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pauseable 库


Pauseable allows you to pause event emitters, timeouts, and intervals. It can group multiple of these pauseable objects and pause entire groups.


Using pauseable with EventEmitter

const pauseable require('pauseable');
const EventEmitter require('events').EventEmitter;
var ee new EventEmitter();
ee.on('foo'(=> ... });
// ...later
// this event will not be immediately fired
// instead, it will be buffered
// ...much later
// the 'foo' event will be fired at this point


Comes with pauseable setTimeout and setInterval too

var timeout pauseable.setTimeout((=> {
  // this will take 8 seconds total to execute
  // not 5
// pause timeout after 2 secs
setTimeout((=> {
  timeout.isPaused()// true
  // resume after 3
  setTimeout((=> {

The function and ms arguments are interchangeable. Use whichever way you prefer!

var interval pauseable.setInterval(5000(=> {
  // this is called after 5 seconds
  // then paused for 2 seconds


Javascript is event based by nature. When developing large scale applications that are completely event based, it becomes complicated to pause the streaming of events, because Javascript never "sleeps". It becomes even more complicated to pause timeouts and intervals, having to keep track of when they were paused so they can be resumed with the correct time again.

That's where this module comes in. Pauseable helps manage pausing and resuming your application or part of it. It works with EventEmitter, with setInterval and setTimeout.



1、 页面游戏, 例如花朵和僵尸, 可以使用魔法将僵尸定住一段时间, 时间到后僵尸继续行动。

2、 XX功能关闭, 对于XX功能是由事件监听驱动的, 可以使用这个功能临时关闭掉, 需要的时候再打开。


posted @ 2019-05-09 23:24  lightsong  阅读(338)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
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