Firefox 浏览器必备扩展

火狐浏览器(Mozilla Firefox)是一个自由的,开放源码的浏览器。火狐浏览器(Firefox)使用开放源代码的网页排版引擎 Gecko,Gecko 能够让浏览器尽可能按标准来显示网页内容。火狐浏览器(Firefox)适用于 Windows,Linux 和 MacOS X 平台。火狐浏览器(Firefox)采取了小而精的核心,并允许用户根据个人需要去添加各种扩展插件来完成更多的,更个性化的功能。

Firefox 在英文俗语里指的是“红熊猫”,但开发小组却采用将“Fire”和“fox”分开来直译蕴意,把吉祥物及官方图标都设计为火红的小狐狸。


  • uBlock Origin :广告过滤。一款高效的网络请求过滤工具,占用极低的内存和 CPU。
  • AdBlocker Ultimate :Free and improved ad blocker. Completely remove ALL ads. No "acceptable" ads or whitelisted advertisers, block tracking, block malware!
  • Adguard AdBlocker :Adguard 广告拦截器可有效的拦截所有网页上的所有类型的广告,甚至是在 Facebook,Youtube 以及其它之上的广告!
  • Poper Blocker :以最简单有效的方式拦截令人厌恶的弹出窗口、弹出式广告和弹出覆盖内容的最佳扩展。无干扰地浏览所有网站。


  • Privacy Badger - Automatically learns to block invisible trackers.
  • Ghostery :保护您的隐私。借助 Ghostery 了解谁在跟踪您的网页浏览操作。
  • 360 网盾安全保护 :基于360安全中心海量实时更新的云端恶意网址库,安装该扩展可实现在Firefox中完美拦截欺诈、钓鱼及挂马网站,识别最新的恶意网址,保护您的上网安全!
  • WOT :立即找出可信赖的网站。WOT 会在搜索结果和 URL 旁边添注直观的交通灯式图标,以帮助您决定是否该访问某网站。网站的声誉基于千万用户的使用体验。
  • Decentraleyes :保护您免受集中式的内容交付网络(CDN)的跟踪。它可以拦截许多种链向 CDN 的请求,转而指向本地提供的文件,从而防止网站功能受损。
  • Google ChromeDisconnect :Make the web faster, more private, and more secure.


  • bitwarden :安全免费的跨平台密码管理器.
  • Keeper® 密码管理器 & 数据库 :Keeper是一款操作简单的密码库,保护您免受黑客袭击。您的密码、登录凭据、信用卡卡号、银行账号及其他私人信息都能储存在您私人的加密数据库内。 所有信息都在您的设备上使用256位AES加密。您的信息是安全的。
  • RoboForm Password Manager :RoboForm, the #1 ranked Password Manager makes your life easier by remembering passwords and logging you into websites automatically.


  • HTTPS Everywhere - Encrypt the web! HTTPS Everywhere is a Firefox extension to protect your communications by enabling HTTPS encryption automatically on sites that are known to support it, even when you type URLs or follow links that omit the https: prefix.
  • Turn Off the Lights :关灯看视频。
  • Stylus :一个用户样式管理器,帮助您重新定义网页样式。Stylus易于为Google,Facebook,Youtube,Orkut以及其它各类型网站安装样式和主题。|| Stylish - Custom themes for any website
  • Tampermonkey :油猴脚本,里面有很多实用的 js 脚本。|| Violentmonkey
  • Zoom Page WE: Zoom web pages (either per-site or per-tab) using full-page zoom, text-only zoom and minimum font size. Fit-to-width zooming can be applied to pages automatically. Fit-to-window scaling can be applied to small images. || NoSquint Plus
  • Local CDN :另类加速你的浏览器,让那些原本慢慢的网站飞起来。
  • Wikipedia Context Menu Search :Search for highlighted text on Wikipedia via the context menu.
  • SingleFile: Save an entire web page—including images and styling—as a single HTML file.
  • Enable Right Click and Copy :Enable selecting, copying and right clicking on pages that restrict them. || ForceCopy || Copy PlainText || Enable Copy


  • In My Pocket :For all those who are missing the old Firefox Pocket addon, and not satisfied with the new Pocket integration, here is an unofficial client for the excellent Pocket service. Hop you'll enjoy it!
  • Save Button for Pinterest :Save the things you find on the Web.
  • Instapaper :Instapaper browser extension to save links for offline reading.






  • Bookmark Sentry – 一款检查重复、删除死链书签插件
  • SuperSorter – 删除重复书签扩展
  • Bookmarks Organizer - With the Bookmarks Organizer it's easy to put order in your bookmarks. The Bookmarks Organizer finds no longer working bookmarks, redirects, duplicates and more!
  • Auto-Sort Bookmarks - Provides a way to sort bookmarks automatically or manually. This extension considers separators by sorting bookmarks between separators.


  • OneTab :单击 OneTab 图标,所有标签页转换成一个列表。当你需要再次访问标签页时,可以单独或全部恢复它们。
  • Tab Center Redux || Tree Style Tab :以树的形式显示标签。
  • Tile Tabs WE - Take tabs from parent windows and arrange them in layouts of tiled sub-windows, using the toolbar button, context menu or keyboard shortcuts. Makes it easy to browse, compare or monitor multiple pages. Synchronize scroll. Save and re-open layouts.
  • Group Speed Dial :Now you can fit all your favorite sites into one fast SpeedDial in an organized fashion.
  • CaretTab - New Tab Clock and Date :A beautifully simplistic New Tab page that includes multiple clocks, date, search, quick links, and more! Fully customizable!
  • Momentum :Replace new tab page with a personal dashboard featuring to-do, weather, and inspiration.
  • :定制您的新标签主页。


  • Notes by Firefox - Displays a sidebar that lets you take notes on web pages.
  • RescueTime :Keep track of the time you spend in your browser, and get a clear picture of what you were doing all day.
  • Dark Mode :A global dark theme for the web.
  • Tomato Clock :Tomato Clock is a simple browser extension for managing your productivity.
  • 护眼神器 :适时提醒你该让眼睛休息了.
  • Font Finder :Get all CSS styles of selected text.
  • 转换至简体 :一键将繁体网页转换为简体。
  • Forest :Stay focused in a pleasant way.


  • Saladict: Saladict 沙拉查词是一款专业划词翻译扩展,为交叉阅读而生。大量权威词典涵盖中英日韩法德西语,支持复杂的划词操作、网页翻译、生词本、PDF,以及 Vimium 全键盘操作。
  • Dictionary (Google™ Translate) Anywhere) :"Dictionary (Google™ Translate) Anywhere" extension provides access to a floating multilingual Google Translate panel on any webpage.
  • Google学术搜索按钮 :可让您在浏览网页时查询学术文章。
  • 科学 - :搜寻科学信息,文章,出版物,文章全文,摘要,专利等.
  • Wikipedia Peek
  • Feedbro - Advanced Feed Reader - Read news & blogs or any RSS/Atom/RDF source.
  • Feeder - Get a simple overview of your RSS and Atom feeds in the toolbar.


  • Gesturefy :Customizable mouse gesture addon, which supports over 40 different actions.
  • Vimium :Vimium provides keyboard shortcuts for navigation and control in the spirit of Vim.
  • Foxy Gestures :Mouse gestures for Firefox. A web extension alternative to FireGestures created by a long time FireGestures user.
  • 鼠标手势 :用鼠標動作更快速簡單地控制你的瀏覽器。


  • Country Flags & IP Whois :Displays country flag of website's server location, Whois and Geo info on a browser addressbar icon
  • Country Flag + :Shows country flag based on the server location of the active tab's url.
  • 网站 IP 信息查询 :查询当前访问网站的 IP 地址的地理位置,国旗,所属 ASN,端口开放信息等信息。
  • Wappalyzer :uncovers the technologies used on websites.
  • WhatRuns


  • 惠惠购物助手 :聪明网购不吃亏!
  • 一起惠购物助手 :一起惠购物助手是由一起惠最先研发的集返利、查货、比价、跟单、价格走势等多功能综合实用插件,支持京东、苏宁、国美等主流商城,一起惠购物省钱必备助手插件!一个插件就够用了!
  • 購物小助手 :全方位聚合了淘宝,京东,亚马逊,ebay,天猫,苏宁易购,当当网,一号店等主要购物网站,并提供搜索提示,右键菜单进行快捷搜索功能;


  • Worldwide Radio - Listen to live radio stations from around the world!
  • Listen 1 :让你用一个网页就能听到多个网站的在线音乐(现已包括网易云音乐,QQ 音乐,虾米音乐,豆瓣音乐)。
  • Enhancer for YouTube

posted on 2019-04-26 09:07  keatonlao  阅读(1482)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
