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Wing IDE Pro v. 4.1.9-1 Python - Wingware Python IDE

Python must be installed separately, if you don't already have it.
Python  1.5.2     Python 1.5.2 installers and documentation

Python  2.0     Python 2.0 installers and documentation

Python  2.1     Python 2.1 installers and documentation

Python  2.2     Python 2.2 installers and documentation

Python  2.4     Python 2.4 installers and documentation

Python  2.3     Python 2.3 installers and documentation

Python  2.5     Python 2.5 installers and documentation

Python  2.6     Python 2.6 installers and documentation

Python  2.7     Python 2.7 installers and documentation

Python  3.0     Python 3.0 installers and documentation

Python  3.1     Python 3.1 installers and documentation

Python  3.2     Python 3.2 installers and documentation

Python  3.3     Python 3.3 installers and documentation
posted on 2012-11-20 23:24  lexus  阅读(231)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报