


create  table student(

 sid     int(11) primary key not null,

 sname   char(25) not null,

 age     int(11) not null,

 sex     char(2) not null,

 department char(40) ,

 address  char(200) ,

 birthplace  varchar(256)


create  table sc(

  sid   int(11) not null,

  cid   int(11) not null,

  grade int(11)


create  table course(

  cid    int(11) not null primary key default 4,

  cname  char(40),

  teacher  char(40)



delete from course ;

insert into course values('8108001','math','sandy');

insert into course values('8108002','english','sherry');

insert into course values('8108003','computer','sandy');

insert into course values('8108004','web','sandy');

insert into course values('8108005','java','sandy');

insert into course values('8108006','C languge','sherry');

insert into course values('8108007','python','xiaozhu');

insert into course values('8108008','testing','xiaozhu');

insert into course values('8108009','linux','sherry');

insert into course values('8108010','shell','sherry');


delete from sc;

insert into sc values('3108001','8108010','90');

insert into sc values('3108001','8108003','67');

insert into sc values('3108002','8108003','54');

insert into sc values('3108002','8108010','84');

insert into sc values('3108003','8108003','78');

insert into sc values('3108004','8108004','89');

insert into sc values('3108005','8108006','56');

insert into sc values('3108006','8108005','60');

insert into sc values('3108007','8108004','79');

insert into sc values('3108008','8108008','89');

insert into sc values('3108009','8108002','46');

insert into sc values('3108010','8108003','87');

insert into sc values('3108011','8108001','85');

insert into sc values('3108011','8108002','81');

insert into sc values('3108012','8108001','97');

insert into sc values('3108012','8108002','55');

insert into sc values('3108013','8108002','86');

insert into sc values('3108013','8108001','71');

insert into sc values('3108014','8108002','69');

insert into sc values('3108014','8108001','78');

insert into sc values('3108015','8108002','67');

insert into sc values('3108016','8108001','85');

insert into sc values('3108016','8108003','85');

insert into sc values('3108016','8108002','85');

insert into sc values('3108016','8108004','85');

insert into sc values('3108016','8108005','85');

insert into sc values('3108016','8108006','80');

insert into sc values('3108016','8108007','79');

insert into sc values('3108016','8108009','36');

insert into sc values('3108016','8108010','78');

insert into sc values('3108016','8108008','88');

insert into sc values('3108016','8108021','83');

insert into sc values('3108015','8108001','85');

insert into sc values('3108015','8108003','85');

insert into sc values('3108015','8108004','85');

insert into sc values('3108015','8108005','85');

insert into sc values('3108015','8108006','80');

insert into sc values('3108015','8108007','79');

insert into sc values('3108015','8108009','36');

insert into sc values('3108015','8108010','78');

insert into sc values('3108015','8108008','88');

insert into sc values('3108015','8108021','83');


delete from student;

insert into student values('3108001','wang min',21,'f','computer-tec','zhongshan


insert into student values('3108002','jidu',20,'m','english','zhongshan road','fujian');

insert into student values('3108003','wangqing',19,'f','computer-tec','zhongshan


insert into student values('3108004','liuxin',23,'f','chinese','zhongshan road','shanghai');

insert into student values('3108005','ligu',22,'f','computer-tec','zhongshan road','jiangsu');

insert into student values('3108006','songjia',19,'m','english','zhongshan road','jiangsu');

insert into student values('3108007','huamao',20,'f','chinese','zhongshan road','shanghai');

insert into student values('3108008','zhujiao',21,'f','english','zhongshan road','jiangsu');

insert into student values('3108009','wuyi',23,'m','computer-tec','zhongshan road','jiangsu');

insert into student values('3108010','jilian',18,'f','chinese','zhongshan road','hunan');

insert into student values('3108011','linbiao',22,'m','computer-tec','zhongshan


insert into student values('3108012','maoguai',21,'m','english','zhongshan road','fujian');

insert into student values('3108013','rongqi',23,'m','computer-tec','zhongshan


insert into student values('3108014','sangzi',20,'f','chinese','zhongshan road','hunan');

insert into student values('3108015','surui',16,'f','computer-tec','zhongshan road','fujian');

insert into student values('3108016','liushaoqi',24,'m','english','zhongshan road','hunan');






select c.cid,cname from student s,sc,course c where s.sid=sc.sid and sc.cid=c.cid and teacher='sandy';


select s.sid,sname from student s where age>20 and sex=f;


select * from student order by sex desc;


select cname from student s,sc t,course c where s.sid=t.sid and t.cid=c.cid and sname='wuyi';


select DISTINCT sname,department from student s,sc t,course c where s.sid=t.sid and t.cid=c.cid and t.sid  not in (select sid from sc where grade<80 );


select sname from student where   not sid in(SELECT sid from sc where cid in(SELECT cid from

course where cname = 'english' ))


select sname,department from student where sex='m' and birthplace = (select birthplace from student where sname='jilian');


select * from student s,(select t.sid,grade from sc t,course c,student s where c.cid=t.cid and s.sid=t.sid and cname = 'english') a,(select t1.sid,grade from sc t1,course c1,student s1 where c1.cid=t1.cid and s1.sid=t1.sid and cname = 'math') b where s.sid=a.sid and a.sid=b.sid and a.grade>b.grade;


select * from student s,sc t,student s1,sc t1 where s.sid=t.sid and s1.sid=t1.sid and s.sid=s1.sid and s.sex='f'and s1.sex='m' and

t.cid=t1.cid and t.grade>t1.grade;


select sname,sex from student s,sc t where s.sid=t.sid having count(t.cid)>=2


select count(sid) from student s where sid in (select distinct sid from sc where cid in (select cid from course where



select s.sid,sname,sex,sum(grade) from student s,sc t where s.sid=t.sid

group by  s.sid,sname;


select sname,sex,department from student where sid = (select sid from sc where grade =(select max(grade) from sc where cid= (select cid

from course where cname='english')));

posted on 2019-08-12 14:23  一只小白two  阅读(11181)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报