
 public List<IosPersonInfoBO> queryCorpLists(IosPersonInfoBO object,
   List<String> depIdList, boolean loadext) throws Exception {
  Session session = super.getSession();

  List<IosPersonInfoBO> objectBOList = new ArrayList();
  // 初始化一个查询总记录SQL语句的字符串
  StringBuffer queryAcountString = new StringBuffer(
    "select count(ipi.Oid)");
  // 初始化一个查询的SQL语句的字符串
  StringBuffer queryString = new StringBuffer(
    "select {ipi.*},{ipie.*},{idi.*}");
  // 判断是否是买家还是卖家
    .append(" from ios_person_info ipi "
      + " left join ios_person_info_ext ipie on ipi.oid = ipie.user_id "
      + " left join ios_dept_info idi on  ipi.int_deptid = idi.int_dept_id "
      + " where ipi.stop_flag = 0 ");

    .append(" from ios_person_info ipi "
      + " left join ios_person_info_ext ipie on ipi.oid = ipie.user_id "
      + " left join ios_dept_info idi on  ipi.int_deptid = idi.int_dept_id "
      + " where ipi.stop_flag = 0 ");
  // 根据loadext选用不同的查询条件
  if (loadext) {
   // 判断部门列表是否为空
   if (depIdList != null && depIdList.size() > 0) {
    queryAcountString = queryAcountString.append(" and ( ");
    queryString = queryString.append(" and ( ");
    for (int i = 1; i < depIdList.size(); i++) {
     queryAcountString = queryAcountString
       .append(" ipi.int_deptid = ? or");
     queryString = queryString.append(" ipi.int_deptid = ? or");
    queryAcountString = queryAcountString
      .append(" ipi.int_deptid = ? )");
    queryString = queryString.append(" ipi.int_deptid = ? )");
   } else {
    // 部门ID是否为空
    if (object.getIntDeptid() != null
      && !object.getIntDeptid().equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
     queryAcountString = queryAcountString
       .append(" and ipi.int_deptid = ? ");
     queryString = queryString
       .append(" and ipi.int_deptid = ? ");
  } else {
   // 部门ID是否为空
   if (object.getIntDeptid() != null
     && !object.getIntDeptid().equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
    queryAcountString = queryAcountString
      .append(" and ipi.int_deptid = ? ");
    queryString = queryString.append(" and ipi.int_deptid = ? ");
  // oid是否为空
  if (object.getOid() != null && !object.getOid().equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
   queryAcountString = queryAcountString.append(" and ipi.oid = ?");
   queryString = queryString.append(" and ipi.oid = ?");
  // 姓名是否为空
  if (object.getUserName() != null
    && !object.getUserName().equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
   queryAcountString = queryAcountString
     .append(" and ipi.user_name like ?");
   queryString = queryString.append(" and ipi.user_name like ?");
  // 登陆ID是否为空
  if (object.getStrLoginId() != null
    && !object.getStrLoginId().equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
   queryAcountString = queryAcountString
     .append(" and ipi.str_login_id = ?");
   queryString = queryString.append(" and ipi.str_login_id = ?");
  // 集团ID是否为空
  if (object.getGroupId() != null
    && !object.getGroupId().equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
   queryAcountString = queryAcountString
     .append(" and ipi.group_id = ?");
   queryString = queryString.append(" and ipi.group_id = ?");

  // 职务是否为空
  if (object.getHeadship() != null
    && !object.getHeadship().equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
   queryAcountString = queryAcountString
     .append(" and ipi.headship like ?");
   queryString = queryString.append(" and ipi.headship like ?");
  // 判断userNo是否为空
  if (object.getUserNo() != null
    && !object.getUserNo().equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
   queryAcountString = queryAcountString
     .append(" and ipi.user_no like ?");
   queryString = queryString.append(" and ipi.user_no like ?");
  // 首选呼叫号码是否为空
  if (object.getExtBo().getPrimaryCallPhone() != null
    && !object.getExtBo().getPrimaryCallPhone()
      .equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
   queryAcountString = queryAcountString
     .append(" and ipie.primary_call_phone like ?");
   queryString = queryString
     .append(" and ipie.primary_call_phone like ?");
  // 首选短信号码是否为空
  if (object.getExtBo().getPrimarySmPhone() != null
    && !object.getExtBo().getPrimarySmPhone().equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
   queryAcountString = queryAcountString
     .append(" and ipie.primary_sm_phone = ?");
   queryString = queryString.append(" and ipie.primary_sm_phone = ?");
  // 生日当天自动发送生日祝福
  if (object.getExtBo().getBirthdayCongraduationYn() != null
    && !object.getExtBo().getBirthdayCongraduationYn()
      .equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
   queryAcountString = queryAcountString
     .append(" and ipie.birthday_congraduation_yn = ?");
   queryString = queryString
     .append(" and ipie.birthday_congraduation_yn = ?");
  // 启用生日提醒是否为空
  if (object.getExtBo().getBirthdayHintValid() != null
    && !object.getExtBo().getBirthdayHintValid().equalsIgnoreCase(
      "")) {
   queryAcountString = queryAcountString
     .append(" and ipie.birthday_hint_valid = ?");
   queryString = queryString
     .append(" and ipie.birthday_hint_valid = ?");
  // 模糊查询是否为空
  if (object.getIllegibilityQuery() != null
    && !object.getIllegibilityQuery().equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
   queryAcountString = queryAcountString
     .append(" and ( ipi.email like ? or ipi.fax like ? or "
       + " ipi.employee_no like ? or ipi.user_name like ? or "
       + " ipie.OFFICIAL_PHONE like ? or ipie.HOME_PHONE like ? or "
       + " ipie.MOBILE like ? or ipie.XIAO_LING_TONG like ? or "
       + " ipie.qq like ? or ipie.msn like ?) ");
   queryString = queryString
     .append(" and ( ipi.email like ? or ipi.fax like ? or "
       + " ipi.employee_no like ? or ipi.user_name like ? or "
       + " ipie.OFFICIAL_PHONE like ? or ipie.HOME_PHONE like ? or "
       + " ipie.MOBILE like ? or ipie.XIAO_LING_TONG like ? or "
       + " ipie.qq like ? or ipie.msn like ?) ");
  // 生日日期(无年份的)是否为空
  if (object.getBirthdayWithoutYear() != null
    && !object.getBirthdayWithoutYear().equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
   queryAcountString = queryAcountString
     .append(" and to_char(ipi.BIRTHDAY,'mm-dd') like ?");
   queryString = queryString
     .append(" and to_char(ipi.BIRTHDAY,'mm-dd') like ?");

  queryAcountString = queryAcountString
    .append(" order by idi.dep_id_sort_list , ipi.user_name ");
  queryString = queryString
    .append(" order by idi.dep_id_sort_list , ipi.user_name ");
  Logger.getRootLogger().info("queryString:" + queryString.toString());

  // 将queryAcountString中的属性放入Query集中
  SQLQuery qCount = session.createSQLQuery(queryAcountString.toString());

  // 将queryString中的属性放入Query集中
  SQLQuery q = session.createSQLQuery(queryString.toString());
  int m = 0;
  int n = 0;

  // 根据loadext选用不同的查询条件
  if (loadext) {
   // 判断部门列表是否为空
   if (depIdList != null && depIdList.size() > 0) {
    for (int j = 0; j < depIdList.size(); j++) {
     q.setString(m++, (String) depIdList.get(j));
     qCount.setString(n++, (String) depIdList.get(j));
   } else {
    // 判部门ID是否为空,否则分别给queryAcountString和queryString中判断条件赋值
    if (object.getIntDeptid() != null
      && !object.getIntDeptid().equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
     q.setString(m++, object.getIntDeptid());
     qCount.setString(n++, object.getIntDeptid());
  } else {
   // 判部门ID是否为空,否则分别给queryAcountString和queryString中判断条件赋值
   if (object.getIntDeptid() != null
     && !object.getIntDeptid().equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
    q.setString(m++, object.getIntDeptid());
    qCount.setString(n++, object.getIntDeptid());
  // 判断oid是否为空,否则给查询属性赋值
  if (object.getOid() != null && !object.getOid().equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
   qCount.setString(m++, object.getOid());
   q.setString(n++, object.getOid());
  // 判断姓名是否为空,否则分别给queryAcountString和queryString中判断条件赋值
  if (object.getUserName() != null
    && !object.getUserName().equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
   q.setString(m++, "%" + object.getUserName() + "%");
   qCount.setString(n++, "%" + object.getUserName() + "%");
  // 判断登陆ID是否为空,否则分别给queryAcountString和queryString中判断条件赋值
  if (object.getStrLoginId() != null
    && !object.getStrLoginId().equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
   q.setString(m++, object.getStrLoginId());
   qCount.setString(n++, object.getStrLoginId());
  // 判断集团ID是否为空,否则分别给queryAcountString和queryString中判断条件赋值
  if (object.getGroupId() != null
    && !object.getGroupId().equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
   q.setString(m++, object.getGroupId());
   qCount.setString(n++, object.getGroupId());

  // 判断职务是否为空,否则分别给queryAcountString和queryString中判断条件赋值
  if (object.getHeadship() != null
    && !object.getHeadship().equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
   q.setString(m++, "%" + object.getHeadship() + "%");
   qCount.setString(n++, "%" + object.getHeadship() + "%");
  // 判断userNo是否为空
  if (object.getUserNo() != null
    && !object.getUserNo().equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
   q.setString(m++, "%" + object.getUserNo() + "%");
   qCount.setString(n++, "%" + object.getUserNo() + "%");
  // 判断首选呼叫号码是否为空,否则分别给queryAcountString和queryString中判断条件赋值
  if (object.getExtBo().getPrimaryCallPhone() != null
    && !object.getExtBo().getPrimaryCallPhone()
      .equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
   q.setString(m++, "%" + object.getExtBo().getPrimaryCallPhone()
     + "%");
   qCount.setString(n++, "%" + object.getExtBo().getPrimaryCallPhone()
     + "%");
  // 判断首选短信号码是否为空,否则分别给queryAcountString和queryString中判断条件赋值
  if (object.getExtBo().getPrimarySmPhone() != null
    && !object.getExtBo().getPrimarySmPhone().equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
   q.setString(m++, object.getExtBo().getPrimarySmPhone());
   qCount.setString(n++, object.getExtBo().getPrimarySmPhone());
  // 生日当天自动发送生日祝福
  if (object.getExtBo().getBirthdayCongraduationYn() != null
    && !object.getExtBo().getBirthdayCongraduationYn()
      .equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
   q.setString(m++, object.getExtBo().getBirthdayCongraduationYn());
   qCount.setString(n++, object.getExtBo()
  // 启用生日提醒是否为空
  if (object.getExtBo().getBirthdayHintValid() != null
    && !object.getExtBo().getBirthdayHintValid().equalsIgnoreCase(
      "")) {
   q.setString(m++, object.getExtBo().getBirthdayHintValid());
   qCount.setString(n++, object.getExtBo().getBirthdayHintValid());
  // 判断模糊查询是否为空,否则分别给queryAcountString和queryString中判断条件赋值
  if (object.getIllegibilityQuery() != null
    && !object.getIllegibilityQuery().equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
   for (int k = 0; k < 10; k++) {
    q.setString(m++, "%" + object.getIllegibilityQuery() + "%");
      .setString(n++, "%" + object.getIllegibilityQuery()
        + "%");
  // 判断生日日期(无年份的)是否为空,否则分别给queryAcountString和queryString中判断条件赋值
  if (object.getBirthdayWithoutYear() != null
    && !object.getBirthdayWithoutYear().equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
   q.setString(m++, "%" + object.getBirthdayWithoutYear() + "%");
   qCount.setString(n++, "%" + object.getBirthdayWithoutYear() + "%");

  // 是否需要分页
  if (object.getPageFlag() == null || "".equals(object.getPageFlag())) {
   // 设置记录总数
     ((java.math.BigDecimal) (qCount.list().iterator().next()))

   // 设置页面第一行记录
   q.setFirstResult((object.getPageData().getPageNum() - 1)
     * object.getPageData().getPageSize());

   // 设置每页记录的最大数

  q.addEntity("ipi", IosPersonInfo.class);
  q.addEntity("ipie", IosPersonInfoExt.class);
  q.addEntity("idi", IosDeptInfo.class);

  // 存放q里的记录
  List<Object[]> objectList = q.list();

  IosPersonInfoBO iosPersonInfoBO;

  IosPersonInfoExtBO iosPersonInfoExtBO;

  Iterator iter = objectList.iterator();

  // 遍历列表,将列表中的属性赋给EpsOrderBO对象
  while (iter.hasNext()) {
   iosPersonInfoBO = new IosPersonInfoBO();
   iosPersonInfoExtBO = new IosPersonInfoExtBO();
   Object[] o = (Object[]) iter.next();

   IosPersonInfo iosPersonInfo = (IosPersonInfo) o[0];
   IosPersonInfoExt iosPersonInfoExt = (IosPersonInfoExt) o[1];
   IosDeptInfo iosDeptInfo = (IosDeptInfo) o[2];

   // 将iosPersonInfo转化为iosPersonInfoBO
   IosPersonInfoHelper personHelp = new IosPersonInfoHelper();
   iosPersonInfoBO = personHelp.wrapPersonInfoMtoB(iosPersonInfo);
   if (iosPersonInfoExt != null) {
    IosPersonInfoExtHelper extHelp = new IosPersonInfoExtHelper();
    iosPersonInfoExtBO = extHelp
   if (iosDeptInfo != null) {
  return objectBOList;

posted @ 2009-12-18 16:55  饺子吃遍天  阅读(107)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报