gavin Lipeng Ma  阅读(342)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报