Installation of VCPKG

    1. Go to
    2. For windows user, follow the Quick Start: Windows instruction.
    3. Press Window+R, type “cmd“.
    4. In command prompt, type “cd C:/“
    5. Then, type “git clone
      (Note: If your GIT is not installed (GIT != Github), please download and install
      if your GIT is not install,
      you can download the zip file using this link
      Save and Extract to C:/ directory
    6. After git clone is successful or extraction file is done, got back to the command prompt. Type “.\vcpkg\bootstrap-vcpkg.bat“
    7. Furthermore, type “.\vcpkg\vcpkg install tesseract:x64-windows“
    8. Wait for around 15-30 minutes for it to install depends on your computer speed.
    9. After all is install, type “.\vcpkg\vcpkg integrate install“
    10. Open your C++ project. Right click & select properties on your main project solution.