应客户的要求,利用Acrobat API写了一个批量删除PDF 文档中XMP的小工具。

Acrobat 支持删除XMP信息,但必须一个节点一个节点删除,一个文件一个文件删除,非常麻烦,利用XMP Remover可以可以快速删除指定目录下所有PDF 文档的XMP信息。


Adobe XMP(可扩展元数据平台,Adobe's Extensible Metadata Platform)是一种标签技术,可以帮助用户将文件信息(元数据)添加到以 PNG、GIF、JPEG、Photoshop、TIFF 和PDF等格式保存的文件中。XMP 为 Adobe 应用程序间的元数据交换提供了便利。例如,用户可以将一个文件中的元数据另存为模板,然后将元数据导入到其它文件中。 主要用于工作流中重要信息的传递工作。

Adobe's Extensible Metadata Platform (XMP) is a labeling technology that allows you to embed data about a file, known as metadata, into the file itself. With XMP, desktop applications and back-end publishing systems gain a common method for capturing, sharing, and leveraging this valuable metadata — opening the door for more efficient job processing, workflow automation, and rights management, among many other possibilities. With XMP, Adobe has taken the "heavy lifting" out of metadata integration, offering content creators an easy way to embed meaningful information about their projects and providing industry partners with standards-based building blocks to develop optimized workflow solutions. 

posted on 2008-10-21 10:08  RubyPDF  阅读(3742)  评论(5编辑  收藏  举报