
0. 简介



1. Reference

Introuction to Algorithms

2. MergeSort

void merge(int a[], int b[], const int left, const int middle,
           const int right) {
  int li, ri, i;

  li = left;
  ri = middle + 1;
  i = 0;

  while (li <= middle && ri <= right) {
    if (a[li] < a[ri])
      b[i++] = a[li++];
      b[i++] = a[ri++];

  while (li <= middle)
    b[i++] = a[li++];
  while (ri <= right)
    b[i++] = a[ri++];

void copy(int dst[], int dleft, int src[], int sleft, int sright) {
  memcpy(dst + dleft, src + sleft,
         sizeof(int) * (sright - sleft + 1));

void _merge_sort(int a[], int b[], const int left, const int right) {
  if (left >= right)

  int middle = (left + right) / 2;

  _merge_sort(a, b, left, middle);
  _merge_sort(a, b, middle + 1, right);

  merge(a, b, left, middle, right);
  copy(a, left, b, 0, right - left);

void merge_sort(int a[], const int size) {
  int *b = (int *)malloc(size * sizeof(int));

  _merge_sort(a, b, 0, size - 1);


3. More Efficient MergeSort

We can save some time by copy half when merge(). In merge(), we copy from
left to right, but in MergeKai() we can only copy from left to
middle. The merge() has NlgN duplications which the MergeKai() has
1/2 * NlgN duplications.

normal merge sort

                         normal merge sort

efficient merge sort

                      more efficient merge sort

Just as the previous example, the efficient merge sort does not need to copy
1, 3, 7, 8 to the assit array.

// Merge the two list in [left, mid], and (mid, right]. Then, write
// the result to [left, right]
static void MergeKai(int a[], int assist[], const int left,
                     const int mid, const int right) {
  int l = left;
  int r = mid + 1;
  int assist_index = 0;

  // Copy [left, mid] to assit[0, mid - left]
  memcpy(assist, a + left, (mid - left + 1) * sizeof(int));

  while (assist_index <= mid - left && r <= right) {
    if (assist[assist_index] <= a[r]) {
      a[l++] = assist[assist_index++];
    } else if (assist[assist_index] > a[r]) {
      a[l++] = a[r++];

  while (assist_index <= mid - left) {
    a[l++] = assist[assist_index++];

  while (r <= right) {
    a[l++] = a[r++];

static void MergeSortKaiImpl(int a[], int assist[], const int left,
                             const int right) {
  if (left >= right) {
  const int mid = (left + right) / 2;

  MergeSortKaiImpl(a, assist, left, mid);
  MergeSortKaiImpl(a, assist, mid + 1, right);

  MergeKai(a, assist, left, mid, right);

void MergeSortKai(int a[], const int size) {
  int* assist= (int *)malloc(size * sizeof(int));

  MergeSortKaiImpl(a, assist, 0, size - 1);


4. Experiments




It takes 1524.61 ms to generate arrays: 1000000 * 20

            Sort Function      Total Run Time          Array Size
   merge_sort_iteratively            826 ms            1000000 * 20
               merge_sort            840 ms            1000000 * 20
  MergeSortIterativelyKai            826 ms            1000000 * 20
             MergeSortKai            809 ms            1000000 * 20

It takes 15028.2 ms to generate arrays: 10000000 * 20

            Sort Function      Total Run Time          Array Size
   merge_sort_iteratively           8717 ms           10000000 * 20
               merge_sort           8820 ms           10000000 * 20
  MergeSortIterativelyKai           8425 ms           10000000 * 20
             MergeSortKai           8389 ms           10000000 * 20

It takes 1929.31 ms to generate arrays: 100000 * 200

            Sort Function      Total Run Time          Array Size
   merge_sort_iteratively           1245 ms             100000 * 200
               merge_sort           1347 ms             100000 * 200
  MergeSortIterativelyKai           1246 ms             100000 * 200
             MergeSortKai           1275 ms             100000 * 200
posted @ 2016-12-05 22:45  loverszhaokai  阅读(1343)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报