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有时候取消备份作业的时候总出现cancel pending状态,作业无法取消。
Every time I cancel jobs, the programme states cancel pending but it never finishes it. I have to reboot the server in order to have the job cancelled completely, so that I can start the next backup scheduled.
Is there a way to have the job cancel quicker and with out rebooting the server?

I cancel jobs when they hang, and are close to the next scheduled daily backup, just incase anyone is curious why I cancaled the jobs.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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dbunny (IS/IT--Management)
6 Mar 06 14:51
This isn't always quicker but, it doesn't require rebooting the server.  I've found the only reliable way to stop any BE service (if the services aren't stopped, the program never acknowledges job changes, including a cancel)is using the Backup Exec Console.  
Go to -  Tools\BackupExec Services; then choose 'Stop all services'.  This has taken up to 10 minutes to complete.  It appears to hang but, if you wait long enough -it stops the services.  (you can confirm this by viewing the windows services).  Once that's completed - using the same Backupexec tool - select 'Start all services'.  (Depending on the version, you may have to log onto the media server again.)
posted on 2007-11-16 16:27  岌岌可危  阅读(545)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报