

1 /* Top level PG_VERSION is checked by bootstrapper, so make it first */
2 set_short_version(short_version, NULL);
3 /* Select suitable configuration settings */
4 set_null_conf();
5 test_config_settings();
6 /* Now create all the text config files */
7 setup_config();

  向数据目录中输出PG_VERSION文件,如果extrapath不为NULL,则将其写入数据目录的子目录。通过fprintf(version_file, "%s\n", short_version)向PG_VERSION文件中输出short_versioin。

 1 static void set_short_version(char *short_version, char *extrapath) {
 2     FILE       *version_file;
 3     char       *path;
 4     if (extrapath == NULL) {
 5         path = pg_malloc(strlen(pg_data) + 12);
 6         sprintf(path, "%s/PG_VERSION", pg_data);
 7     } else {
 8         path = pg_malloc(strlen(pg_data) + strlen(extrapath) + 13);
 9         sprintf(path, "%s/%s/PG_VERSION", pg_data, extrapath);
10     }
11     version_file = fopen(path, PG_BINARY_W);
12     if (version_file == NULL) {
13         fprintf(stderr, _("%s: could not open file \"%s\" for writing: %s\n"), progname, path, strerror(errno));
14         exit_nicely();
15     }
16     if (fprintf(version_file, "%s\n", short_version) < 0 || fclose(version_file)) {
17         fprintf(stderr, _("%s: could not write file \"%s\": %s\n"), progname, path, strerror(errno));
18         exit_nicely();
19     }
20     free(path);
21 }



 1 static void set_null_conf(void) {
 2     FILE       *conf_file;
 3     char       *path;
 4     path = pg_malloc(strlen(pg_data) + 17);
 5     sprintf(path, "%s/postgresql.conf", pg_data);
 6     conf_file = fopen(path, PG_BINARY_W);
 7     if (conf_file == NULL) {
 8         fprintf(stderr, _("%s: could not open file \"%s\" for writing: %s\n"), progname, path, strerror(errno));
 9         exit_nicely();
10     }
11     if (fclose(conf_file)) {
12         fprintf(stderr, _("%s: could not write file \"%s\": %s\n"), progname, path, strerror(errno));
13         exit_nicely();
14     }
15     free(path);
16 }

  test_config_setting函数测试服务器所能提供的指定配置设置。先探测max_connections最大连接数,在探测共享缓冲大小。测试服务器连接使用的命令:"backend_exec" --boot -x0 boot_options -c max_connenctions=test_conns -c shared_buffers=test_buffers < "DEVNULL" > "DEVNULL" 2>&1。测试服务器共享缓冲区大小命令:backend_exec" --boot -x0 boot_options -c max_connenctions=n_connections -c shared_buffers=test_buffers < "DEVNULL" > "DEVNULL" 2>&1。

 1 static void test_config_settings(void) {
 2     /* This macro defines the minimum shared_buffers we want for a given max_connections value. The arrays show the settings to try. */
 3 #define MIN_BUFS_FOR_CONNS(nconns)    ((nconns) * 10)
 4     static const int trial_conns[] = {100, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10};
 5     static const int trial_bufs[] = {
 6         4096, 3584, 3072, 2560, 2048, 1536,
 7         1000, 900, 800, 700, 600, 500,
 8         400, 300, 200, 100, 50
 9     };
11     char        cmd[MAXPGPATH];
12     const int    connslen = sizeof(trial_conns) / sizeof(int);
13     const int    bufslen = sizeof(trial_bufs) / sizeof(int);
14     int            i,status,test_conns,test_buffs,ok_buffers = 0;
16     printf(_("selecting default max_connections ... "));
17     fflush(stdout);
19     for (i = 0; i < connslen; i++){
20         test_conns = trial_conns[i];
21         test_buffs = MIN_BUFS_FOR_CONNS(test_conns);
22         snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), SYSTEMQUOTE "\"%s\" --boot -x0 %s " "-c max_connections=%d " "-c shared_buffers=%d " "< \"%s\" > \"%s\" 2>&1" SYSTEMQUOTE, backend_exec, boot_options, test_conns, test_buffs, DEVNULL, DEVNULL);
23         status = system(cmd);
24         if (status == 0){
25             ok_buffers = test_buffs;
26             break;
27         }
28     }
29     if (i >= connslen)
30         i = connslen - 1;
31     n_connections = trial_conns[i];
32     printf("%d\n", n_connections);
33     printf(_("selecting default shared_buffers ... "));
34     fflush(stdout);
35     for (i = 0; i < bufslen; i++){
36         /* Use same amount of memory, independent of BLCKSZ */
37         test_buffs = (trial_bufs[i] * 8192) / BLCKSZ;
38         if (test_buffs <= ok_buffers){
39             test_buffs = ok_buffers;
40             break;
41         }
42         snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), SYSTEMQUOTE "\"%s\" --boot -x0 %s " "-c max_connections=%d " "-c shared_buffers=%d " "< \"%s\" > \"%s\" 2>&1" SYSTEMQUOTE, backend_exec, boot_options, n_connections, test_buffs, DEVNULL, DEVNULL);
43         status = system(cmd);
44         if (status == 0)
45             break;
46     }
47     n_buffers = test_buffs;
48     if ((n_buffers * (BLCKSZ / 1024)) % 1024 == 0)
49         printf("%dMB\n", (n_buffers * (BLCKSZ / 1024)) / 1024);
50     else
51         printf("%dkB\n", n_buffers * (BLCKSZ / 1024));
52 }


  1 static void setup_config(void) {
  2     char      **conflines;
  3     char        repltok[100];
  4     char        path[MAXPGPATH];
  5     fputs(_("creating configuration files ... "), stdout);
  6     fflush(stdout);
  7     /* postgresql.conf */
  8     conflines = readfile(conf_file);
  9     snprintf(repltok, sizeof(repltok), "max_connections = %d", n_connections);
 10     conflines = replace_token(conflines, "#max_connections = 100", repltok);
 11     if ((n_buffers * (BLCKSZ / 1024)) % 1024 == 0)
 12         snprintf(repltok, sizeof(repltok), "shared_buffers = %dMB", (n_buffers * (BLCKSZ / 1024)) / 1024);
 13     else
 14         snprintf(repltok, sizeof(repltok), "shared_buffers = %dkB", n_buffers * (BLCKSZ / 1024));
 15     conflines = replace_token(conflines, "#shared_buffers = 32MB", repltok);
 16 #if DEF_PGPORT != 5432
 17     snprintf(repltok, sizeof(repltok), "#port = %d", DEF_PGPORT);
 18     conflines = replace_token(conflines, "#port = 5432", repltok);
 19 #endif
 20     snprintf(repltok, sizeof(repltok), "lc_messages = '%s'", escape_quotes(lc_messages));
 21     conflines = replace_token(conflines, "#lc_messages = 'C'", repltok);
 22     snprintf(repltok, sizeof(repltok), "lc_monetary = '%s'",escape_quotes(lc_monetary));
 23     conflines = replace_token(conflines, "#lc_monetary = 'C'", repltok);
 24     snprintf(repltok, sizeof(repltok), "lc_numeric = '%s'",escape_quotes(lc_numeric));
 25     conflines = replace_token(conflines, "#lc_numeric = 'C'", repltok);
 26     snprintf(repltok, sizeof(repltok), "lc_time = '%s'", escape_quotes(lc_time));
 27     conflines = replace_token(conflines, "#lc_time = 'C'", repltok);
 29     switch (locale_date_order(lc_time)){
 30         case DATEORDER_YMD:
 31             strcpy(repltok, "datestyle = 'iso, ymd'");
 32             break;
 33         case DATEORDER_DMY:
 34             strcpy(repltok, "datestyle = 'iso, dmy'");
 35             break;
 36         case DATEORDER_MDY:
 37         default:
 38             strcpy(repltok, "datestyle = 'iso, mdy'");
 39             break;
 40     }
 41     conflines = replace_token(conflines, "#datestyle = 'iso, mdy'", repltok);
 43     snprintf(repltok, sizeof(repltok),"default_text_search_config = 'pg_catalog.%s'",escape_quotes(default_text_search_config));
 44     conflines = replace_token(conflines, "#default_text_search_config = 'pg_catalog.simple'", repltok);
 45     snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/postgresql.conf", pg_data);
 47     writefile(path, conflines);
 48     chmod(path, 0600);
 49     free(conflines);
 51     /* pg_hba.conf */
 52     conflines = readfile(hba_file);
 54     conflines = filter_lines_with_token(conflines, "@remove-line-for-nolocal@");
 55 #else
 56     conflines = replace_token(conflines, "@remove-line-for-nolocal@", "");
 57 #endif
 58 #ifdef HAVE_IPV6
 59     /* Probe to see if there is really any platform support for IPv6, and comment out the relevant pg_hba line if not.  This avoids runtime warnings if getaddrinfo doesn't actually cope with IPv6.  Particularly useful on Windows, where executables built on a machine with IPv6 may have to run on a machine without. */
 60     {
 61         struct addrinfo *gai_result;
 62         struct addrinfo hints;
 63         int            err = 0;
 64 #ifdef WIN32
 65         /* need to call WSAStartup before calling getaddrinfo */
 66         WSADATA        wsaData;
 67         err = WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsaData);
 68 #endif
 69         /* for best results, this code should match parse_hba() */
 70         hints.ai_flags = AI_NUMERICHOST;
 71         hints.ai_family = PF_UNSPEC;
 72         hints.ai_socktype = 0;
 73         hints.ai_protocol = 0;
 74         hints.ai_addrlen = 0;
 75         hints.ai_canonname = NULL;
 76         hints.ai_addr = NULL;
 77         hints.ai_next = NULL;
 78         if (err != 0 ||
 79             getaddrinfo("::1", NULL, &hints, &gai_result) != 0)
 80             conflines = replace_token(conflines,
 81                                       "host    all         all         ::1",
 82                                       "#host    all         all         ::1");
 83     }
 84 #else                            /* !HAVE_IPV6 */
 85     /* If we didn't compile IPV6 support at all, always comment it out */
 86     conflines = replace_token(conflines,
 87                               "host    all         all         ::1",
 88                               "#host    all         all         ::1");
 89 #endif   /* HAVE_IPV6 */
 91     /* Replace default authentication methods */
 92     conflines = replace_token(conflines, "@authmethod@",  authmethod);
 94     conflines = replace_token(conflines,"@authcomment@",strcmp(authmethod, "trust") ? "" : AUTHTRUST_WARNING);
 95     snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/pg_hba.conf", pg_data);
 96     writefile(path, conflines);
 97     chmod(path, 0600);
 98     free(conflines);
100     /* pg_ident.conf */
101     conflines = readfile(ident_file);
102     snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/pg_ident.conf", pg_data);
103     writefile(path, conflines);
104     chmod(path, 0600);
105     free(conflines);
106     check_ok();
107 }


posted @ 2020-12-25 13:03  肥叔菌  阅读(650)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报