
Whitelabel Error Page

This application has no explicit mapping for /error, so you are seeing this as a fallback.

Fri Apr 02 11:38:27 GMT+08:00 2021
There was an unexpected error (type=Internal Server Error, status=500).
Unable to send command! Try to increase 'nettyThreads' and/or connection pool size settings Node source: NodeSource [slot=2958, addr=null, redisClient=null, redirect=null, entry=MasterSlaveEntry [masterEntry=[freeSubscribeConnectionsAmount=0, freeSubscribeConnectionsCounter=value:50:queue:0, freeConnectionsAmount=29, freeConnectionsCounter=value:61:queue:0, freezed=false, freezeReason=null, client=[addr=redis://], nodeType=MASTER, firstFail=0]]], connection: RedisConnection@1228620800 [redisClient=[addr=redis://], channel=[id: 0x6e9362f5, L:/ - R:], currentCommand=null], command: (HMSET), params: [[99, 97, 102, 45, 115, 101, 115, 115, 105, 111, ...], [108, 97, 115, 116, 65, 99, 99, 101, 115, 115, ...], [-84, -19, 0, 5, 115, 114, 0, 14, 106, 97, ...]] after 3 retry attempts; nested exception is org.redisson.client.RedisTimeoutException: Unable to send command! Try to increase 'nettyThreads' and/or connection pool size settings Node source: NodeSource [slot=2958, addr=null, redisClient=null, redirect=null, entry=MasterSlaveEntry [masterEntry=[freeSubscribeConnectionsAmount=0, freeSubscribeConnectionsCounter=value:50:queue:0, freeConnectionsAmount=29, freeConnectionsCounter=value:61:queue:0, freezed=false, freezeReason=null, client=[addr=redis://], nodeType=MASTER, firstFail=0]]], connection: RedisConnection@1228620800 [redisClient=[addr=redis://], channel=[id: 0x6e9362f5, L:/ - R:], currentCommand=null], command: (HMSET), params: [[99, 97, 102, 45, 115, 101, 115, 115, 105, 111, ...], [108, 97, 115, 116, 65, 99, 99, 101, 115, 115, ...], [-84, -19, 0, 5, 115, 114, 0, 14, 106, 97, ...]] after 3 retry attempts
posted @ 2021-04-03 00:44  济南小老虎  阅读(1201)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报