
  故障系统有人提了zip炸弹的故障,了解了一些关于zip炸弹的常识。 是很有名的zip炸弹。一个42KB的文件,解压完其实是个4.5PB的“炸弹”。

       更有甚者,一个叫做 的大小为 28 KB 的文件,一旦被打开了以后,就会无限解压缩生成一份同样的文件,直到永远。





    How can I protect myself from a zip bomb?


        1. a robust solution is to stream the data out, and stop when you have had enough. In Java, use ZipInputStream rather than ZipFile. The latter also requires you to store the data in a temporary file, which is also not the greatest of ideas.


       2.Deny any compressed files that contain compressed files. Use ZipFile.entries() to retrieve a list of files, then ZipEntry.getName() to find the file extension.





posted on 2019-11-11 22:14  lnlvinso  阅读(10062)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报