AMO 对象模型
在SQL Server 2005中,Analysis Management Object(AMO)是一种全新的编程对象模型。开发人员可以使用AMO创建维度,立方体,分区等Analysis Services对象。本文主要介绍AMO的对象模型,对象模型中的类,以及类中的属性和方法。
[Quick Tips]
继SQL Server 2000之ADOMD后,AMO成为了SQL Server 2005的强大开发工具;AMO对象模型基于XML/A协议。XML/A是依据于XML协议的一个简单对象访问协议,主要用于客户端应用程序与Analysis Services进行数据交互。AMO使用XML/A与Analysis Services实现连接。AMO提交的所有操作命令都将转换成XML/A的格式。开发人员可以使用AMO自动地创建和处理Analysis Services对象模型。AMO也取代了在SQL Server 2000中使用的决策支持对象(DSO)。虽然在SQL Server 2005中同时支持DSO和AMO,但是微软已经明确表示,在SQL Server 2005的下一个版本中,将全面废弃DSO,SQL Server 2005中的DSO也仅仅是为了能够将SQL Server2000种的数据迁移到SQL Server 2005中。因此,如果你正在做一个托管或者非托管的应用程序,或者你想要使用Analysis Services 2005的新特性,那么你就应该毫不犹豫地使用AMO。
AMO提供了对Analysis Services 2005对象进行管理的完整的类库,AMO的所有的类位于Microsoft.Analysis命名空间下。下图是AMO对象模型的一个高层次的视图
l Is the main class in the AMO
l Exposes the server functionality of Analysis Services
l Contains a collection of Database objects
Property/Method |
Description |
Connected |
Checks the current connection state (whether it's open or closed) and returns a Boolean value of true or false |
Name |
Retrieves the Analysis Services name |
ConnectionString |
Retrieves the server connection information |
Connect() |
Connects to Analysis Services |
Disconnect() |
Disconnects from Analysis Services |
Add() |
Adds a database to Analysis Services |
Restore() |
Restores a database to Analysis Services from a backup |
Reconnect() |
Reconnects to Analysis Services |
The Database Class
l Provides the functionality of a Database in Analysis Services
l Contains a collection of DataSource , DataSourceView , Dimension , and Cube objects
Property/Method |
Description |
Name |
Retrieves the Database name |
Backup() |
Backs up a Database to a specific location |
Drop() |
Drops a Database |
Process() |
Processes a Database and all the objects contained in the Database |
Update() |
Saves the Database to Analysis Services |
Add() |
Adds a DataSource , DataSourceView , Dimension , or Cube object to the database |
The RelationalDataSource Class
l Represents the DataSource object in Analysis Services
l Inherits properties and methods from the DataSource class of the AMO
l Should be used instead of the DataSource class when creating a DataSource object
Property/Method |
Description |
ConnectionString |
Sets the data source information |
Update() |
Saves the DataSource object to Analysis Services |
The DataSourceView Class
l Represents the DataSourceView object in Analysis Services
Property/Method |
Description |
DataSourceID |
Associates a DataSource with the DataSourceView ; also retrieves the current DataSource associated with the DataSourceView |
Schema |
Assigns a table schema to the DataSourceView |
Update() |
Saves the DataSourceView to Analysis Services |
The Dimension Class
l Represents the Dimension object in Analysis Services
l Contains a collection of Attribute and Hierarchy objects
Property/Method |
Description |
Source |
Sets the Dimension 's source |
ProcessingMode |
Sets the processing mode of the Dimension ; possible values are Regular and LazyAggregation |
StorageMode |
Sets the storage mode of the Dimension ; possible values are ROLAP and MOLAP |
WriteEnabled |
Write-enables a Dimension |
Update() |
Saves a Dimension to Analysis Services |
Process() |
Processes a Dimension |
The Hierarchy Class
l Represents the Hierarchy object in Analysis Services
l Is associated with the Dimension
Property/Method |
Description |
Name |
Sets the name of the Hierarchy |
AllMemberName |
Sets the name of the AllMemberName in the Hierarchy |
Add() |
Adds a Level to the Hierarchy |
The Level Class
l Represents the Level object in Analysis Services
l Is associated with a Hierarchy
Property/Method |
Description |
Name |
Sets the name of the Level |
SourceAttribute |
Sets the source Attribute for the Level |
The DimensionAttribute Class
l Represents the Attribute object in Analysis Services
l Is used as the source for the Level in the Hierarchy , or as a MemberProperty in the Level
Property/Method |
Description |
KeyColumns |
Sets the key column for an Attribute |
NameColumn |
Sets the name column for an Attribute |
Usage |
Sets the Attribute usage. Possible Attribute values are Regular , Key , Parent , and Account |
DefaultMember |
Sets the DefaultMember in the Attribute |
Add() |
Adds a MemberProperty |
The AttributeRelationships Class
l Represents the MemberProperty object in Analysis Services
Property/Method |
Description |
Name |
Retrieves the MemberProperty name |
Visible |
Retrieves the visibility of the MemberProperty (whether it's visible to the browser/client application) |
AttributeID |
Retrieves the AttributeID that is used by the MemberProperty |
Parent |
Retrieves the Level that contains the MemberProperty |
The Cube Class
l Represents the Cube object in Analysis Services
l Contains a collection of MeasureGroup objects
Property/Method |
Description |
StorageMode |
Sets the default storage mode of the Cube ; possible values are ROLAP , HOLAP , and MOLAP |
ProcessingMode |
Sets the default processing mode of the Cube ; possible values are Regular and LazyAggregation |
Source |
Sets the source of the Cube |
Process() |
Processes the Cube and all objects contained in the Cube |
Add() |
Adds a MeasureGroup and MDX script into the Cube |
Update() |
Saves the Cube and all the objects contained in the Cube to Analysis Services |
The MeasureGroup Class
l Represents the MeasureGroup object in Analysis Services
l Contains a collection of Measure and Partition objects
Property/Method |
Description |
StorageMode |
Sets the storage mode of the MeasureGroup ; the storage mode can be ROLAP , HOLAP , or MOLAP |
Add() |
Adds a Dimension , a Measure , and a Partition into the MeasureGroup |
The Measure Class
l Represents the Measure object in Analysis Services
Property/Method |
Description |
Source |
Sets the Measure class's source |
FormatString |
Formats the Measure |
Visible |
Sets the visibility of the Measure ; if set to visible, the Cube browser and client application will be able to view the Measure |
DisplayFolder |
Creates a folder to group and categorize the Measure |
The Partition Class
l Represents the Partition object in Analysis Services
Property/Method |
Description |
Source |
Sets the source of the Partition |
ProcessingMode |
Defines the processing mode of the Partition ; possible values are Regular and LazyAggregation |
StorageMode |
Defines the Partition class's storage mode; the storage modes can be ROLAP , HOLAP , or MOLAP |
Slice |
Specifies the data slice or portion of data contained in the Partition ; is used when creating two or more Partition classes |