简单的 vector

  1 #pragma once
  2 #include <memory.h>
  3 #include <stdlib.h>
  4 #include <iostream>
  5 using std::ostream;
  6 using std::cout;
  7 using std::endl;
  8 class vector{
  9 public :
 10     vector();
 11     ~vector();
 12     explicit vector(int size_);
 13     vector(int size_,int e);
 14     vector(const vector&a);
 15     vector(int *data,int len);
 16     vector& operator=(const vector&a);
 17     vector(vector&&)=delete;
 18     vector& operator=(vector&&)=delete;
 21     int size()const;
 22     int capacity()const;
 23     void reserve(int capacity_);
 24     void resize(int size_);
 25     int& operator[](int);
 26     void insert(int pos,int x);//insert a new element before the position pos
 27     void erase(int pos);//erase the element at the position pos;
 28     void push_back(int x);//insert a new element at the end
 29     void pop_back();//erase the last element
 30     int& front();//return the first element
 31     const int& front()const;
 32     int& back();//return the last element
 33     const int& back()const;
 34     bool empty()const;//true if the size is 0
 35     friend ostream& operator <<(ostream&os,const vector& a){
 36         for(int i=0;i<a._size;i++){
 37             cout<<a.elems[i]<<" ";
 38         }
 39         cout<<endl;
 40         return os;
 41     }
 43 private:
 44     int *elems;
 45     int _size;
 46     int _capacity;
 47     bool _safePos(int a)const{
 48         if(a<0||a>_size-1)return false;
 49         else return true;
 50     }
 51 };
 52 vector::vector(){
 53     _size=0;
 54     _capacity=0;
 55     elems=nullptr;
 56 }
 57 vector::~vector(){
 58     delete[] elems;
 59 }
 61 vector::vector(int size_):_size(size_),_capacity(size_){
 62     this->elems=new int[_capacity];
 63     memset(this->elems,0x3f,_capacity*4);
 64 }
 65 vector::vector(int size_, int e):_size(size_),_capacity(size_){
 66     this->elems=new int[_capacity];
 67     for(int i=0;i<size_;i++){
 68         this->elems[i]=e;
 69     }
 70 }
 72 vector::vector(const vector &a){   
 73     this->_size=a._size;
 74     this->_capacity=a._capacity;
 75     this->elems=new int[_capacity];
 76     memcpy_s(this->elems,_capacity*4,a.elems,_capacity*4);
 77 }
 78 vector::vector(int *data, int len){
 79     this->_capacity=len+len/3;
 80     this->_size=len;
 81     this->elems=new int[_capacity];
 82     memset(this->elems,0x3f,_capacity*4);
 83     memcpy_s(this->elems,_size*4,data,len*4);
 84 }
 85 vector& vector::operator =(const vector&a){
 86         if(*this==a) return *this;
 87         delete[] this->elems;
 88     this->_size=a._size;
 89     this->_capacity=a._capacity;    
 90     this->elems=new int[_capacity];
 91     memcpy_s(this->elems,_capacity*4,a.elems,_capacity*4);
 92     return *this;
 93 }
 94 int vector::size()const{
 95     return this->_size;
 96 }
 97 int vector::capacity()const{
 98     return this->_capacity;
 99 }
100 void vector::reserve(int capacity_){
101     if(capacity_<=this->_capacity)return;
102     else{
103         this->_capacity=capacity_;
104         int *es=new int[_capacity];
105         memset(es,0x3f,_capacity*4);
106         memcpy_s(es,_size*4,elems,_size*4);
107         delete[] elems;
108         this->elems=es;
109     }
110 }
111 void vector::resize(int size_){
112     if(size_<this->_size)this->_size=size_;
113     else if(size_<=this->_capacity){
114         while(this->_size<size_){
115             this->elems[this->_size++]=-1;
116         }
117     }else if(size_>this->_capacity){
118         this->reserve(size_);
119         while(this->_size<this->_capacity){
120             this->elems[this->_size++]=-1;
121         }
122     }
123 }
125 int& vector::operator [](int p){
126     if(_safePos(p))
127     return this->elems[p];
128     exit(1);
129 }
130 void vector::insert(int pos, int x){
131     if(!_safePos(pos))exit(1);
132     if(this->_size==this->_capacity){
133         reserve(this->_capacity+this->_size/3);
134     }
135     for(int j=this->_size;j>pos;j--){
136         this->elems[j]=this->elems[j-1];
137     }
138     this->elems[pos-1]=x;
139 }
140 void vector::erase(int pos){
141     if(!this->_safePos(pos))exit(1);
142     for(int i=pos;i<this->_size-1;i++){
143         this->elems[i]=this->elems[i+1];
144     }
145     this->_size-=1;
146 }
147 void vector::push_back(int x){
148     if(this->_capacity==this->_size){
149         this->reserve(this->_capacity+this->_size/3);
150         this->elems[this->_size++]=x;
151     }else{
152         this->elems[this->_size++]=x;
153     }
154 }
155 void vector::pop_back(){
156     if(!this->empty())
157         --this->_size;
158 }
159 int& vector::front(){
160     return const_cast<int&>(static_cast<const vector&>(*this).front());//把指针转成const型,调用下面一个。再将结果的转成非const
161 }
162 const int& vector::front() const{
163     return this->elems[0];
164 }
165 int& vector::back(){
166     return const_cast<int&>(static_cast<const vector*>(this)->back());//这里试试两种不同的写法而已
167 }
168 const int& vector::back() const{
169     return this->elems[_size-1];
170 }
171 bool vector::empty()const{
172     return _size==0?true:false;
173 }


posted @ 2017-10-08 15:26  Lucky、Dog  阅读(285)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报