



mvn -version



  • maven插件,pom.xml中插入

                <!-- 从jetty的jar中拷贝出webdefault.xml 修改其中的参数 ,可以修改html,js -->


  • run configurations

    maven命令 jvm参数

    -Xdebug  -Djava.compiler=NONE -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8787,server=y,suspend=n



  1. 点击上图中的run按钮

    2014-03-17 20:28:55 JRebel:
    2014-03-17 20:28:55 JRebel: #############################################################
    2014-03-17 20:28:55 JRebel:
    2014-03-17 20:28:55 JRebel:  JRebel 5.4.2 (201311271505)
    2014-03-17 20:28:55 JRebel:  (c) Copyright ZeroTurnaround OU, Estonia, Tartu.
    2014-03-17 20:28:55 JRebel:
    2014-03-17 20:28:55 JRebel:  Over the last 30 days JRebel prevented
    2014-03-17 20:28:55 JRebel:  at least 2 redeploys/restarts saving you about 0.1 hours.
    2014-03-17 20:28:55 JRebel:
    2014-03-17 20:28:55 JRebel:  Over the last 257 days JRebel prevented
    2014-03-17 20:28:55 JRebel:  at least 97 redeploys/restarts saving you about 3.9 hours.
    2014-03-17 20:28:55 JRebel:
    2014-03-17 20:28:55 JRebel:  This product is licensed to www.sdandroid.com
    2014-03-17 20:28:55 JRebel:  for unlimited number of developer seats on site.
    2014-03-17 20:28:55 JRebel:   ####### Cracked by sdandroid (blog@sdandroid.com) ######
    2014-03-17 20:28:55 JRebel:
    2014-03-17 20:28:55 JRebel:  The following plugins are disabled at the moment:
    2014-03-17 20:28:55 JRebel:  * Axis2 plugin (set -Drebel.axis2_plugin=true to enable)
    2014-03-17 20:28:55 JRebel:  * Camel plugin (set -Drebel.camel_plugin=true to enable)
    2014-03-17 20:28:55 JRebel:  * Click plugin (set -Drebel.click_plugin=true to enable)
    2014-03-17 20:28:55 JRebel:  * Deltaspike plugin (set -Drebel.deltaspike_plugin=true to enable)
    2014-03-17 20:28:55 JRebel:  * Eclipse RCP Plugin (set -Drebel.eclipse_plugin=true to enable)
    2014-03-17 20:28:55 JRebel:  * JBoss7 EJB Plugin (set -Drebel.jboss7_ejb_plugin=true to enable)
    2014-03-17 20:28:55 JRebel:  * JRuby Plugin (set -Drebel.jruby_plugin=true to enable)
    2014-03-17 20:28:55 JRebel:  * Jersey plugin (set -Drebel.jersey_plugin=true to enable)
    2014-03-17 20:28:55 JRebel:  * Log4j2 plugin (set -Drebel.log4j2_plugin=true to enable)
    2014-03-17 20:28:55 JRebel:  * Mustache Plugin (set -Drebel.mustache_plugin=true to enable)
    2014-03-17 20:28:55 JRebel:  * RESTlet plugin (set -Drebel.restlet_plugin=true to enable)
    2014-03-17 20:28:55 JRebel:  * Seam-Wicket plugin (set -Drebel.seam_wicket_plugin=true to enable)
    2014-03-17 20:28:55 JRebel:  * Spring Data Plugin (set -Drebel.spring_data_plugin=true to enable)
    2014-03-17 20:28:55 JRebel:  * Thymeleaf Plugin (set -Drebel.thymeleaf_plugin=true to enable)
    2014-03-17 20:28:55 JRebel:  * VRaptor plugin (set -Drebel.vraptor_plugin=true to enable)
    2014-03-17 20:28:55 JRebel:  * Vaadin CDI utils plugin (set -Drebel.vaadin_cdiutils_plugin=true to enable)
    2014-03-17 20:28:55 JRebel:  * WebObjects plugin (set -Drebel.webobjects_plugin=true to enable)
    2014-03-17 20:28:55 JRebel:
    2014-03-17 20:28:55 JRebel: #############################################################
    2014-03-17 20:28:55 JRebel:
    2014-03-17 20:28:55 JRebel:
    2014-03-17 20:28:55 JRebel: A newer version '5.5.1' is available for download
    2014-03-17 20:28:55 JRebel: from http://zeroturnaround.com/software/jrebel/download/
    2014-03-17 20:28:55 JRebel:
    Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 8787
    SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".







posted @ 2014-03-17 21:04  九州浪子  阅读(3887)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报