在线编辑图片 (含完整源码)



1 效果图

点击 “Edit Photo” 按钮, 查看效果图





2 实现



<html xmlns="">
<head runat="server">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
   <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script type='text/javascript'>        
        var featherEditor = new Aviary.Feather({
            apiKey: '',//apikey可以免费申请,
            apiVersion: 3,
            theme: 'dark', // Check out our new 'light' and 'dark' themes!
            tools: 'all',//这里设置为all,可以显示所有的工具
            initTool: 'text',//默认展开的工具
            language: 'zh_HANS',//简体中文
            appendTo: '',          
            onSave: function (imageID, newURL) {
                    url: "ashx/CarInfo.ashx?type=DownloadCarPhoto&imgUrl=" + newURL + "&rand=" + Math.random(),
                    success: function (url) {
                        var img = document.getElementById(imageID);
                        img.src = url;
                    error: function () {
            onError: function (errorObj) {
        function launchEditor(id, src) {
                image: id,
                url: src
            return false;
    <form id="form1" runat="server">
   <div id='injection_site'></div>
<img id='image1' src='!!62935302.jpg'/>
<!-- Add an edit button, passing the HTML id of the image and the public URL of the image -->
<p><input type='image' src='' value='Edit photo' onclick="return launchEditor('image1', '!!62935302.jpg');" /></p>


作者:疯吻IT 出处:

3 参数介绍




            tools: 'text,resize',//这里设置为all,可以显示所有的工具;如果只想显示部份工具,可以用逗号分隔


  • enhance: Autocorrect your photo with one of five basic enhancements.

  • effects: Choose from a variety of effects and filters for your photo.

  • frames: Choose from a variety of frames to apply around your photo.

  • overlays: Choose from a variety of overlays to apply over your photo.

  • stickers: Choose from a variety of stickers you can resize and place on your photo.

  • orientation: Rotate and flip your photo in one tool.

  • crop: Crop a portion of your photo. Add presets via API. Fixed-pixel cropPresets perform a resize when applied.

  • resize: Resize the image using width and height number fields.

  • lighting: Adjust the lighting in your photo with this collection of adjustment toools.

  • color: Adjust the color in your photo with this collection of adjustment toools.

  • sharpness: Blur or sharpen the overall image in one tool.

  • focus: Adds a selective linear or radial focus to your photo.

  • vignette: Adds an adjustable vignette to your photo.

  • blemish: Remove skin blemishes with a brush.

  • whiten: Whiten teeth with a brush.

  • redeye: Remove redeye from your photo with a brush.

  • draw: Add doodle overlays with a brush.

  • colorsplash: Use a smart brush to colorize parts of your photo which becomes grayscale otherwise.

  • text: Add custom, resizable text.

  • meme: Turn your photo into a meme with this tool that adds text to the top and bottom of your photo.



            initTool: 'text',//默认展开的工具



            language: 'zh_HANS',//简体中文

默认en 为英语



            onSave: function (imageID, newURL) {



                    url: "ashx/CarInfo.ashx?type=DownloadCarPhoto&imgUrl=" + newURL + "&rand=" + Math.random(),

                    success: function (url) {


                        var img = document.getElementById(imageID);

                        img.src = url;


                    error: function () {






4 官方文档



posted @ 2015-08-18 07:46  疯吻IT  阅读(12942)  评论(12编辑  收藏  举报