XMPP翻译:概述[1] (Summary of XMPP)

前些日子开始翻译了一点XMPP的资料,那是十月初,而中间因为学校的事务中断了,所以今天继续,距离上次算是一个月后了。这次请教了iso1600大哥应该如何入门,他推荐我结合相关客户端服务器软件看下xmpp的协议,于是昨晚我又上了jabber.org网站,浏览了一些发布的Clients和Servers,结果没找到几个用C#写的,也没决定看哪个。然后去xmpp.org下载协议,在看XMPP Extensions 时发现原先的JEP(Jabber Enhancement Proposals)已经改名为XEP(XMPP Extension Protocols),同时从jabber.org链接进Extensions时进入的是XMPP的网站,而不是原先的http://www.jabber.org/jeps。然后去看了下History of XMPP,在内容的最底下多了06年的更新说明:


In July 2006, the IETF published RFC 4622 defining the XMPP URI scheme.
In July 2006, the first XMPP Interoperability Testing Event was held.
In October 2006, the Jabber Software Foundation renamed its "Jabber Enhancement Proposals" specification series to "XMPP Extension Protocols" and moved them to the xmpp.org website.
In October 2006, work began on revisions to RFC 3920 and RFC 3921. See the Internet-Drafts page for details.


2006年7月,Internet工程任务组发布了用于定义XMPP URI Scheme的标准(草案)——RFC 4622。
2006年7月,举办了首届Interoperability Testing活动。
2006年10月,Jabber软件组织重命名了他们的“Jabber 增进提议”系列规范为“XMPP扩充协议”,同时把它们移动了xmpp.org网站。
2006年10月,修正RFC 3920和RFC 3921的工作开始进行。查看详细信息访问Internet-Drafts page

最后一项所说的修正工作现在其实可以在XMPP RFCs上看到:

 Note: Updated versions of RFC 3920 and RFC 3921 are currently being worked on in the IETF -- see rfc3920bis and rfc3921bis for details.

因此Summary of XMPP也被Updated了,在继续阅读它之前,我们先来看看什么是XMPP吧。(呵呵,大家应该都知道的,我练练手,有很多翻译不当或者翻译不来得地方,希望各位指出^_^)

The Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) is an open XML technology for real-time communications, which powers a wide range of applications including instant messaging, presence, media negotiation, whiteboarding, collaboration, lightweight middleware, content syndication, and generalized XML delivery. The core protocol is defined by RFC 3920 and RFC 3921. There are also many XMPP extensions, an XMPP URI scheme, and an active developer community based at jabber.org.

可扩展消息处理与会议协议(XMPP)是一个开放的用于实时信息的XML技术,它能给很大范围的应用程序包括instant messaging, presence, media negotiation, whiteboarding, collaboration, lightweight middleware, content syndication, and generalized XML delivery。它的核心协议由RFC 3920和RFC 3921定义。同时还有很多的扩展协议,一个统一标识符方案,以及一个基于jabber.org的活跃的开发者社区。


posted on 2006-11-02 16:19  Hunts.C  阅读(2518)  评论(4编辑  收藏  举报