Line Chart Color (Series Color / Style of RDLC/RDL report)

My line chart displays all lines in a single color (the series color). I'd like a single color per item in the series just like the bar chart. Is there a way to change this? Or is the only differentiation the markers?


i am trying to do the same thing too.
i was able to  for a 100% stacked column chart, using multiple data values, and still specify a color for each value in the stacked column chart (3 of them in my case).
however for my current line chart with only 1 data value, the default colors are automatic according to a color scheme, but i want to be able to define the colors. i was thinking of the following methods using coding under the chart properties -› data -› values (double click the value item) -› edit chart value -› appearance -› series style -› border and line -› color -› ƒx
(refer to code snippet)
and the color will be hardcoded to the value string of the data. alternative you can put it as a database column. these are just my ideas. would be great if someone out there has a better solution ... always open to learn.

        Fields!DATA_COLUMN.Value = "Type 1", "Green",
            Fields!DATA_COLUMN.Value = "Type 2", "Red",
                Fields!DATA_COLUMN.Value = "Type 3", "Brown", "Black"


posted @ 2009-08-31 16:02  emanlee  阅读(1000)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报