Find Navigation of Page from Component Name in PeopleSoft Portal

Many times we came across situation where we have Page name but we dont know the navigation for this page in Portal.

Following SQL makes the job easy for us.
Execute the following SQL in Database.

SELECT REPLACE(navigation,'',' > ') "PIA Navigation"
, url
, portal_objname
, portal_prntobjname
, portal_uri_seg3
FROM (SELECT SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH (a.portal_label,'>>') navigation
, '/EMPLOYEE/ERP/c/' || a.portal_uri_seg1 || '.' || a.portal_uri_seg2 || '.' || a.portal_uri_seg3 url
,  a.portal_uri_seg1  MENU_NAME
, a.portal_uri_seg2  COMPONENT_NAME
, a.portal_objname   portal_objname
, a.portal_prntobjname  portal_prntobjname
, a.portal_uri_seg3 portal_uri_seg3
, a.portal_reftype portal_reftype
,a.portal_label portal_label
, a.portal_label
, a.portal_objname
, a.portal_prntobjname
, a.portal_uri_seg1
, a.portal_uri_seg2
, a.portal_uri_seg3
, a.portal_reftype
FROM psprsmdefn a
WHERE portal_name = 'EMPLOYEE'
AND portal_objname <> portal_prntobjname
FROM psprsmsysattrvl
WHERE portal_name = a.portal_name
AND portal_reftype = a.portal_reftype
AND portal_objname = a.portal_objname
AND portal_attr_nam = 'PORTAL_HIDE_FROM_NAV'
WHERE portal_uri_seg2 LIKE '%COMP_NAME%'
START WITH a.portal_prntobjname = 'PORTAL_ROOT_OBJECT'
CONNECT BY PRIOR a.portal_objname = a.portal_prntobjname)
WHERE navigation NOT LIKE '%Navigation Collections%'

Where as "COMP_NAME" is component name of page which you are looking for.


posted @ 2012-03-01 13:26  lei1016cn  阅读(350)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报