

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# Author:Hiuhung Wan
product_list = [
    ("iphone 8", 5888),
    ("Mi Note3", 2499),
    ("Bike", 788),
    ("Phthon 3.5", 59),
    ("Mac pro", 9888),
    ("Honor 6", 599)
notfalse = not False
shopping_cart = []
while notfalse:
    salary = input("Input your salary:")
    if salary.isdigit():
        salary = int(salary)

        while True:
            # for i in product_list:
            #     print(product_list.index(i),i)
            for index, i in enumerate(product_list):
                print(index, i)  # 打印商品列表
            user_choice = input("Please choose what you need to buy:")
            if user_choice.isdigit():
                user_choice = int(user_choice)
                if user_choice < len(product_list) and user_choice >= 0:  # 用户选择了对应的商品
                    if product_list[user_choice][1] <= salary:  # 买得起
                        salary = salary - product_list[user_choice][1]  # 扣钱
                        print("You have purchased %s, and your current balance is %s." % (
                        product_list[user_choice], salary))
                    elif user_choice == "":  # 直接按的回车,没有输入
                        print("Please enter the corresponding number of the goods!")
                    else:  # 钱不够,买不起!
                        print("Your balance is not enough!")
                else:  # 用户输入的数字超出商品总数
                    print("Please check the commodity number!")
            elif user_choice == "q" or user_choice == "Q":  # 要退出
                print("------------shopping list-------------")
                for index, i in enumerate(shopping_cart):
                    print(index, i)
                print("Your current balance is %s." % salary)
            else:  # 用户输入的不是数字
                print("Please enter the corresponding number of the goods!")

    elif salary == "q" or salary == "Q":  # 用户想退出
        notfalse = False
    else:  # 用户输入了其他字符
        print("Please input your salary by number!")


posted on 2017-10-19 23:57  中华酷联  阅读(155)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报