codeing or artist ?
记得大学第一节编程课,教授说,"如果一件事儿有对错,那么是科学。如果有美丑好坏,那么是艺术。" 一个能顺利运行还能让人阅读时体验思维美妙的代码,就是艺术和科学的结合。能运行的程序并不是好程序,能当作文章来读的才是。在我看来代码是一种特殊的文体,程序猿其实会写诗。


if (!Array.prototype.some){
  Array.prototype.some = function(fun /*, thisArg */)  {
    'use strict';
    if (this === void 0 || this === null)
      throw new TypeError();

    var t = Object(this);
    var len = t.length >>> 0;
    if (typeof fun !== 'function')
      throw new TypeError();

    var thisArg = arguments.length >= 2 ? arguments[1] : void 0;
    for (var i = 0; i < len; i++)
      if (i in t &&, t[i], i, t))
        return true;

    return false;



if (!Array.prototype.every)
  Array.prototype.every = function(fun /*, thisArg */)
    'use strict';

    if (this === void 0 || this === null)
      throw new TypeError();

    var t = Object(this);
    var len = t.length >>> 0;
    if (typeof fun !== 'function')
        throw new TypeError();

    var thisArg = arguments.length >= 2 ? arguments[1] : void 0;
    for (var i = 0; i < len; i++)
      if (i in t && !, t[i], i, t))
        return false;

    return true;



// Production steps of ECMA-262, Edition 5,
// Reference:
if (! { = function(callback, thisArg) {

    var T, A, k;

    if (this == null) {
      throw new TypeError(' this is null or not defined');

    // 1. Let O be the result of calling ToObject passing the |this| 
    //    value as the argument.
    var O = Object(this);

    // 2. Let lenValue be the result of calling the Get internal 
    //    method of O with the argument "length".
    // 3. Let len be ToUint32(lenValue).
    var len = O.length >>> 0;

    // 4. If IsCallable(callback) is false, throw a TypeError exception.
    // See:
    if (typeof callback !== 'function') {
      throw new TypeError(callback + ' is not a function');

    // 5. If thisArg was supplied, let T be thisArg; else let T be undefined.
    if (arguments.length > 1) {
      T = thisArg;

    // 6. Let A be a new array created as if by the expression new Array(len) 
    //    where Array is the standard built-in constructor with that name and 
    //    len is the value of len.
    A = new Array(len);

    // 7. Let k be 0
    k = 0;

    // 8. Repeat, while k < len
    while (k < len) {

      var kValue, mappedValue;

      // a. Let Pk be ToString(k).
      //   This is implicit for LHS operands of the in operator
      // b. Let kPresent be the result of calling the HasProperty internal 
      //    method of O with argument Pk.
      //   This step can be combined with c
      // c. If kPresent is true, then
      if (k in O) {

        // i. Let kValue be the result of calling the Get internal 
        //    method of O with argument Pk.
        kValue = O[k];

        // ii. Let mappedValue be the result of calling the Call internal 
        //     method of callback with T as the this value and argument 
        //     list containing kValue, k, and O.
        mappedValue =, kValue, k, O);

        // iii. Call the DefineOwnProperty internal method of A with arguments
        // Pk, Property Descriptor
        // { Value: mappedValue,
        //   Writable: true,
        //   Enumerable: true,
        //   Configurable: true },
        // and false.

        // In browsers that support Object.defineProperty, use the following:
        // Object.defineProperty(A, k, {
        //   value: mappedValue,
        //   writable: true,
        //   enumerable: true,
        //   configurable: true
        // });

        // For best browser support, use the following:
        A[k] = mappedValue;
      // d. Increase k by 1.

    // 9. return A
    return A;



if (!Array.prototype.filter){
    Array.prototype.filter = function(fun /*, thisArg */){
        "use strict";
        if (this === void 0 || this === null)
            throw new TypeError();
        var t = Object(this);
        var len = t.length >>> 0;
        if (typeof fun !== "function")
            throw new TypeError();
        var res = [];
        var thisArg = arguments.length >= 2 ? arguments[1] : void 0;
        for (var i = 0; i < len; i++){
            if (i in t){
                var val = t[i];
                if (, val, i, t))
        return res;



    Array.prototype.indexOf = function(obj){              
        for(var i=0; i<this.length; i++){
                return i;
        return -1;



// Production steps of ECMA-262, Edition 5,
// Reference:
if (!Array.prototype.forEach) {  
    Array.prototype.forEach = function(fun /*, thisp*/){  
        var len = this.length;  
        if (typeof fun != "function")  
            throw new TypeError();  
        var thisp = arguments[1];  
        for (var i = 0; i < len; i++){  
            if (i in this)  
      , this[i], i, this);  


posted on 2016-09-07 14:14  codeing-or-artist-??  阅读(525)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报