
人要超然洒脱, 不是吗。

It seems to me that most people just live their lives without thinking. They are like
children. They let their desires lead them through the world, like donkeys with carrots
in front of their eyes. Of course, no one will admit this, but I believe it is true.

I can hear your argument already: "These people who childishly follow their simple
desires are really happy." Yes, that is true. And, of course, there are others who take
themselves very seriously and act as though whatever they do is very important in the
world. However, I think that the person who can recognize the selfishness in both of
these ways of life will be the happiest. This person can remain a little freer than the
others. And, there is always the comforting knowledge that he can leave this jail
whenever he wants.


posted on 2006-11-19 15:17  ivy  阅读(180)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报