Last post I have mentioned that the more diversity of people you meet, the more new views you may get. We do live in one campus, but we are isolated physically and artificially. Physically, about eight students live in one dormitory years ago, but now modern dormitory usually contains four students, which results from economics’ development and people’s more appeal for personal freedom space. Artificially, students are divided by groups of colleges, then departments, then classes, which provides convenience for management. The negative effect of these two factors causes loss of partial opportunity to communicate with others. So it is a big revolution when Fudan University decides to divide all freshmen to just two groups: science and arts colleges. Philewar has a deeper thinking on it.(1,2)

Students are the most invaluable treasure of university. They are distributed in many platforms, for example, kinds of college associations, bulletin board on internet, elective course classrooms, even mess halls. Finally we can find someone with common interests and topic intersections. We continue to talk and observe to estimate if they deserve further and deeper communication. At last we form a regular friends circle with different academic background, different character, and different philosophy. They help us to confirm ideals, correct mistakes, bring happiness, smooth away sadness. Of course, we do same things reversely.

We people are strong because of our group-living style. If life is compared to a project, we do need others to help us to finish it. On your way, you are not lonely.

To be continued...

Posted on 2005-09-13 00:30  Frankel  阅读(1210)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报