
stat概率论数理统计计算器2023Probability theory mathematical statistics calculator 2023

2022-08-16 15:58  软件商  阅读(462)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报


Probability theory mathematical statistics calculator 2023



2023 Edition update Record:




1.Bilingual interface in Chinese and English.



2. A, B two steamers drive onto a wharf that can't anchor 2 ships in the meantime.Their T hour inside arrive of time be that etc. is possible.If the A ship anchor of time be a TA hour, B ship of touch and go time be a TB hour, beg them any an all don't need to wait for wharf to vacate of all how much be the rate ?




3.A certain animal lives from the birth 20-year-old is ANUM, 25-year-old is BNUM,all how much berate's asking 20-year-old this kind of animal to live CNUM all a rate for the animal?




4.Have the discard of AA the article rate in the product, there is BB piece in 100 qualifiedarticles one etc. article, beg in the product to allow to take 1 is one etc. article of all




5.AB 2 classes totally have a classmate, among them female classmate G, establish an A class to have a classmate, among them girl G1.At the right moment run into a girl all a rate while run

into a classmate.
