HTTP 2.0 与 tomcat

    tomcat 支持http2.0吗?



stackoverflow里“Tomcat support for HTTP/2.0?”,jetty的源码码作者做了如下的总结:

  I'm the HTTP/2 implementer in Jetty, and I watch out other projects implementing HTTP/2.Tomcat's Mark Thomas has outlined support for HTTP/2 for Tomcat 9.

  Considering that Servlet 4.0 is going to have as a target HTTP/2 support, and that HTTP/2 support requires ALPN support in the JDK (which also I am involved in), and that ALPN support in the JDK is scheduled for JDK 9, it is probably going to be a long time before all that materializes.However, be aware that other Servlet Containers already provide HTTP/2 support.

  Jetty 9.3.0 has full, robust, support for HTTP/2, client and server. We have been running HTTP/2 on our own website for many months now, and we consider HTTP/2 support production ready.

  Jetty's HTTP/2 Push APIs are being considered for inclusion in Servlet 4.0. HTTP/2 Push is already available to applications deployed to Jetty in a transparent way (via a Servlet Filter).

  Undertow also has an implementation for HTTP/2.

  Netty also has one, but it's not based on the Servlet APIs.



 Apache Tomcat 9.0.0.M1 是 9.0.x 的第一个里程碑版本,提供 9.0.x 的新特性早期预览,希望能得到用户的反馈。


-   新增 HTTP/2 支持和 TLS 虚拟主机

-   实现当前 Servlet 4.0 规范草案

-   BIO connectors 不再支持 Windows Itanium 和 Comet

  comet取消,因为http2.0 加入了 server push的功能。  


    SPDY vs HTTP2.0


  http 2.0 也参考自google的SPDY。虽然SPDY并未成为标准,但是作为一种兼容http协议,并且是高性能和安全的的http访问方案,也曾在国内的厂商中使用:








  参考这篇站点切换https不会对流量产生负面影响。答案是基本不会,如果原来是http,做了映射到 https,状态码是 301或302就没有问题。









posted @ 2016-05-19 12:54  二郎那个三郎  阅读(5036)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报