【转】10 Awesome free site validation tools



  One of my client insisted that he stick to the the theme he was using, while I was keen on changing it. The reason – though the site is a delight to the eyes, it was miserable in terms of SEO and other standards. I had a bad time convincing him why he should change his theme. And some tools helped to show him that the theme which was close to his heart is not actually helping him but hurting all the while. So I thought I’d share the tool with you. Here are the most reliable, valid and sensible online site validation tools available. Hope it helps you.


- Dr. Watson’s site validation check
Dr. Watson is a free service to analyze your web page on the Internet. Just give the URL of your page and Watson will get a copy of it directly from the web server. Watson can also check out many other aspects of your site, including link validity, download speed, search engine compatibility, and link popularity. It rolls many features into one, so if you are looking for a single stop for checks, this one is the place to be.

Checks done on -

  1. Page load time check – Yes
  2. Syntax and style analysis – Yes
  3. Word counts – Yes
  4. Spelling checks – Yes
  5. Link checking -Yes
  6. Search Engine Optimization check – Yes
  7. Incoming links check – Yes
  8. Source code -Yes

- W3C Markup validation Service
Checks the entire markup, HTML/XHTML etc for syntax errors and suggest corrections. It comes from the big daddy W#C group, so this is going to be ruthless! (I found 206 errors on DailySEOblog while Problogger.net had 265 erorrs, so you can imagine..) This is an exclusive standards check for the document, so other checks are not available.

Checks done on -

  1. Syntax and style analysis – Yes
  2. Source code -Yes

- SEO Consultants Validator
This is a HTML/XHTML/CSS validator tool. It checks if there are errors, suggests the changes with reference to the exact line number in the code and provides satisfactory results.

Checks done on -

  1. Syntax and style analysis – Yes
  2. Source code -Yes

- XML Validation checker
This tool checks if your XML file is well formed and valid. It checks for spaces and syntax errors, while pointing to the line number at which the error was spotted.

- Robots.txt checker
This tool checks if your Robots.txt file is valid. Thought it may show some exclusions you’ve done as errors, they are good pointers to check if the commands will be misinterpreted or not. Good one!

- Page load time checker (around the world)
This is a sleek tool which checks your sites page load time as from different parts of the world. This test based on the fact that Internet connections are at different speeds around the world. It shows the file size dealt with at the respective places and the time taken to load the pages. Interesting one!

- All in One website validation check
This website does not check all the factors on site validation but provides you links to the appropriate sites where the check can be done. Includes tool such as XML/HTML validity, CSS, Links and structure validity.

- RSS Feed validator
This tool helps you to check if your RSS feed validates against the standards and throws up warnings at places where necessary.

- General Conformance check
Checks your site for all the general standards and see if there are rooms to improvement. It checks for the XHTML and CSS compatibility.

- Quality and Accessibility check
This is an awesome tool that checks your pages for accessibility, metadata, page content, links, browser compatibility issues, search and navigation issues and a check on W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. It gives you very detailed error details and suggestions which you will not be happy about :) This is an awesome one!

posted on 2010-02-22 16:00  Leon_2007  阅读(318)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
