1.Nullable Types in C#

书目:MCTS 70-536: TS: .NET Framework 2.0-Application Development Foundation 
章节:Chapter 1: Framework Fundamentals -- Lesson 1: Using Value Types -- How to Declare Value Types
Declare the variable as nullable if you want to be able to determine whether a value has
not been assigned. For example, if you are storing data from a yes/no question on a
form and the user did not answer the question, you should store a null value. The following
code allows a Boolean variable to be true, false, or other:

// C#
Nullable<bool> b = null;
// Shorthand notation, only for C#
bool? b = null;

Declaring a variable as nullable enables the HasValue and Value members. Use Has-
Value to detect whether or not a value has been set:

// C#
if (b.HasValue)Console.WriteLine("b is {0}.", b.Value);
else Console.WriteLine("b is not set.");


posted @ 2007-02-14 16:02  Jailu  阅读(390)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报