





   MemoryContextInit函数用于建立内存上下文子系统,TopMemoryContext和ErrorContext在该函数中初始化。在通常multi-backend操作中,在postmaster启动中调用一次,并不是在所有独立backend启动过程调用。since the backends inherit an already-initialized context subsystem by virtue of being forked off the postmaster。

 1 void MemoryContextInit(void) {
 2     AssertState(TopMemoryContext == NULL);
 4     /*Initialize TopMemoryContext as an AllocSetContext with slow growth rate*/
 5     TopMemoryContext = AllocSetContextCreate((MemoryContext) NULL, "TopMemoryContext", 0, 8 * 1024, 8 * 1024);
 7     /*Not having any other place to point CurrentMemoryContext, make it point to TopMemoryContext. */
 8     CurrentMemoryContext = TopMemoryContext;
10     /*Initialize ErrorContext as an AllocSetContext with slow growth rate --- we don't really expect much to be allocated in it. More to the point, require it to contain at least 8K at all times. */
11     ErrorContext = AllocSetContextCreate(TopMemoryContext, "ErrorContext", 8 * 1024, 8 * 1024,8 * 1024);
12 }



1 void MemoryContextReset(MemoryContext context) {
2     AssertArg(MemoryContextIsValid(context));
3     /* save a function call in common case where there are no children */
4     if (context->firstchild != NULL)
5         MemoryContextResetChildren(context);
6     (*context->methods->reset) (context);
7 }


1 void MemoryContextResetChildren(MemoryContext context) {
2     MemoryContext child;
3     AssertArg(MemoryContextIsValid(context));
4     for (child = context->firstchild; child != NULL; child = child->nextchild)
5         MemoryContextReset(child);
6 }



 1 void MemoryContextDelete(MemoryContext context) {
 2     AssertArg(MemoryContextIsValid(context));
 3     /* We had better not be deleting TopMemoryContext ... */
 4     Assert(context != TopMemoryContext);
 5     /* And not CurrentMemoryContext, either */
 6     Assert(context != CurrentMemoryContext);
 7     MemoryContextDeleteChildren(context);
 8     /*delink the context from its parent before deleting it, so that if there's an error we won't have deleted/busted contexts still attached to the context tree.  Better a leak than a crash.*/
 9     if (context->parent) {
10         MemoryContext parent = context->parent;
11         if (context == parent->firstchild)
12             parent->firstchild = context->nextchild;
13         else {
14             MemoryContext child;
15             for (child = parent->firstchild; child; child = child->nextchild) {
16                 if (context == child->nextchild) {
17                     child->nextchild = context->nextchild;
18                     break;
19                 }
20             }
21         }
22     }
23     (*context->methods->delete) (context);
24     pfree(context);
25 }


1 void MemoryContextDeleteChildren(MemoryContext context) {
2     AssertArg(MemoryContextIsValid(context));
3     /*
4      * MemoryContextDelete will delink the child from me, so just iterate as
5      * long as there is a child.
6      */
7     while (context->firstchild != NULL)
8         MemoryContextDelete(context->firstchild);
9 }


1 void MemoryContextResetAndDeleteChildren(MemoryContext context) {
2     AssertArg(MemoryContextIsValid(context));
3     MemoryContextDeleteChildren(context);
4     (*context->methods->reset) (context);
5 }



 1 Size GetMemoryChunkSpace(void *pointer) {
 2     StandardChunkHeader *header;
 3     /* Try to detect bogus pointers handed to us, poorly though we can. Presumably, a pointer that isn't MAXALIGNED isn't pointing at an allocated chunk.*/
 4     Assert(pointer != NULL);
 5     Assert(pointer == (void *) MAXALIGN(pointer));
 7     /*OK, it's probably safe to look at the chunk header.*/
 8     header = (StandardChunkHeader *)
 9         ((char *) pointer - STANDARDCHUNKHEADERSIZE);
10     AssertArg(MemoryContextIsValid(header->context));
11     return (*header->context->methods->get_chunk_space) (header->context, pointer);
12 }


 1 MemoryContext GetMemoryChunkContext(void *pointer){
 2     StandardChunkHeader *header;
 3     /*Try to detect bogus pointers handed to us, poorly though we can. Presumably, a pointer that isn't MAXALIGNED isn't pointing at an allocated chunk.*/
 4     Assert(pointer != NULL);
 5     Assert(pointer == (void *) MAXALIGN(pointer));
 6     /*OK, it's probably safe to look at the chunk header.*/
 7     header = (StandardChunkHeader *)
 8         ((char *) pointer - STANDARDCHUNKHEADERSIZE);
 9     AssertArg(MemoryContextIsValid(header->context));
10     return header->context;
11 }



1 bool MemoryContextIsEmpty(MemoryContext context) {
2     AssertArg(MemoryContextIsValid(context));
3     /*For now, we consider a memory context nonempty if it has any children; perhaps this should be changed later.*/
4     if (context->firstchild != NULL)
5         return false;
6     /* Otherwise use the type-specific inquiry */
7     return (*context->methods->is_empty) (context);
8 }



1 void MemoryContextStats(MemoryContext context) {
2     MemoryContextStatsInternal(context, 0);
3 }


1 static void MemoryContextStatsInternal(MemoryContext context, int level) {
2     MemoryContext child;
3     AssertArg(MemoryContextIsValid(context));
4     (*context->methods->stats) (context, level);
5     for (child = context->firstchild; child != NULL; child = child->nextchild)
6         MemoryContextStatsInternal(child, level + 1);
7 }



1 void MemoryContextCheck(MemoryContext context) {
2     MemoryContext child;
3     AssertArg(MemoryContextIsValid(context));
4     (*context->methods->check) (context);
5     for (child = context->firstchild; child != NULL; child = child->nextchild)
6         MemoryContextCheck(child);
7 }



 1 bool MemoryContextContains(MemoryContext context, void *pointer) {
 2     StandardChunkHeader *header;
 3     /* Try to detect bogus pointers handed to us, poorly though we can. Presumably, a pointer that isn't MAXALIGNED isn't pointing at an allocated chunk. */
 4     if (pointer == NULL || pointer != (void *) MAXALIGN(pointer))
 5         return false;
 6     /* OK, it's probably safe to look at the chunk header. */
 7     header = (StandardChunkHeader *)
 8         ((char *) pointer - STANDARDCHUNKHEADERSIZE);
 9     /* If the context link doesn't match then we certainly have a non-member chunk.  Also check for a reasonable-looking size as extra guard against being fooled by bogus pointers. */
10     if (header->context == context && AllocSizeIsValid(header->size))
11         return true;
12     return false;
13 }





 1 MemoryContext MemoryContextCreate(NodeTag tag, Size size,
 2                     MemoryContextMethods *methods,
 3                     MemoryContext parent,
 4                     const char *name) {
 5     MemoryContext node;
 6     Size        needed = size + strlen(name) + 1;
 7     /* Get space for node and name */
 8     if (TopMemoryContext != NULL) {
 9         /* Normal case: allocate the node in TopMemoryContext */
10         node = (MemoryContext) MemoryContextAlloc(TopMemoryContext,
11                                                   needed);
12     } else {
13         /* Special case for startup: use good ol' malloc */
14         node = (MemoryContext) malloc(needed);
15         Assert(node != NULL);
16     }
17     /* Initialize the node as best we can */
18     MemSet(node, 0, size);
19     node->type = tag;
20     node->methods = methods;
21     node->parent = NULL;        /* for the moment */
22     node->firstchild = NULL;
23     node->nextchild = NULL;
24     node->name = ((char *) node) + size;
25     strcpy(node->name, name);
26     /* Type-specific routine finishes any other essential initialization */
27     (*node->methods->init) (node);
28     /* OK to link node to parent (if any) */
29     if (parent) {
30         node->parent = parent;
31         node->nextchild = parent->firstchild;
32         parent->firstchild = node;
33     }
34     /* Return to type-specific creation routine to finish up */
35     return node;
36 }




1 void * MemoryContextAlloc(MemoryContext context, Size size) {
2     AssertArg(MemoryContextIsValid(context));
3     if (!AllocSizeIsValid(size))
4         elog(ERROR, "invalid memory alloc request size %lu",
5              (unsigned long) size);
6     return (*context->methods->alloc) (context, size);
7 }


 1 void * MemoryContextAllocZero(MemoryContext context, Size size) {
 2     void       *ret;
 3     AssertArg(MemoryContextIsValid(context));
 4     if (!AllocSizeIsValid(size))
 5         elog(ERROR, "invalid memory alloc request size %lu",
 6              (unsigned long) size);
 7     ret = (*context->methods->alloc) (context, size);
 8     MemSetAligned(ret, 0, size);
 9     return ret;
10 }


 1 void * MemoryContextAllocZeroAligned(MemoryContext context, Size size) {
 2     void       *ret;
 3     AssertArg(MemoryContextIsValid(context));
 4     if (!AllocSizeIsValid(size))
 5         elog(ERROR, "invalid memory alloc request size %lu",
 6              (unsigned long) size);
 7     ret = (*context->methods->alloc) (context, size);
 8     MemSetLoop(ret, 0, size);
 9     return ret;
10 }



1 MemoryContext MemoryContextSwitchTo(MemoryContext context)
2 {
3     MemoryContext old;
4     AssertArg(MemoryContextIsValid(context));
5     old = CurrentMemoryContext;
6     CurrentMemoryContext = context;
7     return old;
8 }



1 char * MemoryContextStrdup(MemoryContext context, const char *string) {
2     char       *nstr;
3     Size        len = strlen(string) + 1;
4     nstr = (char *) MemoryContextAlloc(context, len);
5     memcpy(nstr, string, len);
6     return nstr;
7 }



 1 void pfree(void *pointer) {
 2     StandardChunkHeader *header;
 3     /* Try to detect bogus pointers handed to us, poorly though we can. Presumably, a pointer that isn't MAXALIGNED isn't pointing at an allocated chunk. */
 4     Assert(pointer != NULL);
 5     Assert(pointer == (void *) MAXALIGN(pointer));
 6     /* OK, it's probably safe to look at the chunk header. */
 7     header = (StandardChunkHeader *)
 8         ((char *) pointer - STANDARDCHUNKHEADERSIZE);
 9     AssertArg(MemoryContextIsValid(header->context));
10     (*header->context->methods->free_p) (header->context, pointer);
11 }


 1 void * repalloc(void *pointer, Size size) {
 2     StandardChunkHeader *header;
 3     /*Try to detect bogus pointers handed to us, poorly though we can. Presumably, a pointer that isn't MAXALIGNED isn't pointing at an allocated chunk. */
 4     Assert(pointer != NULL);
 5     Assert(pointer == (void *) MAXALIGN(pointer));
 6     /* OK, it's probably safe to look at the chunk header. */
 7     header = (StandardChunkHeader *)
 8         ((char *) pointer - STANDARDCHUNKHEADERSIZE);
 9     AssertArg(MemoryContextIsValid(header->context));
10     if (!AllocSizeIsValid(size))
11         elog(ERROR, "invalid memory alloc request size %lu",
12              (unsigned long) size);
13     return (*header->context->methods->realloc) (header->context, pointer, size);
14 }


1 char * pnstrdup(const char *in, Size len)
2 {
3     char       *out = palloc(len + 1);
4     memcpy(out, in, len);
5     out[len] = '\0';
6     return out;
7 }


为Win32上的libpgport提供内存支持。Win32 can't load a library that PGDLLIMPORTs a variable if the link object files also PGDLLIMPORT the same variable.For this reason, libpgport can't reference CurrentMemoryContext in the palloc macro calls.

void * pgport_palloc(Size sz){
    return palloc(sz);
char * pgport_pstrdup(const char *str){
    return pstrdup(str);
/* Doesn't reference a PGDLLIMPORT variable, but here for completeness. */
void pgport_pfree(void *pointer) {






posted @ 2020-11-30 13:08  肥叔菌  阅读(2593)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报