安装android sdk 遇到几个问题

我在win7下安装android sdk 遇到几个问题,参照国内外网站和自己安装过程的解决方安,记下以备后忘

  1. 使用https下载出错
    运行“SDK Setup.exe”,提示:“Failed to fetch URL https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/repository/repository.xml, reason: HTTPS SSL error. You might want to force download through HTTP in the settings.”
    按照提示, 在settings中,勾选“Force https://… sources to be fetched using http://…”,强制使用http协议,解决了问题。
  2. A folder failed to be renamed or moved
    网速特别忙,等啊等,终于下载完了,在安装的过程中提示:“-= Warning ! =-
    A folder failed to be renamed or moved. On Windows this typically means that a program is using that folder (for example Windows Explorer or your anti-virus software .) ………”。 意思说,将杀毒软件及使用“/Android SDK/tools”目录的相关程序关掉。我将 360杀毒软件及防火墙关掉,将windows 文件浏览器也都关掉了,进程中可能存在的“adb.exe”进程也关掉了。
    b.在tools copy文件夹下运行android.bat
    c.运行update all通过了
    d.关掉sdk,结束adb.exe进程,,删除tools copy文件夹
posted @ 2010-08-26 17:13  harry.guo  阅读(1046)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报