
    死不是生的对立面,而是作为生的一部分永存!             --《挪威的森林》村上春树

    如果你爱上了一朵生长在一颗星星上的花,那么夜间你看着天空就感到甜蜜愉快。所有的星星上都好象开着花。             --《小王子》

New words 2007/04/01

the man that a woman is ENGAGED to (= has officially agreed to marry): Linda and her fiance were there.
the woman that a man is ENGAGED to (= has officially agreed to marry): Paul and his fiancee were there.
the daughter of your brother or sister; the daughter of your husband's or wife's brother or sister
Compare: NEPHEW
upset  [ʌp'set]
a.  弄翻的, 混乱的, 心烦的
vt.  弄翻, 颠覆, 推翻, 打乱, 使不适, 使心烦
vi.  翻倒
[化] 顶锻; 镦锻
deposit  [di'pɒzit]
n.  存款, 定金, 堆积物
vt.  存放, 堆积
vi.  沉淀
[化] 沉积物; 污垢沉积物; 结垢
[医] 沉积物, 沉淀[物], 沉着物, 沉积, 沉着
[经] 存款, 保证金, 押柜
a simple drawing using lines to explain where sth is, how sth works, etc: a diagram of the wiring system ◆ The results are shown in diagram 2.
diagrammatic adjective
diagrammatically adverb
(slang, especially AmE) a man: He's a real cool dude. ◆ Hey, dude, what's up?
noun, verb
 a tool with a long handle and a broad blade with curved edges, used for moving earth, snow, sand, etc: workmen with picks and shovels
Compare: SPADE
 the part of a large machine or vehicle that digs or moves earth
 verb (-ll-, AmE -l-) [VN] to lift and move earth, stones, coal, etc. with a shovel: A gang of workmen were shovelling rubble onto a truck. ◆ They went out in freezing conditions to shovel snow. ◆ (AmE) to shovel the sidewalk / driveway (= to remove snow) ◆ (figurative) He sat at the table, shovelling food into his mouth.
(AmE also kink)
[usually sing.] a sudden painful stiff feeling in the muscles of your neck or back: He got a crick in the neck from sleeping in an awkward position.
crick verb: [VN] I suffered a cricked neck during a game of tennis.
verb, noun
to make sth white or pale by a chemical process or by the effect of sunlight; to become white or pale in this way: [VN] His hair was bleached by the sun. ◆ bleached cotton / paper ◆ [VN-ADJ] She bleached her hair blonde. ◆ [V] bones of animals bleaching in the sun
 noun [U, C] a chemical that is used to make sth become white or pale and as a DISINFECTANT (= to prevent infection from spreading)

posted on 2007-04-02 01:15  Boler Guo  阅读(247)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
