


What I've Done From LinkinPark


*注释 人文精神:欧洲文艺复兴时期新兴资产阶级反封建的社会思潮。资产阶级人道主义    的最初形式。它肯定人性和人的价值,要求享受人世的欢乐,要求人的个性解放和自由平等,推崇人的感性经验和理性思维。


In this farewell,  
there's no blood,  
there's no alibi.  
Cause I've drawn regret,  
from the truth,  
of a thousand lies.  
So let mercy come,  
and wash away...  

What I've done,  
I'll face myself,  
To cross out  
What I've become,  
Erase myself,  
And let go of  
What I've done.  

Put to rest,  
what you thought of me.  
While I clean this slate,  
with the hands of uncertainty  
So let mercy come,  
and wash away...  

What I've done,  
I'll face myself,  
To cross out  
What I've become,  
Erase myself,  
And let go of  
What I've done.  

For what I've done,  
I start again.  
And whatever pain may come,  
Today this ends,  
I'm forgiving...  

What I've done,  
I'll face myself,  
To cross out  
What I've become,  
Erase myself,  
And let go of  
What I've done.  

What I've done,  
Forgiving what I've done  

posted on 2007-04-22 13:54  komazhang  阅读(292)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报