【题解】 CF437E The Child and Polygon 计算几何+dp


Link \(\textrm{to Codeforces}\)

给定一个 \(n\) 个点的简单多边形,求三角剖分数目。

\(3 \le n \le 200\)


做题做傻了,一个显然的区间 \(\rm{dp}\) 都没看出来。

显然设 \(dp_{l,r}\) 表示使用了编号 \(l \sim r\) 的所有点进行三角剖分的方案数。

转移 \(dp_{l,r} = \sum_{l < k < r} dp_{l,k} \times dp{k,r}\)

答案就是 \(dp_{1,n}\)


  • \(l \to r\) 的连边会穿过多边形的任何部位。
  • \(l \to r\) 的连边在多边形外部。




在枚举 \(k\) 的时候看 \(k\) 是不是凹进去的就好了,凹进去就不合法。




#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

#define LL long long

const int MX = 200 + 23;
const LL MOD = 1e9 + 7;

struct VECTOR{
	LL x ,y;
	VECTOR(LL X = 0 ,LL Y = 0){x = X ,y = Y;}
	VECTOR operator +(const VECTOR &B)const{return VECTOR(x + B.x ,y + B.y);}
	VECTOR operator -(const VECTOR &B)const{return VECTOR(x - B.x ,y - B.y);}
	LL operator *(const VECTOR &B)const{return x * B.y - y * B.x;}
	bool operator ==(const VECTOR &B)const{return x == B.x && y == B.y;}
	void Read(){cin >> x >> y;}

struct SEG{
	VECTOR st ,d;
	SEG(){st = d = VECTOR(0 ,0);}
	SEG(VECTOR __st ,VECTOR __ed){
		st = __st ,d = __ed - __st;
	void turn(){
		st = st + d;
		d = VECTOR(0 ,0) - d;

int sgn(LL x){
	if(!x) return 0;
	return x > 0 ? 1 : -1;

bool PingXing(VECTOR A ,VECTOR B){
	return A.x * B.y - A.y * B.x == 0;

bool online(SEG a ,VECTOR b){
	// 询问点 b 是否在 a 上(含边缘)
	bool xless = b.x < a.st.x && b.x < (a.st + a.d).x;
	bool xmore = b.x > a.st.x && b.x > (a.st + a.d).x;
	bool yless = b.y < a.st.y && b.y < (a.st + a.d).y;
	bool ymore = b.y > a.st.y && b.y > (a.st + a.d).y;
	return (xless + xmore + yless + ymore) == 0;

int ok(SEG a ,SEG b){
	// 0 绝对不行
	// 1 共点
	// 2 绝对可以
	LL test1 = sgn(a.d * (b.st - a.st)) * sgn(a.d * (b.st + b.d - a.st));
	LL test2 = sgn(b.d * (a.st - b.st)) * sgn(b.d * (a.st + a.d - b.st));
	if(test1 > 0 || test2 > 0){
		// 连交点都没有
		return 2;
	if(PingXing(a.d ,b.d)){
		// 有交点且平行就是共线
		if(online(a ,b.st) || online(a ,b.st + b.d)
		|| online(b ,a.st) || online(b ,a.st + a.d)){
			// 二者有交
			if(sgn(a.d.x) != sgn(b.d.x) || sgn(a.d.y) != sgn(b.d.y)){
			if(a.st + a.d == b.st || b.st + b.d == a.st)
				return 1;
			return 0;
		return 2;
	return (test1 <= 0 && test2 <= 0);

LL fad;
int n;
int check(int l ,int r){

	if(l == 0 && r == 4){
	SEG Main(P[l] ,P[r]);

	LL S = fad ,s1 = 0 ,s2 = 0;
	for(int i = l ; i <= r ; ++i){
		if(i == r){
			s1 += P[r] * P[l]; 
			s1 += P[i] * P[i + 1];
	for(int i = r ; ; i = (i + 1) % n){
		if(i == l){
			s2 += P[l] * P[r];
		s2 += P[i] * P[(i + 1) % n];
	if(abs(S) != abs(s1) + abs(s2)) return 0;

	for(int i = 0 ; i < n ; ++i){
		SEG t(P[i] ,P[(i + 1) % n]);
		int judge = ok(Main ,t);
		if(i == r && ((i + 1) % n == l)) continue;
		if(judge == 0) return 0;
		if(judge == 1){
			if(i == l || (i + 1) % n == l || i == r || (i + 1) % n == r){
			return 0;
	return 1;

LL dp[MX][MX];

void test(){
	int n; cin >> n;
		int x ,y;
		cin >> x >> y;
		printf("(%d,%d)\n" ,x ,y);
	SEG a(VECTOR(1 ,0) ,VECTOR(-1 ,0)) ,b(VECTOR(0 ,0) ,VECTOR(1 ,0));
	cout << ok(a ,b) <<endl;
	return ;

int main(){
	// test();
	cin >> n;
	for(int i = 0 ; i < n ; ++i){
	for(int i = 0 ; i < n ; ++i){
		fad += P[i] * P[(i + 1) % n];
	// fad 为正数说明是顺时针给出
	for(int i = 1 ; i < n ; ++i){
		dp[i - 1][i] = 1;
	for(int len = 2 ; len <= n ; ++len){
		for(int st = 0 ; st + len < n ; ++st){
			int ed = st + len;
			if(!check(st ,ed)){
				printf("[%d ,%d] is bad!\n" ,st ,ed);

			for(int k = st + 1 ; k < ed ; ++k){
				dp[st][ed] = (dp[st][ed] + dp[st][k] * dp[k][ed]) % MOD;
			printf("dp[%d][%d] = %lld\n" ,st ,ed ,dp[st][ed]);
	cout << dp[0][n - 1] << endl;
	return 0;
posted @ 2020-10-16 20:04  Imakf  阅读(137)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报