
Heap Sort:
Heapsort uses the property of Heaps to sort an array. The Heap data structure is an array object that can be viewed as a complete and balanced binary tree. Min (Max) Heap has a property that for every node other than the root, the value of the node is at least (at most) the value of its parent. Thus, the smallest (largest) element in a heap is stored at the root, and the subtrees rooted at a node contain larger (smaller) values than does the node itself.

堆排序 :

It starts with building a heap by inserting the elements entered by the user, in its place.
1. Increase the size of the heap as a value is inserted.
2. Insert the entered value in the last place.
3. Compare the inserted value with its parent, until it satisfies the heap property and then place it at its right position.

它开始于 通过插入由用户输入的元素,在其位置上构建一个堆。

1. heap[1] is the minimum element. So we remove heap[1]. Size of the heap is decreased.
2. Now heap[1] has to be filled. We put the last element in its place and see if it fits. If it does not fit, take minimum element among both its children and replaces parent with it.
3. Again see if the last element fits in that place.
Now once the heap is built remove the elements from top to bottom, while maintaining the heap property to obtain the sorted list of entered values.


Best case performance – when the input array is already sorted O(nlogn).
Worst case performance – when the input array is in reverse order O(nlogn).
Average case performance – O(nlogn)
It does not require any extra space for sorting, hence O(1) extra space.
It is not stable.

       最好情况下执行 - 当输入数组早已排序好O(nlogn);
       最坏情况下执行 - 当输入数组是倒序 O(nlogn);
       平均情况下执行 - O(nlogn);
       它不需要一个额外的空间来排序,因此 O(1)额外的空间;

posted @ 2014-09-25 16:42  卢灿  阅读(187)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报