UG二次开发NXOpen-Python(十) 滚珠丝杠副五次抛物线回珠曲线设计



  首先,利用Block UI Styler简单的设计一个界面,如下:

  界面设计过程很简单,通过点击左边的类型就能在对话框中添加相应的类型,然后在右侧对其属性进行一些修改,就和用VS拖界面差不多,当然你要不想用Block UI Styler,用tkinter做个界面也行,使用Block UI Styler设计完毕后保存后会自动生成一个.py文件和一个.dlx文件,把这两个文件放在application文件夹下,alt+F8,选择刚刚那个.py文件执行,就会弹出对话框,当然这个时候这个对话框什么都不做,我们需要编辑刚刚那个.py文件使该对话框具有相应的功能。

 1     #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
 2     # Callback Name: dialogShown_cb
 3     # This callback is executed just before the dialog launch. Thus any value set
 4     # here will take precedence and dialog will be launched showing that value.
 5     #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
 6     def dialogShown_cb(self):
 7         try:
 8             # ---- Enter your callback code here -----
 9             if self.enum0.ValueAsString == '圆形返向器':
10                 self.double04.Show = True
11                 self.double05.Show = True
12                 self.double06.Show = False
13                 self.double07.Show = False
14             else:
15                 self.double04.Show = False
16                 self.double05.Show = True
17                 self.double06.Show = True
18                 self.double07.Show = True
19         except Exception as ex:
20             # ---- Enter your exception handling code here -----
21             self.theUI.NXMessageBox.Show(
22                 "Block Styler", NXOpen.NXMessageBox.DialogType.Error, str(ex))



 1     #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
 2     # Callback Name: update_cb
 3     #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
 4     def update_cb(self, block):
 5         try:
 6             if block == self.enum0:
 7                 if self.enum0.ValueAsString == '圆形返向器':
 8                     self.double04.Show = True
 9                     self.double05.Show = True
10                     self.double06.Show = False
11                     self.double07.Show = False
12                 else:
13                     self.double04.Show = False
14                     self.double05.Show = True
15                     self.double06.Show = True
16                     self.double07.Show = True
17                 # ---- Enter your code here -----
18             elif block == self.double04:
19                 # ---- Enter your code here -----
20                 pass
21             elif block == self.double06:
22                 # ---- Enter your code here -----
23                 pass
24             elif block == self.double07:
25                 # ---- Enter your code here -----
26                 pass
27             elif block == self.double05:
28                 # ---- Enter your code here -----
29                 pass
30             elif block == self.double0:
31                 # ---- Enter your code here -----
32                 pass
33             elif block == self.double01:
34                 # ---- Enter your code here -----
35                 pass
36             elif block == self.enum01:
37                 # ---- Enter your code here -----
38                 pass
39             elif block == self.double03:
40                 # ---- Enter your code here -----
41                 pass
42             elif block == self.double02:
43                 # ---- Enter your code here -----
44                 pass
45             elif block == self.double08:
46                 # ---- Enter your code here -----
47                 pass
48             elif block == self.double09:
49                 # ---- Enter your code here -----
50                 pass
51             elif block == self.double010:
52                 # ---- Enter your code here -----
53                 pass
55         except Exception as ex:
56             # ---- Enter your exception handling code here -----
57             self.theUI.NXMessageBox.Show(
58                 "Block Styler", NXOpen.NXMessageBox.DialogType.Error, str(ex))
60         return 0


  1     def apply_cb(self):
  2         errorCode = 0
  3         try:
  4             # ---- Enter your callback code here -----
  5             f = FXCurve_NXH(self.double02.Value,
  6                             self.double09.Value,
  7                             self.double010.Value,
  8                             self.double03.Value,
  9                             self.double0.Value,
 10                             self.double01.Value,
 11                             self.double08.Value)
 12             if self.enum0.ValueAsString == '圆形返向器':
 13                 points = f.getPoints_1(
 14                     0.1,
 15                     self.double05.Value,
 16                     self.double04.Value,
 17                     'R' if self.enum01.ValueAsString == '右旋' else 'L')
 18                 # self.lw.Open()
 19                 # for p in points:
 20                 #     self.lw.WriteLine(str(p))
 21             else:
 22                 points = f.getPoints_2(
 23                     0.1,
 24                     self.double05.Value,
 25                     self.double06.Value,
 26                     self.double07.Value,
 27                     'R' if self.enum01.ValueAsString == '右旋' else 'L')
 28             #==================================================================
 29             # 生成样条曲线
 30             #==================================================================
 31             studioSplineBuilderEx1 = self.workPart.Features.CreateStudioSplineBuilderEx(
 32                 NXOpen.NXObject.Null)
 33             xf, _ = f.getPointF(self.double05.Value)
 34             for p in points:
 35                 point = self.workPart.Points.CreatePoint(
 36                     NXOpen.Point3d(p[0], p[1], p[2]))
 37                 if abs(abs(p[0]) - xf) < 0.00001:
 38                     point.SetVisibility(
 39                         NXOpen.SmartObjectVisibilityOption.Visible)
 40                 # point.SetVisibility(NXOpen.SmartObjectVisibilityOption.Visible)
 41                 geometricConstraintData = studioSplineBuilderEx1.ConstraintManager.CreateGeometricConstraintData()
 42                 geometricConstraintData.Point = point
 43                 studioSplineBuilderEx1.ConstraintManager.Append(
 44                     geometricConstraintData)
 45             studioSplineBuilderEx1.Commit()
 46             studioSplineBuilderEx1.Destroy()
 47             #==================================================================
 48             # 生成样条曲线结束
 49             #==================================================================
 51             #==================================================================
 52             # 生成螺纹
 53             #==================================================================
 54             helixBuilder1 = self.workPart.Features.CreateHelixBuilder(
 55                 NXOpen.Features.Helix.Null)
 56             helixBuilder1.StartAngle.Value = 0.0
 57             helixBuilder1.SizeLaw.Value.Value = self.double0.Value
 58             helixBuilder1.PitchLaw.Value.Value = self.double01.Value
 59             helixBuilder1.LengthMethod = NXOpen.Features.HelixBuilder.LengthMethods.Turns
 60             helixBuilder1.Turns.RightHandSide = "4"
 61             if self.enum01.ValueAsString == "右旋":
 62                 helixBuilder1.TurnDirection = NXOpen.Features.HelixBuilderTurnDirections.RightHand
 63             else:
 64                 helixBuilder1.TurnDirection = NXOpen.Features.HelixBuilderTurnDirections.LeftHand
 65             point3 = self.workPart.Points.CreatePoint(
 66                 NXOpen.Point3d(0.0, -2 * self.double01.Value, 0.0))
 67             direction1 = self.workPart.Directions.CreateDirection(
 68                 NXOpen.Point3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
 69                 NXOpen.Vector3d(
 70                     0.0, 1.0, 0.0),
 71                 NXOpen.SmartObjectUpdateOption.WithinModeling)
 72             direction2 = self.workPart.Directions.CreateDirection(
 73                 NXOpen.Point3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
 74                 NXOpen.Vector3d(
 75                     0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
 76                 NXOpen.SmartObjectUpdateOption.WithinModeling)
 77             xform1 = self.workPart.Xforms.CreateXformByPointXDirZDir(
 78                 point3, direction2, direction1, NXOpen.SmartObject.UpdateOption.WithinModeling, 1.0)
 79             cartesianCoordinateSystem1 = self.workPart.CoordinateSystems.CreateCoordinateSystem(
 80                 xform1, NXOpen.SmartObject.UpdateOption.WithinModeling)
 81             helixBuilder1.CoordinateSystem = cartesianCoordinateSystem1
 82             helixBuilder1.Commit()
 83             helixBuilder1.Destroy()
 84             #==================================================================
 85             # 生成螺纹结束
 86             #==================================================================
 88             #==================================================================
 89             # 生成返向器轮廓线
 90             #==================================================================
 91             matrix = NXOpen.Matrix3x3(
 92                 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
 93             nm = self.workPart.NXMatrices.Create(matrix)
 94             curves: NXOpen.CurveCollection = self.workPart.Curves
 95             # 圆形返向器轮廓线
 96             if self.enum0.ValueAsString == '圆形返向器':
 97                 arc = curves.CreateArc(NXOpen.Point3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
 98                                        nm,
 99                                        self.double04.Value / 2,
100                                        0.0,
101                                        math.pi * 2)
102                 arc.SetVisibility(
103                     NXOpen.SmartObjectVisibilityOption.Visible)
104             # 扁圆形返向器轮廓线
105             else:
106                 if self.enum01.ValueAsString == '右旋':
107                     fxj = f.getPhi0(self.double05.Value)
108                     # self.lw.Open()
109                     # self.lw.WriteLine(str(fxj))
110                     l = self.double06.Value / 2 - self.double07.Value / 2
111                     # self.lw.WriteLine(str(l))
112                     arc0 = curves.CreateArc(NXOpen.Point3d(-l * math.sin(fxj * math.pi / 180), -l * math.cos(fxj * math.pi / 180), 0.0),
113                                             nm,
114                                             self.double07.Value / 2,
115                                             0.0,
116                                             math.pi * 2)
117                     arc0.SetVisibility(
118                         NXOpen.SmartObjectVisibilityOption.Visible)
119                     arc1 = curves.CreateArc(NXOpen.Point3d(l * math.sin(fxj * math.pi / 180), l * math.cos(fxj * math.pi / 180), 0.0),
120                                             nm,
121                                             self.double07.Value / 2,
122                                             0.0,
123                                             math.pi * 2)
124                     arc1.SetVisibility(
125                         NXOpen.SmartObjectVisibilityOption.Visible)
126                     associativeLineBuilder1 = self.workPart.BaseFeatures.CreateAssociativeLineBuilder(
127                         NXOpen.Features.AssociativeLine.Null)
128                     associativeLineBuilder1.StartPointOptions = NXOpen.Features.AssociativeLineBuilder.StartOption.Tangent
129                     associativeLineBuilder1.EndPointOptions = NXOpen.Features.AssociativeLineBuilder.EndOption.Tangent
130                     associativeLineBuilder1.StartTangent.Value = arc0
131                     associativeLineBuilder1.EndTangent.Value = arc1
132                     associativeLineBuilder1.StartTangent.SetValue(
133                         arc0,
134                         NXOpen.View.Null,
135                         NXOpen.Point3d(
136                             -l * math.sin(fxj * math.pi / 180) +
137                             self.double07.Value / 2 *
138                             math.cos(60 * math.pi / 180),
139                             -l * math.cos(fxj * math.pi / 180) + self.double07.Value / 2 *
140                             math.sin(60 * math.pi / 180),
141                             0.0))
142                     associativeLineBuilder1.EndTangent.SetValue(
143                         arc1, NXOpen.View.Null, NXOpen.Point3d(
144                             l * math.sin(fxj * math.pi / 180) +
145                             self.double07.Value / 2 *
146                             math.cos(60 * math.pi / 180),
147                             l * math.cos(fxj * math.pi / 180) + self.double07.Value / 2 *
148                             math.sin(60 * math.pi / 180),
149                             0.0))
151                     l1 = associativeLineBuilder1.Commit()
152                     associativeLineBuilder1.Destroy()
154                     associativeLineBuilder1 = self.workPart.BaseFeatures.CreateAssociativeLineBuilder(
155                         NXOpen.Features.AssociativeLine.Null)
156                     associativeLineBuilder1.StartPointOptions = NXOpen.Features.AssociativeLineBuilder.StartOption.Tangent
157                     associativeLineBuilder1.EndPointOptions = NXOpen.Features.AssociativeLineBuilder.EndOption.Tangent
158                     associativeLineBuilder1.StartTangent.Value = arc0
159                     associativeLineBuilder1.EndTangent.Value = arc1
160                     associativeLineBuilder1.StartTangent.SetValue(
161                         arc0,
162                         NXOpen.View.Null,
163                         NXOpen.Point3d(
164                             -l * math.sin(fxj * math.pi / 180) +
165                             self.double07.Value / 2 *
166                             math.cos(240 * math.pi / 180),
167                             -l * math.cos(fxj * math.pi / 180) + self.double07.Value / 2 *
168                             math.sin(240 * math.pi / 180),
169                             0.0))
170                     associativeLineBuilder1.EndTangent.SetValue(
171                         arc1, NXOpen.View.Null, NXOpen.Point3d(
172                             l * math.sin(fxj * math.pi / 180) +
173                             self.double07.Value / 2 *
174                             math.cos(240 * math.pi / 180),
175                             l * math.cos(fxj * math.pi / 180) + self.double07.Value / 2 *
176                             math.sin(240 * math.pi / 180),
177                             0.0))
179                     l2 = associativeLineBuilder1.Commit()
180                     associativeLineBuilder1.Destroy()
182                     trimCurve2Builder1 = self.workPart.Features.CreateTrimCurve2FeatureBuilder(
183                         NXOpen.Features.TrimCurve2.Null)
184                     trimCurve2Builder1.KeepOrDiscard = NXOpen.Features.TrimCurve2Builder.KeepDiscard.Discard
185                     trimCurve2Builder1.CurveOptions.InputCurveOption = NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.CurveOptions.InputCurve.Blank
186                     trimCurve2Builder1.MakeInputCurvesDashed = False
187                     trimCurve2Builder1.CurveExtensionOption = NXOpen.Features.TrimCurve2Builder.CurveExtension.Natural
189                     curves1 = [arc0]
190                     curveDumbRule1 = self. workPart.ScRuleFactory.CreateRuleBaseCurveDumb(
191                         curves1)
192                     trimCurve2Builder1.CurveToTrim.AllowSelfIntersection(True)
193                     rules1 = [curveDumbRule1]
195                     helpPoint1 = NXOpen.Point3d(arc0.CenterPoint.X - 0.1,
196                                                 arc0.CenterPoint.Y,
197                                                 arc0.CenterPoint.Z)
198                     trimCurve2Builder1.CurveToTrim.AddToSection(
199                         rules1, arc0, NXOpen.NXObject.Null, NXOpen.NXObject.Null, helpPoint1, NXOpen.Section.Mode.Create, False)
200                     curves2 = [arc1]
201                     curveDumbRule2 = self.workPart.ScRuleFactory.CreateRuleBaseCurveDumb(
202                         curves2)
203                     trimCurve2Builder1.CurveToTrim.AllowSelfIntersection(True)
204                     rules2 = [curveDumbRule2]
205                     helpPoint2 = NXOpen.Point3d(arc1.CenterPoint.X + 0.1,
206                                                 arc1.CenterPoint.Y,
207                                                 arc1.CenterPoint.Z)
208                     trimCurve2Builder1.CurveToTrim.AddToSection(
209                         rules2, arc1, NXOpen.NXObject.Null, NXOpen.NXObject.Null, helpPoint2, NXOpen.Section.Mode.Create, False)
211                     trimCurveBoundingObjectBuilder1 = trimCurve2Builder1.CreateTrimCurveBoundingObjectBuilder()
212                     trimCurve2Builder1.BoundingObjectList.Append(
213                         trimCurveBoundingObjectBuilder1)
214                     section1 = self. workPart.Sections.CreateSection(
215                         0.00095, 0.001, 0.050000000000000003)
216                     section1.SetAllowedEntityTypes(
217                         NXOpen.Section.AllowTypes.CurvesAndPoints)
218                     trimCurveBoundingObjectBuilder1.BoundingObjectList.Add(
219                         section1)
221                     curves3 = [l1.GetEntities()[0]]
222                     curveDumbRule3 = self.workPart.ScRuleFactory.CreateRuleBaseCurveDumb(
223                         curves3)
224                     section1.AllowSelfIntersection(True)
225                     rules3 = [curveDumbRule3]
227                     helpPoint3 = NXOpen.Point3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
228                     section1.AddToSection(
229                         rules3, l1, NXOpen.NXObject.Null, NXOpen.NXObject.Null, helpPoint3, NXOpen.Section.Mode.Create, False)
231                     section1.SetAllowedEntityTypes(
232                         NXOpen.Section.AllowTypes.OnlyCurves)
234                     trimCurveBoundingObjectBuilder2 = trimCurve2Builder1.CreateTrimCurveBoundingObjectBuilder()
235                     trimCurve2Builder1.BoundingObjectList.Append(
236                         trimCurveBoundingObjectBuilder2)
238                     selectDisplayableObjectList4 = trimCurveBoundingObjectBuilder2.BoundingObjectList
239                     selectDisplayableObjectList4.Clear()
241                     section2 = self.workPart.Sections.CreateSection(
242                         0.00095, 0.001, 0.050000000000000003)
243                     section2.SetAllowedEntityTypes(
244                         NXOpen.Section.AllowTypes.CurvesAndPoints)
245                     selectDisplayableObjectList4.Add(section2)
247                     curves4 = [l2.GetEntities()[0]]
248                     curveDumbRule4 = self.workPart.ScRuleFactory.CreateRuleBaseCurveDumb(
249                         curves4)
250                     section2.AllowSelfIntersection(True)
251                     rules4 = [curveDumbRule4]
252                     helpPoint6 = NXOpen.Point3d(
253                         0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
254                     section2.AddToSection(
255                         rules4, l2, NXOpen.NXObject.Null, NXOpen.NXObject.Null, helpPoint6, NXOpen.Section.Mode.Create, False)
257                     trimCurve2Builder1.UpdateTrimRegionsAndDivideLocations()
259                     trimCurve2Builder1.ResetTrimRegions()
261                     helpPoint7 = NXOpen.Point3d(-2.0338813720730768,
262                                                 3.5543050080440493, 0.0)
263                     helpPoint7 = NXOpen.Point3d(
264                         -l * math.sin(fxj * math.pi / 180) +
265                         self.double07.Value / 2 *
266                         math.cos(60 * math.pi / 180),
267                         -l * math.cos(fxj * math.pi / 180) + self.double07.Value / 2 *
268                         math.sin(60 * math.pi / 180),
269                         0.0)
271                     trimCurve2Builder1.SelectTrimRegion(
272                         helpPoint7)
274                     helpPoint8 = NXOpen.Point3d(-3.5613174093535811,
275                                                 0.98159691183841247, 0.0)
276                     helpPoint8 = NXOpen.Point3d(
277                         l * math.sin(fxj * math.pi / 180) +
278                         self.double07.Value / 2 *
279                         math.cos(240 * math.pi / 180),
280                         l * math.cos(fxj * math.pi / 180) + self.double07.Value / 2 *
281                         math.sin(240 * math.pi / 180),
282                         0.0)
283                     trimCurve2Builder1.SelectTrimRegion(
284                         helpPoint8)
286                     nXObject1 = trimCurve2Builder1.Commit()
288                     trimCurve2Builder1.Destroy()
290         except Exception as ex:
291             # ---- Enter your exception handling code here -----
292             errorCode = 1
293             self.theUI.NXMessageBox.Show(
294                 "Block Styler", NXOpen.NXMessageBox.DialogType.Error, str(ex))
296         return errorCode



posted @ 2021-11-04 17:05  hustmse0510  阅读(1409)  评论(9编辑  收藏  举报