

  1 #coding=utf-8
  2 import urllib
  3 import re
  4 import json
  5 import time
  7 # 记录签到情况的set
  8 check = set()
 10 # 日期
 11 class Date:
 12     year = 0
 13     month = 0
 14     day = 0
 15     hour = 0
 16     minute = 0
 17     second = 0
 18     def __init__(self, year, month, day, hour, minute, second, cflag):
 19         # 处理本地与服务器所在地的时差问题 +8h
 20         if cflag == 1:
 21             common = [0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]
 22             leap = [0, 31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]
 23             hour += 8
 24             if hour > 24:
 25                 hour -= 24
 26                 day += 1
 27                 if year % 400 == 0 or (year % 4 == 0 and year % 100 != 0):
 28                     if day > leap[month]:
 29                         day -= leap[month]
 30                         month += 1
 31                 else:
 32                     if day > common[month]:
 33                         day -= common[month]
 34                         month += 1
 35                 if month > 12:
 36                     year += 1
 37                     month -= 12
 38         self.year = year
 39         self.month = month
 40         self.day = day
 41         self.hour = hour
 42         self.minute = minute
 43         self.second = second
 46 # 存储用户信息
 47 class User:
 48     name = ''
 49     date = Date(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
 50     def __init__(self, name, date):
 51         self.name = name
 52         self.date = date
 54 # GitHub Api URL
 55 gitHubCommitsApi = 'https://api.github.com/repos/aplusb/Let-the-bass-kick/commits'
 57 # 获取json
 58 def getJson(url):
 59     page = urllib.urlopen(url)
 60     html = page.read()
 61     return html
 63 # 保存json, commits.json
 64 def saveJSON(html, fileNeme):
 65     fileWrite = open(fileNeme, 'w')
 66     fileWrite.write(html)
 67     fileWrite.close()
 69 # 处理json
 70 def processJSON(commits):
 71     users = []
 72     pr = json.loads(commits)
 73     for each in pr:
 74         name = each["commit"]["author"]["name"]
 75         date = each["commit"]["author"]["date"]
 76         yy = int(date[:4])
 77         mm = int(date[5:7])
 78         dd = int(date[8:10])
 79         hh = int(date[11:13])
 80         mi = int(date[14:16])
 81         ss = int(date[17:19])
 82         users.append(User(name, Date(yy, mm, dd, hh, mi, ss, 1)))
 83     return users
 85 # 获取当天信息
 86 def getToday():
 87     ISOTIMEFORMAT = '%Y-%m-%dT%XZ'
 88     curDate = time.strftime(ISOTIMEFORMAT, time.localtime())
 89     yy = int(curDate[:4])
 90     mm = int(curDate[5:7])
 91     dd = int(curDate[8:10])
 92     hh = int(curDate[11:13])
 93     mi = int(curDate[14:16])
 94     ss = int(curDate[17:19])
 95     return Date(yy, mm, dd, hh, mi, ss, 0)
 97 # 统计当天的commit情况
 98 def checkTimes(users):
 99     today = getToday()
100     for each in users:
101         if  today.year == each.date.year and today.month == each.date.month and today.day == each.date.day:
102             check.add(each.name)
104 # 展示当天签到情况
105 def show(users, check):
106     for each in users:
107         print '%-20s %s-%s-%s %s:%s:%s' % (each.name, str(each.date.year).zfill(4),
108                                            str(each.date.month).zfill(2), str(each.date.day).zfill(2),
109                                            str(each.date.hour).zfill(2), str(each.date.minute).zfill(2),
110                                            str(each.date.second).zfill(2))
111     print '----------------------Today checked----------------------'
112     for each in check:
113         print '%s' % each
115 # 读取之前的签到情况
116 def readStatus():
117     fileRead = open('checked.txt', 'r')
118     ISOTIMEFORMAT = '%Y-%m-%dT%XZ'
119     today = time.strftime(ISOTIMEFORMAT, time.localtime())
120     curDate = fileRead.readline()
121     done = 0
122     # 初始化新文件
123     if curDate == '':
124         return
125     # 判断是不是today保存过的签到情况,如果是则读取信息
126     if int(curDate[:4]) == int(today[:4]) and int(curDate[5:7]) == int(today[5:7]) and int(curDate[8:10]) == int(today[8:10]):
127         while not done:
128             entry = fileRead.readline()
129             # 去空行
130             entry = entry.strip('\n')
131             if entry != '':
132                 check.add(entry)
133             else:
134                 done = 1
135     fileRead.close()    
137 # 保存统计结果
138 def saveStatus():
139     fileWrite = open('checked.txt', 'w')
140     # 打时间戳
141     ISOTIMEFORMAT = '%Y-%m-%dT%XZ'
142     today = time.strftime(ISOTIMEFORMAT, time.localtime())
143     fileWrite.write(today)
144     fileWrite.write('\n')
145     # 保存信息
146     for each in check:
147         fileWrite.write(each)
148         fileWrite.write('\n')
149     fileWrite.close()
152 # 保存当前仍未签到的ID
154 def __main__():
155     commits = getJson(gitHubCommitsApi)
156     fileName = 'commits.json'
157     readStatus()
158     saveJSON(commits, fileName)
159     users = processJSON(commits)
160     checkTimes(users)
161     saveStatus()
162     show(users, check)
165 __main__()


posted @ 2016-05-07 20:08  Kirai  阅读(247)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报