[Python学习笔记-008] 使用双向链表去掉重复的文本行

用Python处理文本文件是极方便的,当文本文件中有较多的重复的行的时候,将那些重复的行数去掉并打印诸如"...<repeats X times>..."有助于更好的浏览文本文件的内容。下面将通过Python打造一个双向链表来实现这一功能。如果你对在Python中实现双向链表感兴趣,不妨花五分钟读一读。Have fun :-)

01 - 定义链表结点

1 struct node {
2     int           lineno;
3     char          *line;
4     char          *md5;
5     char          *dupcnt; /* duplicated counter */
6     struct node   *prev;
7     struct node   *next;
8 }; 


1 node = {}
2 node['lineno'] = index + 1
3 node['line'] = line.strip().rstrip()
4 node['md5'] = md5txt
5 node['dupcnt'] = 0
6 node['prev'] = index - 1
7 node['next'] = index + 1


02 - 初始化双向链表

 1 def init_doubly_linked_list(l_in):
 2     l_out = []
 3     index = 0
 4     for text in l_in:
 5         data = text.strip().rstrip()
 6         md5 = hashlib.md5(data.encode(encoding='UTF-8')).hexdigest()
 8         d_node = {}
 9         d_node['lineno'] = index + 1
10         d_node['line'] = data
11         d_node['md5'] = md5
12         d_node['dupcnt'] = 0
13         d_node['prev'] = index - 1
14         d_node['next'] = index + 1
15         if index == 0:
16             d_node['prev'] = None
17         if index == len(l_in) - 1:
18             d_node['next'] = None
19         l_out.append(d_node)
21         index += 1
22     return l_out


03 - 将双向链表中的包含有重复行的结点处理掉

 1 def omit_doubly_linked_list(l_dll):
 2     for curr_node in l_dll:
 3         prev_node_index = curr_node['prev']
 4         next_node_index = curr_node['next']
 6         if prev_node_index is None:  # the head node
 7             prev_node = None
 8             continue
 9         else:
10             prev_node = l_dll[prev_node_index]
12         if next_node_index is None:  # the tail node
13             next_node = None
14         else:
15             next_node = l_dll[next_node_index]
17         if curr_node['md5'] != prev_node['md5']:
18             continue
20         # Update dupcnt of previous node
21         prev_node['dupcnt'] += 1
23         # Remove current node
24         if next_node is not None:
25             next_node['prev'] = curr_node['prev']
26         if prev_node is not None:
27             prev_node['next'] = curr_node['next']


  • 将前一个结点的重复计数器(dupcnt)加1;
  • 把当前结点从双向链表上摘掉(这里我们只修改前驱结点的next和后继结点的prev, 不做实际的删除,因为没必要)。


04 - 遍历处理后的双向链表

 1 def traverse_doubly_linked_list(l_dll):
 2     l_out = []
 4     node_index = None
 5     if len(l_dll) > 0:
 6         node_index = 0
 8     while (node_index is not None):  # <==> p != NULL
 9         curr_node = l_dll[node_index]
11         msg = '%6d\t%s' % (curr_node['lineno'], curr_node['line'])
12         l_out.append(msg)
14         #
15         # 1) If dupcnt is 0, it means subsequent lines don't repeat current
16         #    line, just go to visit the next node
17         # 2) If dupcnt >= 1, it means subsequent lines repeat the current line
18         #    a) If dupcnt is 1, i.e. only one line repeats, just pick it up
19         #    b) else save message like '...<repeats X times>...'
20         #
21         if curr_node['dupcnt'] == 0:
22             node_index = curr_node['next']
23             continue
24         elif curr_node['dupcnt'] == 1:
25             msg = '%6d\t%s' % (curr_node['lineno'] + 1, curr_node['line'])
26         else:  # i.e. curr_node['dupcnt'] > 1
27             msg = '%s\t...<repeats %d times>...' % (' ' * 6,
28                                                     curr_node['dupcnt'])
29         l_out.append(msg)
31         node_index = curr_node['next']
33     return l_out
  • 如果当前结点的dupcnt为0,说明它后面的行与之不同,直接打印;
  • 如果当前结点的dupcnt为1,说明它后面的行与之相同,那么打印当前行,再打印下一行,注意行号得加一;
  • 如果当前结点的dupcnt为N(>1),说明它后面有N行与之重复了,那么打印当前行并再打印...<repeates N times>...。


for (p = head; p != NULL; p = p->next)
    /* print p->data */


  • 用None代表NULL;
  • 头结点的prev指针的值和尾结点的next指针的值均为None
  • 中间结点的prev指针的值是其前趋结点的下标
  • 中间结点的next指针的值后继结点的下标。


  1 #!/usr/bin/python3
  3 import sys
  4 import hashlib
  5 import getopt
 10 def init_doubly_linked_list(l_in):
 11     #
 12     # Here is the node definition of the doubly linked list
 13     #
 14     #   struct node {
 15     #       int           lineno;
 16     #       char          *text;
 17     #       char          *md5;
 18     #       char          *dupcnt; /* duplicated counter */
 19     #       struct node   *prev;
 20     #       struct node   *next;
 21     #   }
 22     #
 23     l_out = []
 24     index = 0
 25     for text in l_in:
 26         data = text.strip().rstrip()
 27         md5 = hashlib.md5(data.encode(encoding='UTF-8')).hexdigest()
 29         d_node = {}
 30         d_node['lineno'] = index + 1
 31         d_node['line'] = data
 32         d_node['md5'] = md5
 33         d_node['dupcnt'] = 0
 34         d_node['prev'] = index - 1
 35         d_node['next'] = index + 1
 36         if index == 0:
 37             d_node['prev'] = None
 38         if index == len(l_in) - 1:
 39             d_node['next'] = None
 40         l_out.append(d_node)
 42         index += 1
 43     return l_out
 46 def omit_doubly_linked_list(l_dll):
 47     #
 48     # Core algorithm to omit repeated lines saved in the doubly linked list
 49     #
 50     #   prev_node = curr_node->prev;
 51     #   next_node = curr_node->next;
 52     #
 53     #   if (curr_node->md5 == prev_node.md5) {
 54     #       prev_node.dupcnt++;
 55     #
 56     #       /* remove current node */
 57     #       next_node->prev = curr_node->prev;
 58     #       prev_node->next = curr_node->next;
 59     #   }
 60     #
 61     for curr_node in l_dll:
 62         prev_node_index = curr_node['prev']
 63         next_node_index = curr_node['next']
 65         if prev_node_index is None:  # the head node
 66             prev_node = None
 67             continue
 68         else:
 69             prev_node = l_dll[prev_node_index]
 71         if next_node_index is None:  # the tail node
 72             next_node = None
 73         else:
 74             next_node = l_dll[next_node_index]
 76         if curr_node['md5'] != prev_node['md5']:
 77             continue
 79         # Update dupcnt of previous node
 80         prev_node['dupcnt'] += 1
 82         # Remove current node
 83         if next_node is not None:
 84             next_node['prev'] = curr_node['prev']
 85         if prev_node is not None:
 86             prev_node['next'] = curr_node['next']
 89 def traverse_doubly_linked_list(l_dll):
 90     #
 91     # Core algorithm to traverse the doubly linked list
 92     #
 93     #   p = l_dll;
 94     #   while (p != NULL) {
 95     #       /* print p->lineno and p->text */
 96     #
 97     #       if (p->dupcnt == 0) {
 98     #           p = p->next;
 99     #           continue;
100     #       }
101     #
102     #       if (p->dupcnt == 1)
103     #           /* print p->lineno + 1 and p->text */
104     #       else /* i.e. > 1 */
105     #           printf("...<repeats %d times>...", p->dupcnt);
106     #
107     #       p = p->next;
108     #   }
109     #
110     l_out = []
112     node_index = None
113     if len(l_dll) > 0:
114         node_index = 0
116     while (node_index is not None):  # <==> p != NULL
117         curr_node = l_dll[node_index]
119         msg = '%6d\t%s' % (curr_node['lineno'], curr_node['line'])
120         l_out.append(msg)
122         #
123         # 1) If dupcnt is 0, it means subsequent lines don't repeat current
124         #    line, just go to visit the next node
125         # 2) If dupcnt >= 1, it means subsequent lines repeat the current line
126         #    a) If dupcnt is 1, i.e. only one line repeats, just pick it up
127         #    b) else save message like '...<repeats X times>...'
128         #
129         if curr_node['dupcnt'] == 0:
130             node_index = curr_node['next']
131             continue
132         elif curr_node['dupcnt'] == 1:
133             msg = '%6d\t%s' % (curr_node['lineno'] + 1, curr_node['line'])
134         else:  # i.e. curr_node['dupcnt'] > 1
135             msg = '%s\t...<repeats %d times>...' % (' ' * 6,
136                                                     curr_node['dupcnt'])
137         l_out.append(msg)
139         node_index = curr_node['next']
141     return l_out
144 def print_refined_text(l_lines):
145     l_dll = init_doubly_linked_list(l_lines)
146     omit_doubly_linked_list(l_dll)
147     l_out = traverse_doubly_linked_list(l_dll)
148     for line in l_out:
149         print(line)
152 def print_raw_text(l_lines):
153     lineno = 0
154     for line in l_lines:
155         lineno += 1
156         line = line.strip().rstrip()
157         print('%6d\t%s' % (lineno, line))
160 def usage(prog):
161     sys.stderr.write('Usage: %s [-r] <logfile>\n' % prog)
164 def main(argc, argv):
165     shortargs = ":r"
166     longargs = ["raw"]
167     try:
168         options, rargv = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], shortargs, longargs)
169     except getopt.GetoptError as err:
170         sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % str(err))
171         usage(argv[0])
172         return 1
174     for opt, arg in options:
175         if opt in ('-r', '--raw'):
176             global TC_LOG_OUTPUT_RAW
177             TC_LOG_OUTPUT_RAW = True
178         else:
179             usage(argv[0])
180             return 1
182     rargc = len(rargv)
183     if rargc < 1:
184         usage(argv[0])
185         return 1
187     logfile = rargv[0]
188     with open(logfile, 'r') as file_handle:
189         if TC_LOG_OUTPUT_RAW:
190             print_raw_text(file_handle.readlines())
191         else:
192             print_refined_text(file_handle.readlines())
194     return 0
196 if __name__ == '__main__':
197     sys.exit(main(len(sys.argv), sys.argv))


$ ./foo.py /tmp/a.log > /tmp/a && cat /tmp/a
     1    <<<test_start>>>
     2    tag=dio30 stime=1574695439
     3    cmdline="diotest6 -b 65536 -n 100 -i 100 -o 1024000"
     4    contacts=""
     5    analysis=exit
     6    <<<test_output>>>
     7    diotest06    1  TPASS  :  Read with Direct IO, Write without
     8    diotest06    2  TFAIL  :  diotest6.c:150: readv failed, ret = 1269760
     9    diotest06    3  TFAIL  :  diotest6.c:215: Write Direct-child 83 failed
    10    diotest06    1  TPASS  :  Read with Direct IO, Write without
    ...<repeats 7 times>...
    18    diotest06    2  TFAIL  :  diotest6.c:334: Write with Direct IO, Read without
    19    diotest06    1  TPASS  :  Read with Direct IO, Write without
    20    diotest06    1  TPASS  :  Read with Direct IO, Write without
    21    diotest06    2  TFAIL  :  diotest6.c:334: Write with Direct IO, Read without
    22    diotest06    1  TPASS  :  Read with Direct IO, Write without
    23    diotest06    2  TFAIL  :  diotest6.c:334: Write with Direct IO, Read without
    ...<repeats 2 times>...
    26    diotest06    3  TPASS  :  Read, Write with Direct IO
    27    diotest06    0  TINFO  :  1/3 testblocks failed
    28    incrementing stop
    29    <<<execution_status>>>
    30    initiation_status="ok"
    31    duration=697 termination_type=exited termination_id=1 corefile=no
    32    cutime=63573 cstime=6179
    33    <<<test_end>>>
$ ./foo.py -r /tmp/a.log > /tmp/b && cat /tmp/b
     1    <<<test_start>>>
     2    tag=dio30 stime=1574695439
     3    cmdline="diotest6 -b 65536 -n 100 -i 100 -o 1024000"
     4    contacts=""
     5    analysis=exit
     6    <<<test_output>>>
     7    diotest06    1  TPASS  :  Read with Direct IO, Write without
     8    diotest06    2  TFAIL  :  diotest6.c:150: readv failed, ret = 1269760
     9    diotest06    3  TFAIL  :  diotest6.c:215: Write Direct-child 83 failed
    10    diotest06    1  TPASS  :  Read with Direct IO, Write without
    11    diotest06    1  TPASS  :  Read with Direct IO, Write without
    12    diotest06    1  TPASS  :  Read with Direct IO, Write without
    13    diotest06    1  TPASS  :  Read with Direct IO, Write without
    14    diotest06    1  TPASS  :  Read with Direct IO, Write without
    15    diotest06    1  TPASS  :  Read with Direct IO, Write without
    16    diotest06    1  TPASS  :  Read with Direct IO, Write without
    17    diotest06    1  TPASS  :  Read with Direct IO, Write without
    18    diotest06    2  TFAIL  :  diotest6.c:334: Write with Direct IO, Read without
    19    diotest06    1  TPASS  :  Read with Direct IO, Write without
    20    diotest06    1  TPASS  :  Read with Direct IO, Write without
    21    diotest06    2  TFAIL  :  diotest6.c:334: Write with Direct IO, Read without
    22    diotest06    1  TPASS  :  Read with Direct IO, Write without
    23    diotest06    2  TFAIL  :  diotest6.c:334: Write with Direct IO, Read without
    24    diotest06    2  TFAIL  :  diotest6.c:334: Write with Direct IO, Read without
    25    diotest06    2  TFAIL  :  diotest6.c:334: Write with Direct IO, Read without
    26    diotest06    3  TPASS  :  Read, Write with Direct IO
    27    diotest06    0  TINFO  :  1/3 testblocks failed
    28    incrementing stop
    29    <<<execution_status>>>
    30    initiation_status="ok"
    31    duration=697 termination_type=exited termination_id=1 corefile=no
    32    cutime=63573 cstime=6179
    33    <<<test_end>>>



posted @ 2019-12-11 17:26  veli  阅读(500)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报