经典网页设计:20个与众不同的 Flash 网站设计作品

  如果你正在为你的 Flash 网站设计项目寻找灵感和新思路,那么这篇文章推荐的20个非常有创意的 Flash 网站设计作品相信能帮助到你。Flash 网站页面美观,互动性强,可以声形并茂,实现普通的 HTML 网站不能制造出的质感和动作,特别是动态的视觉特果,能给人以震撼视听的效应。一起欣赏这些非常有创意的 Flash 网页设计作品。



01. The Crex


20 Fresh and Innovative Flash Website Designs


02. Tetra Pack


20 Fresh and Innovative Flash Website Designs


03. Kanslobarometern


20 Fresh and Innovative Flash Website Designs


04. Florenseverde


20 Fresh and Innovative Flash Website Designs



05. I Drive Future


20 Fresh and Innovative Flash Website Designs


06. Versailles 3D


20 Fresh and Innovative Flash Website Designs


07. Dell


20 Fresh and Innovative Flash Website Designs


08. Honda CRV


20 Fresh and Innovative Flash Website Designs


09. Amarok


20 Fresh and Innovative Flash Website Designs


10. Megane Renault


20 Fresh and Innovative Flash Website Designs


11. Nissan


20 Fresh and Innovative Flash Website Designs


12. Pleasure Hunt


20 Fresh and Innovative Flash Website Designs


13. The Cabin in the Woods


20 Fresh and Innovative Flash Website Designs


14. Ubisoft


20 Fresh and Innovative Flash Website Designs


15. Work Connect us all


20 Fresh and Innovative Flash Website Designs


16. Povesteak Inder Surprise


20 Fresh and Innovative Flash Website Designs


17. Opel


20 Fresh and Innovative Flash Website Designs


18. Tilla Mook


20 Fresh and Innovative Flash Website Designs


19. Gt3 Creative


20 Fresh and Innovative Flash Website Designs


20. My Provence






英文来源:20 Fresh and Innovative Flash Website Designs

编译来源:梦想天空 ◆ 关注前端开发技术 ◆ 分享网页设计资源


posted @ 2012-10-18 08:56  梦想天空(山边小溪)  阅读(5854)  评论(7编辑  收藏  举报