



 1 /**********************************************
 2     Description:This script help you restore database batch.
 3     Pay attention:You'd better name the database like databaseName+number.
 4     The database name is nessasery.
 6     This script not perfect,and please make it progress if you want.
 8     Author:jiangxiaoqaing
 9     Script Date:2013-09-29
10     Modify history:
13 **********************************************/
15 ALTER procedure [dbo].[sp_restoreDBBatch]
16     --The path your .bak file store
17     @database_bak_path varchar(200),
18     --The distination you want your database file store
19     @database_path varchar(200)
20 as
21     begin 
22         declare @bak_databaseName varchar(200),
23                 @DynamicSql varchar(500)=null            
25         /*Judge the '#tmpTable' object if exists,the #tmpTable store backup
26          database name and path*/
27         if (OBJECT_ID('#tmpTable') is not null)
28         drop table #tmpTable
29         create table #tmpTable
30         (
31             DBName varchar(200)
32         )
34         /*using extended procedure xp_cmdshell to get the path and name*/
35         set @DynamicSql='cd /d "'+@database_bak_path+'"&&dir /a /b /s *.bak'
36         insert into #tmpTable exec xp_cmdshell @DynamicSql
38         /*If the backup path not exists,make the directory*/
39         set @DynamicSql='if not exist '+@database_path+' mkdir '+@database_path+''
40         exec xp_cmdshell @DynamicSql        
42         declare bak_DBPathandName cursor
43         for
44         select DBName from #tmpTable
45         open bak_DBPathandName
46         while @@FETCH_STATUS=0
47         begin
48             fetch next from bak_DBPathandName into @bak_databaseName        
49             declare @s varchar(200)
50             /*Get the database backup file name,store your specify path*/
51             set @s= reverse(substring(reverse(@bak_databaseName),0,CHARINDEX('\',reverse(@bak_databaseName))))            
52             /*To get the database name,and tick the number*/
53             BEGIN
54                 WHILE PATINDEX('%[0-9]%',@S) > 0
55                 BEGIN
56                     set @s=stuff(@s,patindex('%[0-9]%',@s),1,'')
57                 end
58                 /*Tick the '.bak' affix*/
59                 set @s=replace(@s,'.bak','')
60             end    
61             /*Backup single database*/    
62             exec restore_database_proc @bak_databaseName,@s,@database_path        
63         end
64         close reachDBName
65         deallocate reachDBName
66     end

Resore single DB:

 1 /*******************************************
 2     Descript:SQL server 2008 backup database.
 3     Author:jiangxiaoqiang
 4     Date:2013-09-26
 5     Modify history:
 7 *******************************************/
 9 ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[restore_database_proc] 
10     @database_bak_path varchar(100),--bak file store path
11     @database_name varchar(100),--The new database name(Not a LogicalName and PhysicalName)
12     @database_path varchar(200)--restore new database file store path,the path you want to store data file
13 AS
14     --exec( 'RESTORE FILELISTONLY FROM DISK = N''' + @database_bak_path + '''')
15     --select * from tempdb..sysobjects where name ='#tmp_file'
16     if OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tmp_file') is not null
17     DROP TABLE  #tmp_file
19     create table #tmp_file
20     (     
21         LogicalName    nvarchar(128),
22         PhysicalName nvarchar(260),
23         Type char(1),
24         FileGroupName nvarchar(128),
25         Size numeric(20,0),
26         MaxSize numeric(20,0),
27         FileId bigint,
28         CreateLSN numeric(25,0),
29         DropLSN    numeric(25,0) NULL,
30         UniqueID uniqueidentifier,
31         ReadOnlyLSN    numeric(25,0) NULL,
32         ReadWriteLSN numeric(25,0) NULL,
33         BackupSizeInBytes bigint,
34         SourceBlockSize    int,
35         FileGroupID    int,
36         LogGroupGUID uniqueidentifier NULL,
37         DifferentialBaseLSN    numeric(25,0) NULL,    
38         DifferentialBaseGUID uniqueidentifier,    
39         IsReadOnly bit,
40         IsPresent bit,
41         TDEThumbprint varbinary(32)
42     )
43     --Database datafile full path
44     declare @database_mdf_path varchar(1000)
45     --Database log file full path
46     declare @database_log_path varchar(1000)
48     --The old database name
49     declare @database_mdf_oldname varchar(1000)
50     --The old database old log name
51     declare @database_log_oldname varchar(1000)
53     set @database_mdf_path =  @database_path + '/' + @database_name + '.mdf'
54     set @database_log_path =  @database_path + '/' + @database_name + '_Log.ldf'     
56     --INSERT INTO #tmp_file EXEC ('restore_database_proc N''' + @database_bak_path + '''')
57     INSERT INTO #tmp_file EXEC ('RESTORE FILELISTONLY FROM DISK = N''' + @database_bak_path + '''')    
58     set @database_mdf_oldname = (select LogicalName from #tmp_file where Type = 'D')
59     set @database_log_oldname = (select LogicalName from #tmp_file where Type = 'L')
60     --select @database_mdf_oldname=LogicalName from #tmp_file where Type = 'D'
62     --select @database_log_oldname =LogicalName from #tmp_file where Type = 'L'
63     exec(
64     '
65     RESTORE DATABASE ' + @database_name  +
66     '
67     FROM DISK = ''' + @database_bak_path + '''' + 
68     '
69     WITH 
70     MOVE ''' + @database_mdf_oldname + ''' TO ''' + @database_mdf_path + ''',' +
71     '
72     MOVE ''' + @database_log_oldname + ''' TO ''' + @database_log_path + ''''
73     )