乞丐中的霸主(ぃ枫.net)(天行健,君子以自强不息;地势坤,君子以厚德载物! -《周易》)QQ讨论群(交流EVC++,VC++,USB驱动程序开发,上下机位通讯,无线网络通讯技术,Mobile开发)帮主QQ号:414885058

C#,C++ 学习

  博客园 :: 首页 :: 博问 :: 闪存 :: 新随笔 :: 联系 :: 订阅 订阅 :: 管理 ::

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "OnLine.h"
#include "Public.h"
void ConvToIntFFT(const short *inWaveData,int DataLength,short *outWaveData,float *yMax,float *yMin)
 int i;
 int PowerNum;
 float meanVal;
 float PPVal;
 short *ReArray=new short[DataLength];
 short *ImArray=new short[DataLength];
 short *TempArray=new short[DataLength];
 short *indexArray =new short[DataLength];

 CFile bitRevFile;
 int startAddress;
// iPublicDll BitRev = (iPublicDll)GetProcAddress(g_hPublicDll,_T("BitRev"));
 meanVal=meanVal/DataLength; //均值
 PPVal=*yMax-*yMin;   //峰峰值

 case 1024:
  startAddress = 0;
 case 2048:
  startAddress = 2048;
 case 4096:
  startAddress = 6144;
 case 8192:
  startAddress = 14336;
 case 16384:
 case 32768:
  for(i=0; i<DataLength; i++)
   *(indexArray+i)=BitRev(i,PowerNum);   //到位序算法
 for(i=0; i<DataLength; i++)

  *(outWaveData+i)=static_cast<short>((float)((PPVal * *(ReArray+i))/(pow(2,BITNUM-1)-1)));
   *yMax= *(outWaveData+i);
   *yMin= *(outWaveData+i);

 delete [] ReArray;
 delete [] ImArray;
 delete []TempArray;
 delete []indexArray;

void INTFFTCalc(short *ReArray,short *ImArray,int DataLength)
 int CosVal;
 int SinVal;
 int TempImA;
 int TempImB;
 int TempReA;
 int TempReB;
 int TempReA2;
 int TempReB2;

 int TempL;
 long ReTwid;
 long ImTwid;
 short *SineTable=new short[DataLength];

 int i;
 int Gcnt;
 int Scnt;
 int Group;
 int Stage;
 int IndexA;
 int IndexB;
 int SinIndex;
 CFile sinFile;
 int startAddress;
 float fTemp;
  case 1024:
   startAddress = 0;
  case 2048:
   startAddress = 2048;
  case 4096:
   startAddress = 6144;
  case 8192:
   startAddress = 14336;
   startAddress = 0;



  //Calculate new value for ReArray[IndexA]

  //Calculate new value for ReArray[IndexB]








    else if(SinIndex==DataLength/4)





     ReTwid = ReTwid / 32767;
     ImTwid = ImTwid / 32767;






   }//end for(Scnt=0;Scnt<Stage;Scnt++)
  }//end for(Gcnt=0;Gcnt<Group;Gcnt++)
 }// end while(Stage<=DataLength/2)


  delete SineTable;
 return ;

int BitRev(int index,int bitNum)
 int *iBool=new int[bitNum];
 int i;
 int result;



 delete iBool;
 return result;
void CalcIndexValue(const float *waveData,int dataLength,DataIndexVal *tDataIndex)
 int i;
 float temp1;
 float temp2;
 float minVal;
 float maxVal;
int  CheckTmp(int meaTmp)   //温度校正
 int tmpMea = meaTmp;
 int tmpCheck = tmpMea/100;
/* switch(tmpCheck)
 case 3:
  tmpMea -= 0;
 case 4:
  tmpMea -= 60;
 case 5:
  tmpMea -= 65;
 case 6:
  tmpMea -= 75;
 case 7:
  tmpMea -= 80;
 case 8:
  tmpMea -= 80;
 case 9:
  tmpMea -= 75;
 case 10:
  tmpMea -= 70;
 case 11:
  tmpMea -= 60;
 case 12:
  tmpMea -= 50;
 case 13:
  tmpMea -= 35;
 case 14:
  tmpMea -= 25;
 return tmpMea;
CString StringTrim(CString strInput,int strWide ,int leftPoint)  //按宽度精确截取字符串。
 int iTemp;
 CString result;
 iTemp = GetStringWide(strInput);
 if(iTemp <= strWide)
  result = strInput;
  result = strInput;
  iTemp = GetStringWide(result);
  if(leftPoint !=2)  //为2时省略左边3个点
   while(iTemp > strWide-3)
    iTemp = GetStringWide(result);
   result = _T("...")+result;
   while(iTemp > strWide)
    iTemp = GetStringWide(result);
 return result;

CString ManageFileName(CString oldName)
 CString newName;
 LPTSTR  tempName;
 int i,lenth;
 lenth = oldName.GetLength();
 tempName = new TCHAR[lenth+1];
 if (tempName == NULL)
  return _T("");
 for (i=0;i<lenth;i++)
  c= oldName.GetAt(i);
  switch (oldName.GetAt(i))
  case _T('/'):*(tempName+i) = _T('-');break;
  case _T('\\'):*(tempName+i) = _T('_');break;
  case _T('?'):*(tempName+i) = _T('%');break;
  case _T('*'):*(tempName+i) = _T('!');break;
  case _T('|'):*(tempName+i) = _T('~');break;
  case _T('"'):*(tempName+i) = _T('[');break;
  case _T(':'):*(tempName+i) = _T(';');break;
  case _T('<'):*(tempName+i) = _T('(');break;
  case _T('>'):*(tempName+i) = _T(')');break;
  default:*(tempName+i) = oldName.GetAt(i);break;
 newName = tempName;
 if (tempName!=NULL)
  delete []tempName;
  tempName = NULL;
 return  newName;
BOOL DeleteDirectory(const CString szDir)
 CString szFindDir=szDir;
 HANDLE hFind;
   if((fd.dwFileAttributes & 0x10) == FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)  //文件可能还有其他属性,OK
    //it must be directory,get into
    DeleteDirectory(szDir+"http://www.cnblogs.com/jimmy998love/admin/file://%22+fd.cfilename/);  //递归调用
    //it is file ,delete it
     return FALSE;
 //if you donot close the handle,the next step of Removing Directory would failed
 //the root directory must be empty ,so remove it
 if(RemoveDirectory(szDir)==FALSE)  //只能移除空目录
  return FALSE;
 return TRUE;
//----------------------------------copy screen to a bmp file ------------------------
LPSTR   FindDIBBits(LPSTR lpbi)  
 return (lpbi + *(LPDWORD)lpbi + PaletteSize(lpbi));  

WORD PaletteSize(LPSTR   lpbi)  
 return (DIBNumColors(lpbi) * sizeof(RGBQUAD));  

 return WIDTHBYTES(lpBMIH->biWidth * lpBMIH->biPlanes * lpBMIH->biBitCount);  

WORD   DIBNumColors(LPSTR lpbi)  
 WORD   wBitCount;  
 DWORD   dwClrUsed;  
 dwClrUsed = ((LPBITMAPINFOHEADER)lpbi)->biClrUsed;  
 if   (dwClrUsed)  
  return (WORD)dwClrUsed;  
 wBitCount   =   ((LPBITMAPINFOHEADER)   lpbi)->biBitCount;  
 case   8: return   256;  
 case   1:   return   2;  
 case   2:   return   4;  
 case   4:   return   16;     
 default:return   0;  
 return   0;  

HBITMAP CopyScreenToBitmap(HWND   hPic,LPRECT   lpRect)  
 HDC hScrDC;  
 HDC hMemDC;              
 //   屏幕和内存设备描述表    
 HBITMAP                   hBitmap;    
 HBITMAP                   hOldBitmap;           
 //   选定区域坐标  
 int nX,   nY,   nX2,   nY2;               
 //   位图宽度和高度  
 int nWidth,   nHeight;              
 //   屏幕分辨率  
 int xScrn,   yScrn;            
 //   确保选定区域不为空矩形  
 if   (IsRectEmpty(lpRect))  
  return   NULL;  
 //hScrDC   =   CreateDC("DISPLAY",   NULL,   NULL,   NULL);  
 hScrDC   =   GetDC(hPic);    
 hMemDC   =   CreateCompatibleDC(hScrDC);    
 //   获得选定区域坐标    
 nX   =     lpRect->left;    
 nY   =     lpRect->top;    
 nX2   =   lpRect->right;    
 nY2   =   lpRect->bottom;    
 //   获得屏幕分辨率  
 RECT   rc1;  
 //       xScrn   =   GetDeviceCaps(hScrDC,   HORZRES);  
 //       yScrn   =   GetDeviceCaps(hScrDC,   VERTRES);  
 if   (nX   <   0)  
  nX   =   0;  
 if   (nY   <   0)  
  nY   =   0;  
 if   (nX2   >   xScrn)  
  nX2   =   xScrn;  
 if   (nY2   >   yScrn)  
  nY2   =   yScrn;  
 nWidth=nX2   -   nX;  
 nHeight=nY2   -   nY;  
 hBitmap   =   CreateCompatibleBitmap(hScrDC,   nWidth,   nHeight);  
 hOldBitmap   =   (HBITMAP)SelectObject(hMemDC,hBitmap);  
 BitBlt(hMemDC,   0,   0,   nWidth,   nHeight,hScrDC,   nX,   nY,   SRCCOPY);  
 hBitmap=(HBITMAP)SelectObject(hMemDC,   hOldBitmap);  
 //   返回位图句柄  
 return   hBitmap;  

LPSTR   GettingBits(HBITMAP   hSourceBitmap)    
 LPSTR       lpDIB=NULL;  
 //1.   Initialize   source   bitmap.   For   example   load   from   resources.  
 //HBITMAP   hSourceBitmap   =   LoadBitmap(g_hInst,   MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_BITMAP1));  
 //2.   Getting   bimap   size.  
 BITMAP   bm;  
 GetObject(hSourceBitmap,   sizeof(BITMAP),   &bm);  
  return   NULL;  
 //3.   Creating   new   bitmap   and   receive   pointer   to   it's   bits.  
 HBITMAP   hTargetBitmap;  
 void   *pBuffer;  
 //3.1   Initilize   DIBINFO   structure  
 DIBINFO     dibInfo;  
 dibInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount   =   24;  
 dibInfo.bmiHeader.biClrImportant   =   0;  
 dibInfo.bmiHeader.biClrUsed   =   0;  
 dibInfo.bmiHeader.biCompression   =   0;  
 dibInfo.bmiHeader.biHeight   =   bm.bmHeight;  
 dibInfo.bmiHeader.biPlanes   =   1;  
 dibInfo.bmiHeader.biSize   =   40;  
 dibInfo.bmiHeader.biSizeImage   =   WIDTHBYTES(bm.bmWidth*24)*bm.bmHeight;  
 dibInfo.bmiHeader.biWidth   =   bm.bmWidth;  
 dibInfo.bmiHeader.biXPelsPerMeter   =   3780;  
 dibInfo.bmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter   =   3780;  
 dibInfo.bmiColors[0].rgbBlue   =   0;  
 dibInfo.bmiColors[0].rgbGreen   =   0;  
 dibInfo.bmiColors[0].rgbRed   =   0;  
 dibInfo.bmiColors[0].rgbReserved   =   0;  
 //3.2   Create   bitmap   and   receive   pointer   to   points   into   pBuffer  
 HDC   hDC   =   ::GetDC(NULL);  
 hTargetBitmap   =   CreateDIBSection(  
  (const   BITMAPINFO*)dibInfo,  
 ::ReleaseDC(NULL,   hDC);  
 //4.   Copy   source   bitmap   into   the   target   bitmap.  
 //4.1   Create   2   device   contexts    
 HDC   memDc;  
 HDC   targetDc;  
 //4.2   Select   source   bitmap   into   one   DC,   target   into   another  
 HBITMAP   hOldBitmap1   =   (HBITMAP)::SelectObject(memDc,   hSourceBitmap);  
 HBITMAP   hOldBitmap2   =   (HBITMAP)::SelectObject(targetDc,   hTargetBitmap);  
 //4.3   Copy   source   bitmap   into   the   target   one  
 BitBlt(targetDc,0,   0,   bm.bmWidth,   bm.bmHeight,   memDc,   0,   0,   SRCCOPY);  
 //4.4   Restore   device   contexts  
 ::SelectObject(memDc,   hOldBitmap1);  
 ::SelectObject(targetDc,   hOldBitmap2);  
 //Here   we   can   bitmap   bits:   pBuffer.   Note:  
 //   1.   pBuffer   contains   3   bytes   per   point  
 //   2.   Lines   ane   from   the   bottom   to   the   top!  
 //   3.   Points   in   the   line   are   from   the   left   to   the   right  
 //   4.   Bytes   in   one   point   are   BGR   (blue,   green,   red)   not   RGB  
 //   5.   Don't   delete   pBuffer,   it   will   be   automatically   deleted    
 //         when   delete   hTargetBitmap  
 LPSTR   lptmp=lpDIB;  
 return   lpDIB;  

BOOL   SaveDIBToFile(LPSTR   hDib,   LPCTSTR   szFileName)  
 HANDLE ghFile=NULL;  
 BOOL bResult=FALSE;  
 //   Bitmap文件头  
 //   DIB大小  
 DWORD       dwDIBSize=0;  
 DWORD       dwBytes=0;  
 if   (hDib   ==   NULL)  
  return   FALSE;  
 //   读取BITMAPINFO结构,并锁定  
 if   (lpBI   ==   NULL)  
  return   FALSE;  
 //   判断是否是WIN3.0   DIB  
 if   (!IS_WIN30_DIB(lpBI))  
  //   返回FALSE  
  return   FALSE;  
 //   文件类型"BM"  
 bmfHdr.bfType   =   DIB_HEADER_MARKER;  
 dwDIBSize   =   *(LPDWORD)lpBI   +   ::PaletteSize((LPSTR)lpBI);  
 //   计算图像大小  
 //   象素的大小  
 DWORD   dwBmBitsSize;  
 //大小为Width   *   Height  
 dwBmBitsSize   =   WIDTHBYTES((lpBI->biWidth)*((DWORD)lpBI->biBitCount))   *   lpBI->biHeight;    
 dwDIBSize   +=   dwBmBitsSize;    
 lpBI->biSizeImage   =   dwBmBitsSize;    
 bmfHdr.bfSize   =   dwDIBSize   +   sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER);    
 bmfHdr.bfReserved1   =   0;  
 bmfHdr.bfReserved2   =   0;  
 bmfHdr.bfOffBits   =   (DWORD)sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER)   +   lpBI->biSize  
  +   PaletteSize((LPSTR)lpBI);      
  NKDbgPrintfW(_T("save   dib   to   file   fail.   \r\n"));  
  return   FALSE;  
 return   TRUE;  

HBITMAP CopyScreenToBitmap(int &nWidth,int &nHeight)
 // 屏幕和内存设备描述表
 HDC  hScrDC, hMemDC;     
 // 位图句柄
 HBITMAP  hBitmap, hOldBitmap;   
 // 屏幕分辨率
 int  xScrn, yScrn;        
 hScrDC = CreateDC(_T("DISPLAY"), NULL, NULL, NULL);
 hMemDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hScrDC);
 // 获得屏幕分辨率
 xScrn = GetDeviceCaps(hScrDC, HORZRES);
 yScrn = GetDeviceCaps(hScrDC, VERTRES);
 nWidth = xScrn;
 nHeight = yScrn;
 // 创建一个与屏幕设备描述表兼容的位图
 hBitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hScrDC, xScrn, yScrn);
 // 把新位图选到内存设备描述表中
 hOldBitmap = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(hMemDC, hBitmap);
 // 把屏幕设备描述表拷贝到内存设备描述表中
 BitBlt(hMemDC, 0, 0, xScrn,yScrn,hScrDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
 hBitmap = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(hMemDC, hOldBitmap);
 // 返回位图句柄
 return hBitmap;

BOOL WriteWindowToDIB(LPCTSTR fileName)  
 HBITMAP   SaveBitmap;  
 LPSTR   SaveLpstr;  
 int nWidth,nHeight;
 SaveBitmap = ::CopyScreenToBitmap(nWidth,nHeight);
 SaveLpstr = GettingBits(SaveBitmap);  
 return TRUE;

//----------------------------------copy screen to a bmp file ------------------------

CString GetDescribe(const CString strDescribe, int numResult)  
 CString tempString;
 int stringLength;
 int startPos;
 int endPos;
 int count = 0;
 bool bFirst = TRUE;
 int i;
 stringLength = strDescribe.GetLength();  
 for(i=0; i<stringLength; i++)
  tempString = strDescribe.Mid(i,1);
  if(count ==numResult)
    startPos = i+1;
    bFirst = FALSE;
  if(count == numResult+1)
   endPos =i;
  endPos = stringLength;
 tempString = strDescribe.Mid(startPos,endPos-startPos); 
 return tempString;
int GetStringWide(const CString& strSource)   //尚有问题,汉字占两个字节,但是标点还是一个字节。
 int sum=0;
 for (int i=0; i<strSource.GetLength();i++)
  if(strSource[i] >= 0x3000) //0x9fa5 && 0x4e00<=strSource[i]
 return sum;

void StringToChar(const CString s, char *Destination)
 int k=0;
 wchar_t *inf = NULL;
 inf = new wchar_t[MAX_STRINGLENGTH];
 if(inf != NULL)
  inf = NULL;
void IntToChar(char *p,const int TranInt,int count)
 CString str;
void LongToChar(char *p,const long TranInt,int count)
 long iTemp;
 int i,j;
 iTemp = TranInt;
 p[0] = '0';
   p[0] = iTemp%10+'0';
  iTemp = iTemp/10;
CString HexToString(BYTE HexData)   
 CString hexStr;
 return hexStr;

CString CharToString(const char p[],int count)    //
 CString result;
 wchar_t *temp;       
 DWORD dwNum = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP,0,p,count,NULL,0); 
 temp = new wchar_t[dwNum];
    dwNum = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP,0,p,count,temp,dwNum);
  delete []temp;
 temp =NULL;
 result= result.Left(dwNum);
    return result;

BOOL CharCompare(const char *pCode1,const char *pCode2)    //CHAR 数据比较,提高查找效率 只用于比较点检点编号
 if(*(pCode1+11) != *(pCode2+11))
  return FALSE;
 for(int i=0; i<11; i++)   //提高效率
  if(*(pCode1+10-i) != *(pCode2+10-i))
   return FALSE;
 return TRUE; 
CString TimeToString()
 CString timeStr;
 CTime   thetime   =   CTime::GetCurrentTime(); 
 return timeStr;

int CharToInt(const char *p,int count)    //CHAR 型转 int

 int iTemp,Length;
 const char *uTemp = p;
 Length =0;
 if(p[0] == '-')
  for(int i=1;i<count;i++)
   if((*(uTemp+i))>='0' && (*(uTemp+i))<='9')
  iTemp = 0; 
  for (i=1;i<Length+1;i++)
   iTemp = iTemp *10 +(*(uTemp+i)-'0');
  iTemp = -iTemp;
  for(int i=0;i<count;i++)
   if((*(uTemp+i))>='0' && (*(uTemp+i))<='9')
  iTemp = 0; 
  for (i=0;i<Length;i++)
   iTemp = iTemp *10 +(*(uTemp+i)-'0');
    return iTemp;
long CharToLong(const char *p,int count)    //CHAR 型转 int
 long iTemp;
 int Length;
 const char *uTemp = p;
 Length =0;
 for(int i=0;i<count;i++)
  if((*(uTemp+i))>='0' && (*(uTemp+i))<='9')
 iTemp = 0; 
 for (i=0;i<Length;i++)
  iTemp = iTemp *10 +(*(uTemp+i)-'0');
    return iTemp;
正负转换均可以 。
float CharToFloat(const char *p, int count)
 float iTemp=0;
 const char *uTemp=p;
 int Length=0;
 int Length1=0;
 bool pointFlag=true;
 for(int i=0;i<count;i++)
   for(int i=1;i<count;i++)
    if((*(uTemp+i))>='0' && (*(uTemp+i))<='9')
   for (i=1;i<Length1;i++)
    iTemp = iTemp *10 +(*(uTemp+i)-'0');
   return (-1)*iTemp;
   for (i=1;i<Length;i++)
    iTemp = iTemp *10 +(*(uTemp+i)-'0');
    if((*(uTemp+i))>='0' && (*(uTemp+i))<='9')
    iTemp = (float)(iTemp +(*(uTemp+i)-'0')/pow(10,i-Length));
   return (-1)*iTemp;

   for(int i=0;i<count;i++)
    if((*(uTemp+i))>='0' && (*(uTemp+i))<='9')
   for (i=0;i<Length1;i++)
    iTemp = iTemp *10 +(*(uTemp+i)-'0');
   return iTemp;
   for (i=0;i<Length;i++)
    iTemp = iTemp *10 +(*(uTemp+i)-'0');
    if((*(uTemp+i))>='0' && (*(uTemp+i))<='9')
    iTemp = (float)(iTemp +(*(uTemp+i)-'0')/pow(10,i-Length));
   return iTemp;

void FloatToChar(char *p, float fValue) //new
 CString str;
char AsciiToHex(char uAscii)
        char uTemp;
  if(uAscii>='0' && uAscii<= '9')
                uTemp = uAscii-'0';
   uTemp =0;
        return uTemp;
char BinToAscii(char cTemp)
        char ucTemp;
        ucTemp = cTemp;  
        ucTemp += '0';   
        return ucTemp;
void TimeToChar(char *DateTime)
 CTime   thetime   =   CTime::GetCurrentTime(); 
 int y=thetime.GetYear();
 int d=thetime.GetDay();
 int m=thetime.GetMonth();
 char p[5];
 char q[3];
 char z[3];
 for(int i=0;p[i]!='\0';i++)
 y = thetime.GetHour();
 d = thetime.GetMinute();
 m = thetime.GetSecond();

CString StrTrim(const CString strSource, int maxLength)
 CString strTemp;
 int length;

 strTemp = strSource;
 length = strSource.GetLength();

 if(length <= maxLength)
  return strTemp;

 strTemp.Delete(0, length-maxLength);
    strTemp = _T("...") + strTemp;
 return strTemp;

BOOL IsLeapyear(INT16 intYear)
 return (intYear%4==0&&intYear%100!=0)||(intYear%400==0);

int StringToInt(const CString strSource)
 int resultValue=0;
  for (int i=1; i<strSource.GetLength(); i++)
  return (-1)*resultValue;
  for (int i=0; i<strSource.GetLength(); i++)
  return resultValue;
float StringToFloat(const CString strSource,int count)
 float resultValue =0;
 int pointLength=0;

 bool pointFlag=true;
 for(int i=0;i<count;i++)
  if((int)strSource[i]==46)  //'.'
   pointLength = i;
   pointFlag = false;
 if((int)strSource[0]==45)    //'-'
   for(int i=1;i<count;i++)
   return (-1)*resultValue;
   for (i=1; i<pointLength; i++)
   for(i=pointLength+1; i<count; i++)
    resultValue = resultValue +(float)((int(strSource[i]-48))/pow(10,i-pointLength));
   return (-1)*resultValue;
   for(int i=0;i<count;i++)
   return resultValue;
   for (i=0; i<pointLength; i++)
   for(i=pointLength+1; i<count; i++)
    resultValue = resultValue +(float)(int(strSource[i]-48)/pow(10,i-pointLength));
   return resultValue;
CString CalFrontday(CString strSource)
 INT16 monthDaynumber[12]={31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31};
 INT16 year=StringToInt(strSource.Mid(0,4));
 INT16 month=StringToInt(strSource.Mid(4,2));
 INT16 day=StringToInt(strSource.Mid(6,2));
 if (IsLeapyear(year))
 INT16 newYear=0;
 INT16 newMonth=0;
 INT16 newDay=day-1;
 if (newDay>0)
 else if (newDay==0)
  if (newMonth>0)
  else if(newMonth==0)
 CString strNewday;
 CString strNewyear;
 CString strNewmonth;
 strNewday.Format(_T("%02d"), newDay);
 strNewmonth.Format(_T("%02d"), newMonth);
 strNewyear.Format(_T("%04d"), newYear);
    return strNewyear+strNewmonth+strNewday;

CString CalBackday(CString strSource)
 INT16 monthDaynumber[12]={31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31};
 INT16 year=StringToInt(strSource.Mid(0,4));
 INT16 month=StringToInt(strSource.Mid(4,2));
 INT16 day=StringToInt(strSource.Mid(6,2));
 if (IsLeapyear(year))
 INT16 newYear=0;
 INT16 newMonth=0;
 INT16 newDay=day+1;
 if (newDay<=monthDaynumber[month-1])
  if (newMonth<=12)
 CString strNewday;
 CString strNewyear;
 CString strNewmonth;
 strNewday.Format(_T("%02d"), newDay);
 strNewmonth.Format(_T("%02d"), newMonth);
 strNewyear.Format(_T("%04d"), newYear);
    return strNewyear+strNewmonth+strNewday;

CString GetnDay(const CString& currentDay, int n )
 CString beforeNDay("");
 CString afterNDay("");
 CString afterDay(currentDay);
 CString beforeDay(currentDay);
 for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
  CString afterFirstDay = CalBackday(afterDay);
  afterDay = afterFirstDay;
  afterNDay += afterFirstDay;
  CString beforeFirstDay = CalFrontday(beforeDay);
  beforeDay = beforeFirstDay;
  CString revbeforeDay = beforeDay;
  beforeNDay += revbeforeDay;
 //return  beforeNDay + currentDay + afterNDay;
 return  beforeNDay.Left(8);

CString GetCurtainDate( CString strSource )
 CString firstFrontday(CalFrontday(strSource));
 CString secondFrontday(CalFrontday(firstFrontday));
 CString threeFrontday(CalFrontday(secondFrontday));
 CString firstBackday(CalBackday(strSource));
 CString secondBackday(CalBackday(firstBackday));
 CString threeBackday(CalBackday(secondBackday));
 return threeFrontday+secondFrontday+firstFrontday+


 HWND hWndCtrl;
 hWndCtrl = ::GetDlgItem( hWnd, nID ); 
 HBRUSH hBrushCtrl = NULL;
 if( NULL != hWndCtrl )
  RECT rcCtrl;
  ::GetWindowRect( hWndCtrl, &rcCtrl );
  ::ScreenToClient(hWnd, (LPPOINT)&rcCtrl);
  ::ScreenToClient(hWnd, ((LPPOINT)&rcCtrl)+1);
  HDC hDC = ::GetDC(hWnd);
  HDC hMemDCBk = CreateCompatibleDC( hDC );
  HDC hMemDCCtrl = CreateCompatibleDC( hDC );
  HBITMAP hBmCtrl = CreateCompatibleBitmap( hDC, _W(rcCtrl), _H(rcCtrl) );
  HBITMAP hBmOldCtrl;
  hBmOldBk = (HBITMAP) ::SelectObject( hMemDCBk, hBmBk );
  hBmOldCtrl = (HBITMAP) ::SelectObject( hMemDCCtrl, hBmCtrl );
  ::BitBlt( hMemDCCtrl, 0, 0, _W(rcCtrl), _H(rcCtrl), hMemDCBk, _X(rcCtrl), _Y(rcCtrl), SRCCOPY );
  ::SelectObject(hMemDCCtrl, hBmOldCtrl );
  ::SelectObject(hMemDCBk, hBmOldBk );  
  hBrushCtrl = ::CreatePatternBrush( hBmCtrl );
  DeleteObject( hBmCtrl );
  ::DeleteDC( hMemDCBk );
  ::DeleteDC( hMemDCCtrl );
  ::ReleaseDC( hWnd, hDC );
 return hBrushCtrl;

posted on 2009-03-20 09:50  arvin2012  阅读(705)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报