EM3 PE TOPIC Festivals

Spring Fes­ti­val - a Chi­nese tra­di­tional fes­ti­val

Spring Fes­ti­val is a Chi­nese tra­di­tional fes­ti­val. Every year, Chi­nese and over­seas Chi­nese all around the world have days off and cel­e­brate it with fam­ily and friends.

The word "Spring" means a lot for Chi­nese. Be­cause of large pupu­la­tion, agri­cul­ture is foun­da­tional and im­por­tant, es­pe­cially in an­cient China. Spring means a new sea­son for crops. And Spring Fes­ti­val is the first day of new year in lu­nar cal­en­dar, so we can also call it Chi­nese New Year. In these days, We gather to­gether, look­ing back to the last year and look­ing for­word to the new year. That's why Spring Fes­ti­val is more mean­ing­ful than the New Year's Day in China.

Spring Fes­ti­val usu­ally lasts for 1 or 2 weeks. Most mi­grant work­ers go back to their home­town be­fore it. The amount of mi­grant work­ers is so large that trans­port dur­ing the Spring Fes­ti­val be­comes an unique phe­nom­e­non. Chi­nese usu­ally stay at home and have a good din­ner with fam­ily on Chi­nese New Year's Eve. We paste Spring Fes­ti­val cou­plets, touch off fire­crack­ers and fire­works at night and chil­dren can re­ceive red pack­ets from our par­ents and rel­a­tives. Af­ter the Eve, we visit our rel­a­tives and friends, shar­ing what we sees and hears to­gether. We also play games, like cards or mahjong.

How­ever, the af­fac­tion of the Spring Fes­ti­val is fad­ing. In the past, dances of drag­ons and li­ons can be watched in busy streets. But nowa­days we can't have the chance to watch them. We used to feel happy and sat­is­fied as kids, but when we grow up and be­come ma­ture, the feel­ing turn out to be weaker. But i still have a deep im­pres­sion on the Spring Fes­ti­val, and i will pass it on to the next gen­er­a­tion. Be­cause it will re­mind me that i'm a chi­nese all the time.

posted @ 2019-11-21 14:44  海滨擎蟹  阅读(191)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报