
package com.ming.test

 * scala泛型
 * 类型参数测试
object TypeParamsTest {
  def getMiddle[T](a:Array[T])=a(a.length/2)
  def process1(people:java.util.List[_<:Student])={}
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val p=new Pair(42,"String")
    val p2=new Pair[Any,Any](42,"ddd")
    val c=new Compare("A","B");
class Pair[T,M](var one:T,var two :M)

class Compare[T<:Comparable[T]](val one:T,val two : T){
  def smaller=if(one.compareTo(two)<0) one else two

 * <%关系意味这T可以被隐式转换成Comparable[T],还可以用Ordered特质
class PairT[T <% Comparable[T]]

class PairTT[T <% Ordered[T]](val one:T,val two:T){
  def smaller=if(one<two) one else two

class P[T : Ordering](val one:T,val two:T){
  def smaller(implicit ord: Ordering[T])=
    if(, two)<0) one else two

class ManfiestTest{
  def makePair[T : Manifest](one:T,two :T){
    val r=new Array[T](2)

class A[T <:Comparable[T] with Serializable with Cloneable]

class B[T <% Comparable[T] <% String]

class C[T : Ordering : Manifest]

class D[T >: String <:String]

abstract class List[+T]{
  def isEmpty :Boolean
  def head :T
  def tail: List[T]

object Empty extends List[Nothing]{
  def isEmpty=true
  def head=throw new UnsupportedOperationException
  def tail=throw new UnsupportedOperationException


class Student{}




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