
Dynamics CRM - CrmOutlookService

2014-03-28 14:27  @GB  阅读(246)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
public property IsCrmClientLoaded Gets a value that indicates whether CRM for Outlook is loaded by Microsoft Office Outlook.
public property IsCrmClientOffline Gets a value that indicates whether Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Microsoft Office Outlook with Offline Access is offline.
public property IsCrmDesktopClient Gets a value that indicates whether CRM for Outlook is installed. This version has no offline access.
public property ServerUri Gets the server URI to use to connect to the Microsoft Dynamics CRM server based on the state of CRM for Outlook.
public property State Gets the state of Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Microsoft Office Outlook with Offline Access.



true: CRM for Outlook必须已经配置,并且Outlook已打开.



CRM for Outlook必须已经安装和配置,否则会抛出异常;即使已经安装了,但还没有配置,也会抛出异常,获取不到值。



只要offline成功,CRM for Outlook和outlook是否打开,其值都为true.